
Einträge in The Colosseum

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The Colosseum

(Leaving this here as its inherited by child locations - please take the time to take pictures of the boulders you visit and post them under the relavent locations so that we can start populating more topos 🙂).

As of 2014, no climbing is allowed in Rocklands without a valid climbing permit. Land owners often conduct inspections in the climbing areas and anyone found without a permit will be asked to leave the climbing area. Permits can be obtained online - www.quicket.co.za - or purchased at CapeNature's Kliphuis campsite office; De Pakhuys campsite office; or Traveller's Rest farmstall and restaurant.

6B Lump in the Throat

Sit-start to the right of the arete, climb up the arete and finish up the groove.

7B+ Gladiator

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Sit-start with large rail and climb up right using shallow pinch.

6B+ The Million Dollar Crimp

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Sit-start on the right with good rail and climb up diagonally left using the “Million

6B Tetanus

Sit-start on the left with good edges and climb up into The Million Dollar Crimp.

5B Proceed With Caution

Sit-start with fractured rock and climb up the juggy crack.

7B+ Bird of Paradise

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Sit-start below the crack and climb up through the bulge

6B+ Bollamakisie

Crouch-start with large slot, climb up on nice holds and finish up next to the tree.

6A+ DJ Pillow

Start with sloper / undercling and climb out over the lip.

6B Pete's Variation

Climb Lump in the Throat but finish up right.

7B+ Circus Maximus

Start as Lump in the Throat but traverse right and finish up the corner.

6C 182 Days of Games

Start as Gladiator but traverse right and finish as The Million Dollar Crimp.

5C A Nurse Named Mary Jane

(Leaving this here as its inherited by child locations - please take the time to take pictures of the boulders you visit and post them under the relavent locations so that we can start populating more topos 🙂).

As of 2014, no climbing is allowed in Rocklands without a valid climbing permit. Land owners often conduct inspections in the climbing areas and anyone found without a permit will be asked to leave the climbing area. Permits can be obtained online - www.quicket.co.za - or purchased at CapeNature's Kliphuis campsite office; De Pakhuys campsite office; or Traveller's Rest farmstall and restaurant.

6A Bosbefok

Sit-start as Million Dollar Crimp, move left to large hold then cross to pinch and climb straight up.

8A Disco Science

Start to the right of Bollamakisie and climb into DJ Pillow.

Zeigt alle 15 Einträge.

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