



Heraion Lake has two beautiful sectors with slabs and vertical limestone walls and easier routes graded from 5a-6c. All routes are equipped with Lappas glue in bolts and are perfect for beginners or recreational climbers who want to combine other lake activities with climbing.


In case of a strong cold north wind, when you don't even want to leave home, Lighthouse sector provides perfect shelter and you can enjoy on the sun and forget about the wind.


Parking for Elephant 🐘 sector: (38.032306, 22.893844).

The approach is less than 5 minutes and the base of the wall is kids friendly. But still, the climbing area is new, and like everywhere in nature, some stones might fall off, so be careful and wear a helmet.

Parking for Lighthouse sector: (38.028813, 22.856549).

From the parking keep walking through the forest on a marked path for around 180m. (If you walk on a path to Agios Nikolaos church you will end up on top of the wall, so makesure you don't go all the way up there )


Grafik zur historischen Entwicklung

Heraion lake is a crag established on the turn between 2021 and 2022, however, the dream was a year younger. I met Klemen Becan on a beach in the Peloponnese and pitched the idea of bolting a beautiful rock in a magical place where I live. A year later he gave me a call from Leonidio and said he had some time off. I managed to bring together a group of friends with local businesses in no time and they all chipped in!

Two beautiful sectors were cleaned, bolted, tested, and climbed within two fun weeks by Klemen, Anja, and little Aron!

One sector is The Elephant with 11 routes and the other is The Lighthouse with 5, rattling from 5+ to 7a..

Both sectors are perfect for winter climbing as the sun is on the rock all day long! Late fall or early spring can also work. The beautiful seawater lagoon is a breath away.

Special thanks to: Ypanema, Taverna Hera, Vassilis Taverna (Grill Bill), The Lake Water Sports Club, LTO, Blue Dream, Lido Beach, Mandas Bay and Prime!

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