



The objective of the project was to arrange a new climbing cliff at Solomon's Stones, Juniors' Cliff.

Project coordinated by Alexandru Păun and Cristea Daniel Organizer: Romanian Alpine Club Brasov Partners: Club for Nature Protection and Tourism (CPNT), Romanian Mountain Guides Association (AGMR).

Designers: Alexandru Paun, Cristea Daniel, Titus Constantin, Răzvan Spiridonescu.

The cleaning of the routes was done by the team: Cristea Daniel, Alex Paun, Duta Tiberiu, Santa Mihai, Razvan Spiridonescu, Titus Constantin, Tim Vercauteren, Marius Mihai Rusu.

The materials were purchased through the Romanian Alpine Club Brasov, the Romanian Mountain Guides Association and the Club for Nature Protection and Tourism, and personal donors Florescu Laurentiu and Alex Paun, Alex Florescu.



Drive up from Brașov to Pietrele lui Solomon either by car or Brasov city bus 50. From there take the road that goes up through picninc tables, not the one behind the roadblock, to the central wall. From there we go down to the two grottos at the base of the Central wall and go up the road that goes up two serpentines, we pass the Merisor cliff and the get up to a saddle where on the right side are the benches from Junii Bătrâni and Junii Tineri (they are written with placards). We go up the path that continues after the benches, right behind the benches, not to the left where there are railings. We will reach a saddle where there is a retreat from the trails in the Central Wall and we descend behind the wall on a clear path from where the Falezei Junilor wall begins to be seen.

Video of approach:



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Datum: 2017

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Di 4 Jul
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