
Routen in Tunnel Mountain

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Zeige 1 - 100 von 109 Routen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Beliebtheit
5.8 Gooseberry

Named after a huge gooseberry bush once found in the final pitch chimney, this is a classic multipitch, as much for its location as the quality of the rock. The route does not rely on very much gear, having been bolted fairly liberally over the years.

All belay stations are bolted.

Approach: from the intersection of Tunnel Mountain Road and Drive, walk across the open field to the far right corner. Take the trail down and left towards the left-end of Tunnel Mountain. Contour across until you reach the cliff, go a bit farther, and arrive at the start -- the name is scratched in the rock.

Start at the name scratched in the rock.

  1. 5.4 30m. Climb easy slab right of the corner past some fixed gear to a belay station to the right.

  2. 5.6 40m. Move up and left to a bit of a ramp to a large right-facing corner. Arrive at a treed ledge and bolted belay behind the trees.

  3. 5.8 45m. Start left of the belay, climb up and left to a left-facing corner. Avoid following the bolts out left, or on the slab left of the corner -- but pull into the corner itself where there's a fixed piton. Climb up the corner past some bolts, then up the wall above (more bolts) to a belay to the right.

  4. 5.6 25m. Pull up and left over a small bulge, then up and left to a left-facing corner. Continue up this to a bolted belay on a ledge (there are two, seperated by a few meters and a bolt).

  5. 5.8 50m. Climb up the bolted face, passing excellent chert edges in the second half of the pitch to a bolted anchor -- clip this long, then traverse up and right on the large sloping ledge to another anchor.

  6. 5.7 35m. Move up and left on rough rock to a groove capped by a roof. Go up this to a piton, then branch left following bolts to an anchor on a ledge, once again clip this long then traverse rightwards to the belay.

  7. 5.7 35m. Move left and then do some awkward moves (at a bolt) into the chimney. A few meters up the chimney, follow bolts left on an easy ramp then up over more chert ledges to a chain belay; once again clip and continue up towards the trees, where there is a bolted belay on a big boulder.

Descent: walk up to the tourist trail, then descend it. Walk along the road back to the car.

Erstbegehung: Lloyd MacKay & Ken Baker, 1967

Erschliesser: Lloyd MacKay & Ken Baker, 1967

Traditionell 250m, 7
5.10d Tonka
1 5.9
2 5.10a
3 5.10d
4 5.10a
5 5.9
6 5.10c/d
7 5.9
8 5.10b

Route starts to the right of a little cave about 50m left of Gooseberry. Beware of loose rock. This is a fantastic route with each pitch being better than the last. Bring a lot of quickdraws if you intend to combine pitches.

  1. 30m of 5.9 climbing up a loose-ish corner to a belay.

  2. 20m of 10a trending right through a small corner and bulge to belay.

  3. 25m of solid 10d/11a climbing straight up leads to a ledge. This pitch is well protected and the crux can be aided or French freed if need be.

  4. 30m 10a. Keep left (Gooseberry is on the right) and and follow the bolts on up.

  5. 40m 5.9. Traverse left to a steep roof protected by bolts. There is one fixed piton but no need to clip it. Stem the roof and head up the slab, up and then right past a pair of bolts to the second pair of anchor bolts. There will be one pair of bolts to your left and a chain about 10m to your right.

  6. 30m of hard 10c/d follows the line of bolts up and right. Keep a lookout for small key holds and trust your feet. Pitch ends on a hanging belay on a detached block .

  7. 20m of 5.8 climbing. Step right off the block and follow the bolts up. This pitch is easier than it looks however it is very exposed. Head on up to chains.

  8. 30m 10b. Move left from the chains and blindly traverse past three bolts, making a few burly moves to pull over a bulge. Follow the bolts up through chert bands to chains. Belay your follower further up to gain the hikers trail to the carpark.

Erstbegehung: Joe McKay, 2009

Sport 230m, 8
5.10d River Run
  1. 30 m, 5.10c or 10d

  2. 30 m, 5.10a/b

  3. 30 m, 5.7

  4. 20 m, 5.8

  5. 30m, 5.9

  6. 20m, 5.10b

  7. 30m, 5.10 a/b

  8. 30m, 5.9

  9. 15m, 5.8

Scramble up/walk off for 50m to rejoin Tunnel Mountain Hiking Trail.

Erstbegehung: Chris Perry & Brian Wyvill, Aug 2016

Sport 250m, 9
Personal Pleasure Waves
5.11c Personal Pleasures

Funky short route tucked away by itself, next to the very blank bullet hard scooping wall on a blunt arête. A steep climb with a tufa and great crimps. Sustained climbing for two bolts! Great for grade, if only it was longer.

Erstbegehung: Kelly MacLeod, 1998

Sport 8m, 4
5.10b Lost In Shadows

Obscure location - the wall to the left of Personal Pleasure, good luck finding it. New hardware, great warm Up for the area.

Erstbegehung: kelly mccleoud

Sport 12m, 4
5.10d Winterfell

Further hikers left from Personal Pleasure Wave, is two routes on a Chalky wall above industrial playground. Winterfell is the route climbing left. A balancey slab move gains a a face climb. Another balancey move gains a gaston to crimp to undercling in the "hole" of the wall. Climber constantly climbs to the left of the bolts and a few long draws help.

Erschliesser: Jimmy Blackhall, Sep 2015

Erstbegehung: James Blackhall, Apr 2016

Sport 12m, 6
5.8 Hodor

A fun flake climb to a awkward mantel and finish. Very questionable rock. Has been cleaned loads but still.........blame the pomey, Dav Stevens for deciding to bolt choss. Left of winterfell

Erschliesser: David Stevens, Sep 2015

Erstbegehung: James Blackhall, Sep 2015

Sport 10m, 3
5.9 The Hound

Just below Winterfell and Hodor, is a small slab just directly above Industrial Playground (The Charltan 10.b/c can access it). It can be accessed by Personal pleasure waves or by walking across the goat trail or start of pitch 2 of Funky Town's 10c/d pitch. My personal thinking was to bolt a new 2 pitches above the middle of Industrial Playground thus creating a new multi-pitch, but choss and vegetation ruined my endeavors from Charltans anchors. I have walked from Charltans anchors to The hound, but it isnt enjoyable. Thus these funny short routes are developed as my first bolted routes. Belay can clip in to bolt on wall. The route always climbs to the left of the bolts. A funny crux move between the 1st and 2nd bolt gains a flake to the left. Easy climbing above.

Erste freie Begeh.: Jimmy Blackhall, 2015

Sport 8m, 4
Industrial Playground
5.11b Brace Yourself

Erstbegehung: Unknown

Sport 23m, 7
5.9 Look Mom, No Hands
Sport 17m, 7
5.11d Funky Town
Sport 10
5.10a Norwegian Blue

This short slabby face climb is a great warm up for the area.

Sport 10m, 3
5.11a Pinin for the Fjords

This technical face slab climb has a crux just getting to the first bolt.

Sport 11m, 3
5.11c Offirmo

Following the line of Black hangers, micro-crimp and pinch your way up the delicate solid slab. Once you clip the 2nd bolt you can breathe again. Shares the same anchor as “Pinin’ For The Fjords”. Offirmo is Latin for determination/to hold firm.

Erste freie Begeh.: Jimmy Blackhall, Aug 2018

Sport 11m, 4
5.11b Whistle whistle click click

It’s all in The feet! A great steep slab. If you can make it past the 2nd bolt the rest is in the bag.

Sport 17m, 7
5.11a Steel bananas

Brown hangers over a tiny roof.

Sport 17m
5.10c The Nanny
Sport 20m
5.10b Party Hoppin

Climb the left side of a shallow scoop via edges and sidepulls to a small roof. Vertical climbing gains the anchor.

Sport 20m
5.10b Screamin Toad
Sport 20m
5.9 Lenny
Sport 20m
5.10b Burly

Burly? Sarcasm. Climb over a small roof with great feet. Slabby face climbing leads to another roof with good feet.

Sport 20m
5.10a Digitalised Chaos
Sport 16m
5.10c Rogue wave

Climb through a large white rock scar to a small roof. A short in your face Crux gives way to easier climbing

Sport 19m
5.10c Charlatan
Sport 28m
5.10b Femtograms
Sport 22m, 9
5.10c The Cat Came Back

Start below a small mossy left facing corner. Climb up and through a small corner and finish with some slabby face climbing.

Sport 21m
5.10b Calypso
Sport 22m
5.10c Castilleja
Sport 21m, 8
5.10b Die Laughing

Fun flake climbing down low gains a balancey vertical crux. Trust the feet!

Sport 18m, 7
5.10d Pushin the Envelope

From the top of the moss ledge, slopery steam Crux in your face! Another mini Crux gains the small ledge under the roof. Positive holds on the roof! Enjoy the beauty chert band ontop. Great quality

Erstbegehung: Kelly M

Sport 28m, 11
5.10d Lick the Stamp

Branches out from Pushing the envelope after the mini Crux gaining the small ledge under the roof. Beauty chert band above.

Erstbegehung: Kelly M

Sport 27m, 11
5.10d Rest in Pieces
Sport 29m
5.11a Evanescence

Head for a short left facing corner with a thin crack above it. Technical!

Sport 27m
5.10d The Promised land

Pull the super fun roof, into a intricate technical section. Long climbing on amazing chert band to finish it.

Sport 28m
5.11a The Third degree
Sport 27m
5.11a Chertsicle
5.10b Carry on Runstible
Sport 28m
5.10c Elysian Fields

After climbing over a low roof, enjoy easier climbing moves that end at a high fun slabby Crux.

Sport 24m, 11
5.11a b52
Sport 26m
Funky Town
5.9 Look Mom No Hands

Stiff for grade, probs a better 10.a. Traverse left for three bolts with no feet

Erstbegehung: Kelly MacLeod, 1998

Sport 17m, 7
5.11d Funky Town

Starts right next to "Look Mum no hands". 5.8, 5.10c, 5.11d. Great Quality last pitch. Rap the routes

Erstbegehung: Kelly Macleod, 1998

Sport 3, 23
Wash Area
5.14 Project from the 80's

The rusty hardware leading out of the cave up hill from scoop area. It is landmarked by a white rope hanging from it. Open project set in the 1970-80's and looks to go around 5.13+ 5.14.

5.10c Unnamed B Sport
Scoop Area
5.11a Sweet Nothings

A few positive holds start this pitch before the climbing turns grim.

Sport 13m, 5
5.11a Stranger than Fiction

Climb the left side of a short hanging pillar. Pure friction lies above

Sport 14m, 5
5.10c Stick to what Sport 12m, 4
5.10c Science Friction

Smear up a left facing groove to anchors at the final bolt. Short

Erstbegehung: John martin, 2006

Sport 11m, 5
5.10c Harvest


Erstbegehung: John Martin, 2005

Sport 25m, 10
5.10b Heat

Easy climbing on edges to a cheeky move to the anchor.

Erstbegehung: John martin, 2005

Sport 17m, 6
5.9 Los Pinos

Begin up a left trending ramp and finish straight up on edges with a couple friction moves to keep the climbing interesting.

Sport 26m, 9
5.10a Scoop route

Stiff for grade, closer to 10.b esocially with the run outs. Climb straight up the middle of the scoop on edges, pinches and slopers.

Erstbegehung: Greg Golovach, 1996

Sport 27m, 8
5.10c Slice of Life

Work up the steep, right side to the fifth bolt and trend right onto the face.

Erstbegehung: John martin

Sport 21m, 8
5.10c Strike out

ascend a steep slab on edges just right of the scoop.

Erstbegehung: Greg Golovach, 1996

Sport 24m, 9
5.10d Sweet Spot

Blocky pinches and cool chert edges.

Erstbegehung: john martin, 2005

Sport 22m, 8
5.11a Velocity

This great route has a short lived crux down low that is followed by balancey edge climbing all the way with a couple of mini cruxes.

Erstbegehung: John Martin

Sport 26m, 10
5.11b Deep six

Balancey moves lead to a thin crux and then easier, but still involved climbing. This route is land marked by a small roof at its 5th bolt.

Erstbegehung: John martin

Sport 24m, 10
5.11a Steady as she goes

Balancey and thin

Sport 22m, 9
5.11a High hopes

A low crux is followed by nice climbing and a finial tough section pasta small roof near the top. Sustained

Sport 30m, 15
5.10c A0 Ballista

A fun adventurous route that is super popular in the morning sun. Two pitches include chert rock. Walk off.

• 5.10a, 5.8, 5.10c, 5.10a, 5.10b, 5.9 chert, 5.8 A0 (3 bolt ladder), 5.10a chert

• 206m

Erstbegehung: Chris Perry, 2007

Sport 210m, 8, 13
Gonda Roof
5.7 Dancing Sasquatch

To get to Dancing Sasquatch, park at Surprise Pass corner down from the Banff Centre. Approach as for The Shoe and Gonda Roof area. At the wall, go left for five metres to the route.

Pitch one: Up slab to left-facing corner past a tree. Up another corner and slab to notch past right-facing corner. Move right past bolt 8 and up “staircase” past bolt nine to anchor right of bush. (5.5, 30m)

Pitch two: Left up corner to fun climbing up crack feature. Stay left using big flakes and move right past bolt 6 into right-facing crack to anchor. (5.6, 30m)

Pitch three: Up right following bolts on black chert. The rock is friable. Keep your feet low on the big grey steps and use the black rock for your hands. Well bolted because of the traverse past five bolts then up to bolt six and seven on good holds before the anchor. (5.7, 20m)

Pitch four: Lead/walk up and left along the rising ledge and around to the forest past a short rock step. (3rd class)

Descent: Walk off trail takes you to the road in 200 metres / Gear: 10 quickdraws, one 60-metre rope.

New route as of April 2017. The route required a few days to clean. The first ascent was by Gripped editor Brandon Pullan and Gaby James in April 2017.

Erstbegehung: Brandon Pullan & Gaby James, Apr 2017

Sport 80m, 3, 21
5.6 Gonda Traverse Traditionell 80m, 2
5.6 Le Soulier
1 5.5 25m
2 5.6 25m
3 5.6 20m
4 5.6 20m
Sport 90m
5.9 Lefthand Finish

Alternate Finish to Le Soulier

Sport 35m, 8
5.11d Gonda Roof Sport 10m, 6
5.8 Gonda Direct Traditionell 40m
5.10a The Dirtbag
1 5.6
2 5.8
3 5.10a
4 5.9

Erstbegehung: Alyssa Acchione & Brandon Pullan, 2019

Sport 4, 10
Black Band
5.8 Sliding 29

First route you see. Awkward ledges lead to an easy bulge and some slab climbing.

Sport 25m, 8
5.10a Troglodyte

Obvious moves into a cruxy roof. Finish with some easy climbing.

Sport 22m, 8
5.9 Home Cookin'

An awkward roof into some easy climbing on top.

Sport 25m, 6
5.9 Rocket Surgery

climb a series of whiteoverlaps and finish on cool rock.

Sport 15m, 6
5.10a Welcome to the Jungle

Start with a bunch of underclings and sidepulls to transition into a crimpy finish.

Sport 19m, 8
5.10a Dab Hand

Easy for grade. Enjoy fun climbing on jugs down low, crimps up high and two small roofs.

Sport 23m, 9
5.10a Number one Stirfried

Edge climbing leads to a few small roofs.

Sport 26m, 10
5.10b Walk the Line

Climb up a flakey left facing corner. Crimps on top will cause hesitation before cruising to easier moves that lead to a small roof. A larger roof guards the anchor.

Sport 25m, 9
5.10a The Missing Link

Climb over a left facing flake and finish along the edge of the roofs. Some down-climbing or traversing may be needed if rappelling/lowering off a 60m rope -- tie a knot in the end.

Erstbegehung: John Martin, 2006

Sport 28m
5.9 Farago

Climb up a small, left facing corner and into a small right facing corner above.

Sport 25m, 8
5.10a Who’s afraid of the Black Bear

Goes just left of a tree on the wall -- just goes on a 60m rope, but tie a knot.

Erstbegehung: John Martin, 2006

Sport 31m
5.11a Bear Necessities

This fun route tackles a plumb line up flakes and edges. At he anchors of Who’s Afriad of The Black Bear, get ready to take on the roof.

Sport 33m, 10
5.10a Tunnel Vision

Start at an obvious break and climb easily to a ledge. Technical climbing to a rail and finish straight to the anchors.

Sport 33m, 13
5.8 The Force

Flake climbing down low leads to a big diagonal break at the base of a right facing corner. A healthy spacing of bolts will keep you on your toes. There is a route called Force Full (10b) that starts at the anchors and finishes past the roof.

Erstbegehung: Al Ducros & JP McCormid, 2002

Sport 32m, 8
5.10b Force Full

The extension to the Force, gaining a remarkable position.

Sport 35m
5.10c/d Fifth Business

Hard to tell the grade as it feels the same as it’s neighbour, theres two definite slabby techy moves. Sustained small edges and thin crimps

Sport 35m, 14
5.10c One Brick in the Wall

Sustained edge climbing. Excellent and technical. 2 pitches

Sport 38m, 2, 14
5.10c Saving grace

2 pitches, first pitch is sustained 5.10b/c on edges and crimps. Second pitch is super fun, airy and the same, techy!

Sport 40m, 2, 17
5.8 Dude

An fun little classic for its grade. Climb the juggy flake, transfer to a easy slab move, layback the juggy crack. One of the best for grade in the valley

Sport 20m, 7
5.9 Veisalgia

Start on Dude and branch right at the second bolt.

Sport 17m, 6
5.10a Domino

Begin in front of a large tree and follow a rightward traversing line over some nice cert bands.

Sport 20m, 7
5.10b Clean Slate

Start below a ledge at four meters. Balancy climbing leads to a mid height roof.

Sport 33m, 12
5.10a Pentimento

Fun sustained climbing on excellent rock.

Sport 28m, 10
5.10c Sunburn

Fantastic rock, technical and fun

Sport 30m, 9
5.11c Camino del Sol
1 5.10c
2 5.11c
3 5.9

A 3 pitch route with varied climbing

Sport 3, 11
The Wave
5.11c Point Break

Furthest route on the left. Powerful climbing on small positive holds for the first few bolts to 5fun climbing above.

Erstbegehung: Brandon Pullan, 7 Mai 2023

Sport 15m
5.10a Beach Bum

Big move off the ground to gain cracks. Climb up through some questionable rock using funky holds.

Erstbegehung: Brandon Pullan & Krysten Wiebe, Mai 2023

Sport 18m
5.10c Radical

Start at the shallow right facing corner and traverse up and left, easier above.

Erstbegehung: Brandon Pullan & Krysten Wiebe, Mai 2023

Sport 18m
5.10c Black Pearl

Left most route on the big slab. More interesting than its neighbor.

Erstbegehung: Brandon Pullan & Mich Balto, 18 Jun 2023

Sport 23m
5.11b The Surfer

Slab to big moves into a feature and beautiful incut holds to the top. Might feel harder than 5.11b if you don't have a big reach.

History: After the third bolt is a leeper self drive from the 1970s. It was part of a route called Side Step and was added by Urs Kallen. It went hard right on to the chert and they'd rappel a tree, the big dead one that's been blown over.

Erstbegehung: Brandon Pullan, Mai 2023

Sport 23m, 15
5.11c Surfs Up

The right most route on the slab. Traverse up and left on the slab to the wave. Super fun climbing through the steep section which you wished goes on forever gets you to easier climbing to the top.

Erstbegehung: Brandon Pullan, 19 Mai 2023

Sport 23m
Steep Scoop wall
5.10c Safe Heaven

Next to Ballista to the right is a chossy little cave. This fun route climbs a crack up a overhanging wall.

Sport 11m, 6
5.13+ Taks route

The green rope hanging on the beauty steep shield like wall.

Erschliesser: Tak Abe

5.11d Petes route

This route is full bolted as a Alt line to Safe Haven's anchors utilizing the face below. The Crux is down low Followed by pumpy climbing. Still needs more cleaning on top

SportProjekt 18m, 5

Zeige 1 - 100 von 109 Routen.

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