
Routen in Shannon Springs Wall

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Zeigt alle 13 Routen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Beliebtheit
5.8 Left The Nest

Climb well protected cracks to a bolted slab.

Erstbegehung: Nick McNutt, 2020

Traditionell 18m
Die Unterstützung von theCrag ist nicht nur gut für dein Karma
Außerdem erhalten Sie damit Zugang zu großartigen Vorteilen auf theCrag und darüber hinaus.
5.9 Mantelpiece

Bolted line right of Left The Nest.

Erstbegehung: Nick McNutt, 2020

Sport 20m
5.10a Mental Peace

After the bolt-protected crux, follow small cracks to finish on the last 3 bolts of Mentalpiece.

Erstbegehung: Nick McNutt, 2020

Traditionell 20m
5.6 Call Sign

The easy handcrack that starts a few meters up the wall.

Traditionell 22m
5.9 Morse Code

A line of broken cracks to the right of Call Sign.

Traditionell 28m
5.10a Arctic Outflow

A small cam protects the opening moves, with leads into two bolts, and more broken cracks and slab above. To the right of Morse Code.

Traditionell 28m
5.5 Windstorm

The obvious easy groove that runs up the middle of the crag.

Traditionell 25m
5.10c Polar Vortex

Erstbegehung: Nick McNutt, 2020

Sport 28m
5.10b Mono Mystery

Erstbegehung: Nick McNutt, 2020

Traditionell 28m
5.9 Of Quartz it Goes

Start just left of the seeping rock, on the right side of the crag. Low first bolt marks the route.

Traditionell 28m
5.8 Spring In Your Step

Erstbegehung: Nick McNutt, 2020

Sport 28m
5.10a Troposhpere

Erstbegehung: Nick McNutt, 2020

Traditionell 16m
5.8 Magic Bean Juice

Starts above Of Quartz It Goes. Left-trending crack leads to bolts.

Traditionell 18m

Zeigt alle 13 Routen.

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