
Einträge in Hay Tor

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Hay Tor
Low Man

The west face of Haytor's Low Man keeps itself well hidden from the road and the day trippers milling around on the summit of the neighbouring High Man. The face is an impressive sweep of granite rising to 30m at its central point and with a band of overhangs at 6m.

Low Man
S 4a Honeymoon Corner
HVS 4c Outward Bound

A steep but juggy pitch which travels through some wild territory at the grade. Start beneath the jutting block at the overhang's widest point. Climb up to the block overhang and pull out across the roof on massive holds and with excellent gear, to a grassy ledge (possible belay). From the right-hand side of the ledge, continue up the face above, heading slightly rightwards and then back left. © Rockfax

VS 4b Raven Wing

Airy climbing and an eye-catching line that takes on the leaning 'feathered' arete to the left of Raven Gully. Start in an overhung corner directly under the arete. Pull up steeply into the corner using a hollow flake. Make a spectacular move left around the leaning arete, past a spike-runner, to easier-angled ground on the face. Pleasant climbing up the wall and breaks just left of the arete gains a large ledge. Move left from here and climb the slabby wall to the top. © Rockfax

S 4a Raven Gully

A high-moorland classic that features crack-climbing in all of its guises. It is possible to run the upper pitches together. Start on the right side of the flake that sits at the base of the gully.

  1. 9m. Climb the crack and then the groove above (it is also possible to climb the left face of the groove) to a good ledge.

  2. 9m. Chimney up the steep crack and exit onto a large ledge and belay.

  3. 9m. The easy chimney above to finish. Belay on blocks. © Rockfax

VS 4b Levitation

Tucked away on the right margin of Low Man is this delightful pitch. Start at a left-leaning crack just to the right of the main overhangs. Climb the awkward crack to a ledge on the left. Make a low intricate move left above the overhang to below a flake-crack. Climb the flake-crack and bulge above to easier slabs and a belay. © Rockfax

HVS 5b Levitation Direct
VS 4c Direct Finish
E1 5b Aviation

Start up light coloured column before muscling your way into positive sloper crack. Follow crack to break, arrange gear and traverse right to piton and chickenhead hanging belay. From belay, traverse a short way right and follow drainpipe to top arranging pro at early good inner-drainpipe flakes before climbing boldly out. Can run as 1 or 2 pitches. P1- 5b, P2 - 5a.

E3 6a Interrogation

An impeccable and varied climb that takes on the full height of Low Man's central wall. Start 3m right of the base of Raven Gully at a protruding flake in the low line of overhangs. Climb past the flake and follow thin grooves to gain a horizontal break. Make a difficult couple of moves left and then up, to the base of a larger curving groove. Climb the steepening groove then make strenuous moves up left to a rest at its top. Move back right and stand on a small knobbly ledge. Technical moves away from this rightwards are rewarded with easier climbing that leads to the summit. © Rockfax

E3 6a Igneous Pig
E1 5c The Flyer

Well-named and a good deal harder an undertaking than Outward Bound. The gear is good, but strenuous to place. Move up to the overhang, pull through and get established on the wall above with difficulty. Climb direct for 3m before trending right and then back left to finish as for Outward Bound. © Rockfax

E4 6b Bloodlust
Hay Tor
Hay Tor
West Face
Hay Tor West Face
E1 5b Letterbox/Hangover Linkup

Bold climbing to get feet on rail and move left to flake jug. Up rightwards flake to break. Arrange gear. Follow leftward trending flake spikes through steep ground - good spike runner - to move direct through bulge with difficulty. Some say E2 5c now the final left-most flake spike has broken off.

D Zig Zag
VD Bulging Wall
D Step Across
E1 5b Haggis

Move up slab boldly to break below bulge and arrange gear. Move up through bulge either direct or slightly right to establish yourself above (crux). Climbing eases thereafter.

VD Athos
VS 4c Aramis
Hay Tor
North Face
Hay Tor North Face
VS 4c Canis
HVS 5b Vandal & Ann
D Bridal Piton Slab
Hay Tor
East Face

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