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Selected Guidebooks mehr Verbergen

Autor(en): Derek A. Wolfe

Datum: 2021

ISBN: 9781734911220

Everything you need to explore this idyllic range, the Colorado's Elk Range Mountains guidebook is a tome of high-altitude ascents in the rugged Rockies between Aspen and Crested Butte.

  • Includes 200+ routes on 51 peaks over 13,000 ft.
  • Covers hikes, scrambles, snow/rock climbs and technical routes

Autor(en): Gerry Roach

Datum: 2022

ISBN: 9781641607759

Providing accurate and comprehensive info, the 4th edition of Fulcrum Colorado's Fourteeners includes standard, alternate and technical routes for all 58 peaks over 14,000 ft. in the Centennial state.

  • Updated to include up-to-date topographic maps, GPS coordinates, expanded route details and alterations to trail access
  • Multiple tables and appendices summarize features for quick reference
  • Author Gerry Roach shares his expertise from over 50 years of mountaineering
  • Includes full colour photos and 31 maps

Autor(en): Matt Payne and Bob Rosebrough

Datum: 2022

ISBN: 9781937052775

Colorado Mountain Club:
Climbing Colorado's San Juans is a treasure trove of adventures ranging from easy scrambles for the outdoor novice to advanced, technical ascents of staggering summits for seasoned peakbaggers.
  • Chapters are organized into 13 mountain subgroups
  • Covers nearly 300 routes and 200 peaks—including 13 of Colorado's 54 fourteeners and 29 of its highest Centennial peaks
  • Includes key intel, maps, color photos and storied explanations of San Juan mountain's climbing history

Unterkünfte in der Nähe mehr Verbergen

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Fr 7 Jul
Finde heraus, was in Malay Archipelago passiert.

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