

MIyake Free Climbing Club has online photo topos and route descriptions (in Japanese).



"Cafe 691" and "Snapper" both have rental gear (Shoes, chalf and matts) available.



Chofu (9:15) - Miyakejima (10:05)

Chofu (11:10) - Miyakejima 12:00

Chofu (14:40) - Miyakejima (15:30)

Miyakejima (10:30) - Chofu (11:20)

Miyakejima (12:30) - Chofu (13:20)


Overnight Ferry (Booking Reqiured):

Takeshiba pier (Tokyo) (22:20) - Miyakejima (5:00)

Miyakejima (14:20) - Takeshiba pier (Tokyo) (20:30)

Ethik übernommen von Japan

There`s not a lot of information about climbing in Japan in English. Much of the information is only available in Japanese - or of course here on theCrag!

The Japan Free Climbing Association (http://freeclimb.jp/seibi/seibi.htm) is a good point of contact and there is a set of 5 guidebooks (all in Japanese) and an alpine guide book in English available covering all of Japan and its thousands of sport and trad routes and boulders.



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Fr 30 Jun
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