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Zeigt alle 43 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Qualität Kletterer
Mo 24. Jun 2024 - Tres Piedras
South Rock
5.8 Yikes Dikes - mit Flavia Hug Gemischt trad 61m, 2 Sehr gut
Had to rap down a bit after climbing 2/3rds of the way up to get more cams and slings - no onsight 😢 Depending on the way you climb this things it ends up a whole lot closer to 65m. We almost ran out of rope on our 70m - so be careful and manage ropedrag.

Di 14. Mai 2013 - Tres Piedras
West Rock 1
5.9 The Alien - mit Fritz Devendorf Sport 18m Gut
Jim Olsen
Seemed a lot harder than 5.9. Had to do some aid to get up it.

Do 21. Jun 2012 - Tres Piedras
Far Rock
5.8 Gollum Toprope 14m Vergiss es
Jim Olsen
Don't bother. . .unless you like to get beat up a bit in an offwidth.

5.9 Ducktail Elvis Traditionell 15m Gut
Jim Olsen
5.9 at crux only.

5.7 Look Ma, No Friends Traditionell 17m
Jim Olsen
Good, but over too soon.

Mi 6. Jun 2012 - Tres Piedras
Middle Rock
5.9 Unknown 1 Unbekannt 20m, 4 Gut
Jim Olsen
Practiced here after I could not quite lead the crux on Pony Express.

Di 1. Mai 2012 - Tres Piedras
Sundeck Wall
5.6 Horny Toad Traditionell 21m Durchschnitt
Jim Olsen
Possible gear placements render it PG-13.

Di 29. Nov 2011 - Tres Piedras
Sundeck Wall
5.10a Zorro Sport 24m Sehr gut
Fritz Devendorf
Ended up working on our favorites in the area

Mo 28. Nov 2011 - Tres Piedras
Mosaic Rock
5.7 Dirty Diagnonal Traditionell 34m Gut
Fritz Devendorf
This is always a good warm up lead for me after no climbing for a while. A little cool at the start; but it warmed up nicely.

So 23. Okt 2011 - Tres Piedras
Mosaic Rock
5.10 Unknown 2 Traditionell 27m Sehr gut
Jim Olsen
climbed it with screwed up ankle, so Fritz gave me a little tension over crux. Taking a week off to heal.

5.8 Baby Cakes Traditionell 27m Sehr gut
Jim Olsen
Good climb, but messed up my ankle on it.

So 23. Okt 2011 - Tres Piedras
Sundeck Wall
5.8 Serendipity Traditionell 20m Sehr gut
Fritz Devendorf
This wasn't my first lead up this route but it was clean.

So 14. Aug 2011 - Tres Piedras
Sundeck Wall
5.10a unnamed 5.10a Traditionell 21m Gut
Jim Olsen
Fritz found this route, but I'm sure someone has climbed it before us. The 5.10 part is only about 2 moves at the bottom. the rest is easier.

Sa 6. Aug 2011 - Tres Piedras
Lookout Shelf
5.9 Unnamed 3 Traditionell 14m Sehr gut
Jim Olsen
Got up it twice. Yay.

Sa 6. Aug 2011 - Tres Piedras
Sundeck Wall
5.8 Unnamed 1 Unbekannt 21m Durchschnitt
Jim Olsen
More fun than it used to be.

So 31. Okt 2010 - Tres Piedras
Sundeck Wall
5.11a Digital Dilemma Sport 20m Sehr gut
Jim Olsen
Top roped as 5.10a, by taking a variation bypassing the 5.11 section

So 17. Okt 2010 - Tres Piedras
Mosaic Rock
5.8 Serpentine Crack Traditionell 29m Durchschnitt
Jim Olsen
Only about 10' of the climb is 5.8. Climbed with Fritz.

Do 26. Aug 2010 - Tres Piedras
Middle Rock
5.8 Bats in the Belfry Traditionell 43m Gut
Jim Olsen
I had a bit of trouble in the crux zone, where the left wall and the right face roll into a crack. Done w/Fritz leading.

Do 19. Aug 2010 - Tres Piedras
Middle Rock
5.12a Grandma's Cancer Unbekannt Durchschnitt
Gareth Llewellin
Not the best warmup! Did it because it had a leaver biner and didn't look too hard from the ground... that'll learn me

Do 19. Aug 2010 - Tres Piedras
Mosaic Rock
5.11+ Techweenie Unbekannt Klassiker
Gareth Llewellin
Great climbing! Not as sustained as Techtonics next door but just as good.

5.11+ Techtonic Unbekannt Klassiker
Gareth Llewellin
Guidebook says R but didn't seem too bad. Super good and sustained! A real winner.

Mi 4. Aug 2010 - Tres Piedras
Sundeck Wall
5.8 Serendipity Traditionell 20m Sehr gut
Jim Olsen
First time up it started raining, climbed back down, waited 'till it dried, then finished climb.

Mi 11. Nov 2009 - Tres Piedras
West Rock 1
5.6 not named Unbekannt 24m Durchschnitt
Jim Olsen
Some of rock feels as if it has little ball bearings on it.

Mi 11. Nov 2009 - Tres Piedras
Mosaic Rock
5.7 Five years After (to chains) Unbekannt 12m Sehr gut
Jim Olsen
Repeated climb varying route. Variations interesting too.

So 17. Mai 2009 - Tres Piedras
Mosaic Rock
5.9 Clean Green Dream Sport 36m Klassiker
Jim Olsen
Both times I climbed it I was off a bit to the left of the bolts, making the face climb more intense. Someday I will follow the bolts.

5.9 Green Streakj Sport 30m Klassiker
Jim Olsen
Tough 5.9 overhang, Then I took a mostly unremitting 5.7+/5.8 face somewhat left of the actual(easier)route.

Sa 25. Okt 2008 - Tres Piedras
Mosaic Rock
5.7 Summer Dreams Traditionell 29m Sehr gut
Jim Olsen
Warm day, but we climbed on the north side of Mosaic. Doh! It was kinda cold, guess why they call it summer dreams. Nice climb 5.7+ friction to crack to boilerplate. A couple tricams between 1.5 and 4.0 made protecting the climb easy.

5.8 Dung Alley Traditionell 29m Gut
Jim Olsen
Almost all of the climb is offsize. Requires Number 5 and 6 Camalots to protect. We don't have any that big, so we had to toprope it. Bypassed the crux on 5.8 friction.

Di 30. Sep 2008 - Tres Piedras
West Rock 1
5.9 How Ed's Mind Was Lost Unbekannt 23m Durchschnitt
Jim Olsen
Route zigs considerably to arete on the right. That was where Ed's mind was lost.

5.9 Ground Up (variation) Unbekannt 23m Gut
Jim Olsen
Hard enough to be interisting. Do-able enough to be fun. Slips past the toughest cruci on Ground Up (10 b/c).

unnamed Technisch 23m Vergiss es
Jim Olsen
Route we took to chains for Ground Up and How Ed Lost His Mind.

Di 23. Sep 2008 - Tres Piedras
Beastie Alley
5.9 Pony Express Sport 24m Gut
Jim Olsen
Nice friction pitch with some runout

Di 23. Sep 2008 - Tres Piedras
South Rock
5.8 Yikes Dikes Gemischt trad 61m, 2 Gut
Jim Olsen
Mostly friction with some runout. Weather, perfect.

So 20. Jul 2008 - Tres Piedras
Middle Rock
5.8 Albuquerque Route Sport 21m Sehr gut
Jim Olsen
Felt good.

Mi 7. Nov 2007 - Tres Piedras
Sundeck Wall
5.9 Gila Monster Sport 21m Sehr gut
Jim Olsen
I love this route. Did it 3 times. Good for making your balance better. Somewhat sustained.

5.5 Leprechauns Traditionell 18m Gut
Jim Olsen
5.5 X for adults, 5.6 X for kids. This route is charming, on greenish bumpy rock between unnamed 1 and Gila Monster. Goes up to tree. Kids should love it toproped.

5.9 Zorro (sm. chickenheads var.) Sport 24m Gut
Jim Olsen
Coulden't quite do the regular Zorro route crux, so did the variation instead.

So 28. Okt 2007 - Tres Piedras
Mosaic Rock
5.8 Mama Jugs Unbekannt 23m Durchschnitt
Jim Olsen
Got a free try on this one. Used other climbers toprope to set our own. Most pro needed to lead it is tiny stuff; I'll pass.

So 14. Okt 2007 - Tres Piedras
Beastie Alley
5.10b Thunder Toad Sport 21m Sehr gut
Jim Olsen
Really liked it. Plenty of balance, not too much hands. Can't believe I did it

Mi 26. Sep 2007 - Tres Piedras
Mosaic Rock
5.9 Lefty Traditionell 18m Durchschnitt
Jim Olsen
Led most of it, but traded off and Fritz led the crux, so he gets lead credit. Route starts to the left of Chickenshit at a tree following cracks and depressions under a bulge at one's left and arcing across the top of a friction face to end at the top of Chickenshit. No record of this route, but someone probably did it as it is in an area with some 5.10's and 5.11's.

5.7 Chickenheads Unbekannt 35m Gut
Jim Olsen
Some rope drag. One of my placements didn't help that. Mostly slinged chickenheads for pro.

Mi 5. Sep 2007 - Tres Piedras
Mosaic Rock
5.7 5.8 Chickenshit Sport 27m, 3 Sehr gut
Jim Olsen
After leading Chickenshit I followed Fritz up Chickenheads. He got some rope drag so I did a short exit lead as a thunderstorm started to dump on us. It rained twice that day.

5.7 Dirty Diagnonal Traditionell 34m Gut
Jim Olsen
Mostly fun face climbing, some on chickenheads. It thunderstormed twice. We climbed before storms, subsequent climb was between storms.


Zeigt alle 43 Begehungen.

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