
Zugang: Beware the small planted trees

The ground owner has planted small trees at the base of the wall. Be very careful not to damage these or the crag might bet closed.

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Erstellt vor ungefähr zwei Jahren




The main wall of Missingmyr, including the few routes on the cliff far left which are part of the crag in the Oslo guidebook.

Einschränk. übernommen von Missingmyr

Parking is in a marked parking spot right after you turn onto the private gravel road that goes to the farm. Remember to pay the parking fee (currently NOK 20 in cash) in the marked mailbox in the parking lot. Can also pay by Vipps to the mobile number shown on the sign.


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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

Has a fixed anchor.

Originally a trad route, now bolted.

FA: Adam Pustelnik

Original line had a direct start, using a big flake. Flake have fallen off (2018?) A left start in Kunst fur alle is possible.

Direct version of Huleboer Med Slegge, starting to the right of Huleboer and finish through the top crux of Huleboer.

Erstbegehung: Gudmund Grønhaug

Currently the 3rd hanger is missing.

Was trad, now bolted

Used to be a trad route. Now there is a bolted line here, that is very popular. It goes slightly to the right of the original line in the beginning, but the rest of the route is the same, and the grade seems correct.

Listed as a 7- (6b+) in some guidebooks, but feels significantly harder after some crucial hold(s) fell off.

Appears to have no own anchor - Have to use the anchor of "Sirkelens Ende" to the right

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Datum: 2021

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Di 27 Jun
Finde heraus, was in Main wall passiert.

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