



Ogawayama is one of Japan's premier rock climbing areas offering lots of climbing and bouldering in many sectors dispersed in a beautiful valley.


Ogawayama - granite blocks and mountains dispersed over a wide area in a beautiful setting. It offers mostly granite slab climbing, some cracks, some faces and even some roofs. There is plenty for boulderes and climbers of all abilities. Some of the sectors are not that easy to find and might also require the crossing of small rivers - we at theCrag try to help you with our maps to locate what you want to find. Most climbs are single pitch but there are also some multi-pitch routes. You can find sectors with all orientations, so there is something to climb most of the time. Be aware that the camp is at about 1600m above sea level and that it can get really cold from mid October to May. The best season is definitely from July to mid October.


Einschränk. übernommen von Japan

Some spots have access issues as many spots near crowded places elsewhere. So please ensure you follow the recommendations of local climbers and behave responsibly.


You can drive your car up to the camp-site. There is also a parking a little further down that belongs to the village and is free of charge.


There is a large camp ground with good facilities, including laundry. You can also rent simple rooms there and get lunch.

Ethik übernommen von Japan

There`s not a lot of information about climbing in Japan in English. Much of the information is only available in Japanese - or of course here on theCrag!

The Japan Free Climbing Association (http://freeclimb.jp/seibi/seibi.htm) is a good point of contact and there is a set of 5 guidebooks (all in Japanese) and an alpine guide book in English available covering all of Japan and its thousands of sport and trad routes and boulders.




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Di 13 Jun
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