
Routen in The Top Deck

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Zeigt alle 14 Routen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Beliebtheit
20 Roaring Forties

Start at series of flakes and cracks, up and left to the ledge the up arete to top.

Erstbegehung: Chris A

Sport 25m, 10
21 The Nautilus

Start underneath small cave, traverse left 2m, big move straight up then trend right to the cave (good rest) and straight up to anchors to straight up.

Erstbegehung: Chris A

Sport 25m, 10
23 Bar with a view

Follow the thin crack system up to a knee bar and take in the view. Proceed to a delicate final crux before the anchor.

After multiple attempts on this, Hunter Cole had a crack and after a courtesy take at the first bolt proceeded to flash the route. I let him name the route as it was only fair.

The route is still awaiting a trad ascent.

Erstbegehung: steve willson & Hunter Cole

Sport 20m
20 Captain Nemo

Up the orange arete.

Erstbegehung: Chris A

Sport 15m, 7
22 Orange Betty

Start 2m right of Captain Nemo arete on the great orange rock. Technical and varied. Thin start, move right to closed corner . Up until easier to the anchors.

Erstbegehung: Rod Young, 2020

Sport 15m, 7
21 Deadman's Chest

Up the seam to the anchors

Erstbegehung: Jesse Windle

Sport 15m, 7
18 Moore or Less Alright

Follow the corner crack up and then move left onto the face straight up to the lower offs.

21 Maybe I'm amazed

Stuck clip bolt and traverse in from the right on edges. Make your way up the arete. Rest in cave and tickle your way up the finger crack to lower offs.

Gemischt trad 12m, 1
Die Unterstützung von theCrag ist nicht nur gut für dein Karma
Außerdem erhalten Sie damit Zugang zu großartigen Vorteilen auf theCrag und darüber hinaus.
22 Call of Kthulhu

Up the seam to jugs and the cave then blast up the awesome headwall.

Erstbegehung: Chris A

Sport 20m, 10
18 Borderline

The narrow corner. Up corner, trend up right steeply to ledge then around the roof and head left to the anchors.

Erstbegehung: Rod Young, 2020

Sport 15m, 7
22 Esoteric order of Dagon

Head up the corner to the top of the block then up the vague arete to the anchors

Erstbegehung: Chris A

Sport 20m, 10
Project Chris

Up the orange wall to the roof, out the roof and up headwall to anchors.

SportProjekt 18m, 8
16 Apprehension

Straight up the crack to Lower-offs

Erstbegehung: Kezzadawg

Traditionell 20m
16 Pirates & Plunders

Up the crack and up through the suprisingly solid honeycomb rock to anchors at the top of the wall. A great photo op route.

Erstbegehung: Jesse Pawlowski, 2020

Sport 25m, 8

Zeigt alle 14 Routen.

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