
Routes in Romania for selected grade

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 857 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
Nord-Vest / North-West Munții Gutâi Creasta Cocoșului
7+ Nemo
7+ Joe indianul
Nord-Vest / North-West Munții Gutâi Munții Igniş Turnul Marcului
7 3 amigos
1 7 35m
2 7 20m
Sport 55m, 2
7 - 8 Oblic
1 6- 30m
2 7 35m
3 7 - 8 40m
Trad 110m, 3
7 Corbului
1 5+ 15m
2 6 40m
3 7 27m
Trad 82m, 3
Nord-Vest / North-West Munții Gutâi Munții Igniş Peretele Lespezi
7 Corbul
1 6+ 35m
2 7 51m
Sport 86m, 2
Nord-Vest / North-West Munții Gutâi Munții Igniş Pietroasa Sfinxul Oașului
7 Prieteniei Sport
7 Traseul Salvamontiștilor Sport 28m
Nord-Vest / North-West Munții Gutâi Limpedea Faleza Mare
7 Fisură Sport 15m
7/7+ Fix Pix Sport 15m
7 Sverdrupf Sport 15m
7 Hoarda Sport 15m
7-/7 C4 Sport 15m
7 Friends Sport 15m, 6
7/7+ New Balance Sport 15m
7 Degeaba Sport 15m
7/7+ Treger Ștefan Sport 15m
7 Cum Vrei Tu Sport 15m
7/7+ Minus Sport 15m
7-/7 Andurance Sport 15m
7 Roco Sport 15m
Nord-Vest / North-West Munții Gutâi Piatra Vlaicului
7/7+ Pata albă Sport 13m
7-/7 Dyno Sport 13m
Oriental Carpathians Gura Humorului Obcina Mare Rinocerul
{FB} FB_ALT:5 Rinocerul

Sit start

Oriental Carpathians Gura Humorului Obcina Mare Death star
{FB} FB_ALT:5 Padawan
FB:5B Leia

Stand start

Oriental Carpathians Gura Humorului Obcina Mare Pandora/Epimetheus/Ianus
FB:5B Pandora

Stand start

FB:5B Unnamed

Sit start

Oriental Carpathians Gura Humorului Obcina Voronețului
{FR} 6b+ Z

Also works as trad

Sport 18m, 8
Oriental Carpathians Rarău Drogheria
{FR} 6b Visine

FA: Nicolae Durnac & Loredana Durnac, 2006

Sport 28m, 12
Oriental Carpathians Rarău La spital
{FR} 6b Otită

Set: Nicolae Durnac, 2007

Sport 20m
{FR} 6b+ Râie

Set: Nicolae Durnac, 2007

Sport 18m
{FR} 6b+ Diaree

Set: Voicu Raia & Nicolae Durnac, 2007

Sport 25m
{FR} 6b+ Teniază

Set: Nicolae Durnac, 2020

Sport 28m
{FR} 6b Herpes

Set: Nicolae Durnac & Loredana Durnac, 2007

{FR} 6b Cistită

Set: Voicu Raia, 2007

{FR} 6b+ Hemoroizi

Set: Nicolae Durnac & Loredana Durnac, 2007

{FR} 6b+ Constipaţie

Set: Nicolae Durnac, 2007

Sport 20m, 12
{FR} 6b Bronşită

Just the column.

Set: Loredana Durnac, 2007

Sport 16m, 8
{FR} 6b+ Mătreaţă

Set: Sergiu Bersan & Nicolae Durnac, 2007

{FR} 6b/b+ Colită

Set: Gabi Cicu & Nicolae Durnac, 2009

Sport 20m, 12
{FR} 6b+ 101

Set: Ionut Crefelean & Nicolae Durnac, 2009

Sport 20m, 12
{FR} 6b+ Luxatie

Set: Nicolae Durnac, 2018

Sport 30m
{FR} 6b Entorsă

Set: Nicolae Durnac, 2018

Sport 30m
Oriental Carpathians Rarău Criză
{FR} 6b+ Dobândă

Set: Nicolae Durnac, 2010

Sport 18m, 9
{FR} 6b+ Criză

Set: Loredana Durnac & Nicolae Durnac, 2010

{FR} 6b+ DeΦshit

Set: Loredana Durnac & Nicolae Durnac, 2010

{FR} 6b Grevă

Set: Loredana Durnac & Nicolae Durnac, 2010

{FR} 6b+ Miti'ng

Take care to avoid the edelweiss flowers on the route.

Set: Nicolae Durnac, 2010

Oriental Carpathians Rarău Pietrele Doamnei Piatra Mare
{FR} 6b+ Floare de Colţ

Set: Voicu Raia & Cătălin Frăţilă, 2003

Trad 2
Oriental Carpathians Rarău Piatra Şoimului
{FR} 6b+ Mamba

Set: Voicu Raia, Catalin Ciofu & Florian Mastacan, 2004

Sport 35m
{FR} 6b Emoţii


Set: Radu Tudorachi, 2004

Trad 2
{FR} 6b+ Alpinet


Set: Florian Mastacan & Radu Tudorachi, 2004

Trad 2
{FR} 6b Strong Enough


Set: Radu Tudorachi, 2004

Trad 2
Oriental Carpathians Rarău Peretele Coteţului
{FR} 6b Filarmonica

Set: Ciprian Andrecuţ, 2003

Sport 18m
{FR} 6b/b+ Salmonella

Set: Florian Mastacan, 2003

Sport 22m
{FR} 6b Pikachu

Set: Voicu Raia, 2003

Sport 20m
{FR} 6b Danonino

Set: Cătălin Frăţilă, 2003

Sport 18m
{FR} 6b+ Harmony

The entry and first meters of the route are deteriorated due to construction work on a parking lot.

Set: Florian Mastacan, 2002

Sport 22m
Oriental Carpathians Sihla Bloc 1
{FR} FB:5A - B unknown 5 Boulder 5m
Oriental Carpathians Sihla Bloc 9
{FR} FB:5B Pussy cat Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Sihla Bloc 10
{FR} FB:5B Îngeraşu’ Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Sihla Bloc 20
{FR} FB:5B - C Garnitura Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Sihla Bloc 22
{FR} FB:5B Nu trage dom’ Semaca Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Sihla Bloc 29
{FR} FB:5B Bistro Boulder
{FR} FB:5B - C Miezozoic Boulder
{FR} FB:5A - B Chix Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Agapia Ozana
FR:6b+ Barabancea

Set: Adrian Buhaescu

Sport 10m, 4
Oriental Carpathians Stânca Sector A Superior Bloc 1
{FR} FB_ALT:5+ Degețel Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Stânca Sector A Superior Bloc 5
{FR} FB_ALT:5+ Ieșirea de urgență Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Stânca Sector B Inferior Bloc 1
{FR} FB_ALT:5+ Alice in Wonderland Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Stânca Sector B Inferior Bloc 2
{FR} FB_ALT:5+ Brexit Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Stânca Sector B Inferior Bloc 3
{FR} FB_ALT:5+ Sextaz Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Stânca Sector B Superior Bloc 2
{FR} FB_ALT:5+ Ionică Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Tarniţa Faleza Tarnița nr. 3
7 Red firebug Sport
Oriental Carpathians Borsecului Faleza Ursului Sector B
{FR} 6b Elevator

Set: Simon Istvan, 2018

Sport 12m
Oriental Carpathians Borsecului Faleza Ursului Sector C
{FR} 6b Laika

Set: Ciprian Andrecut

Sport 10m
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Peretele Bardosului Gâtul Iadului
{FR} 6b+ Merda
Sport 20m, 8
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Peretele Bardosului Faleza "Hornul Mare"
{FR} 6b+ Pinocchio

Maint: Aug 2022

Sport 20m, 11
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Turnul Negru
7/7+ A1 - 2 RUS:5B Fisura Neagră

FA: Gheorghe Udrea & Ștefan Focșe, 1957

FFA: Oliver Batâr, 2001

Set: László Fucskó & Tamás Benedek, 2001

Maint: Aug 2022

Trad 110m, 3
{FR} 6b Excalibur
Sport 18m, 7
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Bolovanu' lu' Culiţă
{FR} 6b+ 7-Up
Sport 12m, 6
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Faleza La căsuţe
7/7+ Bagă Dreapta
Sport 20m
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Piatra Altarului
{FR} 6b Umbra Vânătorilor
1 6a+
2 6a+
3 6a+
4 5b+
5 5b
6 6a
7 6b

Set: László Lukács & Páll Endre, 2015

Sport 7, 15
{FR} 6b Traseul Vânătorilor de Munte
1 4a
2 4a
3 5b
4 5b
5 6a
6 6b

FA: László Karácsonyi & Emilian Cristea, 1965

Maint: László Lukács, 2020

Sport 230m, 6, 15
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Cuşma Lapoşului
7 A1 RUS:4A Fisura Cuşmei Lapoşului

A well protected route (bolted belays, occasional bolts, the old aid pitonsre still in place).

Pitch 1: start on an initial vegetated dihedral that becomes vertical (crux of the pitch), then follow a left-leaning crack past the old belay, under a roof, where the new bolted belay can be found.

Pitch 2: Traverse right across a boulder, then head up under the roof and head left (exposed exit - crux of the route, loose boulder in the crack). Continue on easier, vegetated terrain up to a small hollow(an old intermediate belay), over it and onwards to the base of a crack (bolted belay).

Pitch 3: There is a very visible piton at the base of the crack, but that goes nowhere. Instead, climb the small ridge to the left, traverse right under the crack, and climb the face to the right (airy exit). Belay off a tree.

FA: Kolcza Eva & Dan Vasilescu, 1979

Maint: 2006

Trad 96m, 3
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Plus Sector 1
{FR} 6b+/c Alien Flower

Set: Tudor Vartic & Razvan Vartic

Sport 20m, 9
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Făgetul Ciucului Raza Soarelui Sector A
{FR} 6b LH
Sport 20m, 8
{FR} 6b LH Direct
Sport 20m, 7
{FR} 6b+ Miana
Sport 23m, 7
{FR} 6b+ Chipped Lynx
Sport 25m, 9
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Făgetul Ciucului Raza Soarelui Sector B
{FR} 6b+ Rainy Day
Sport 20m, 8
{FR} 6b Ioanita

Can be climbed as an extension of the Ioana route from Sector A

Sport 22m, 8
{FR} 6b+ Distant Sun

Access is either from the narrow ledge that leads you to Sector B or by going left after climbing the Sarpele route from Sector A

Sport 20m, 6
{FR} 6b+ Bobcat

Can be climbed as an extension of the Lynx route from Sector A

Sport 17m, 6
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Făgetul Ciucului Raza Soarelui Sector D
{FR} 6b+ Rotpunkt
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Suhardul Mic
7/7+ Diedrul Cuiburilor de Şoimi
1 7-/7 50m
2 5 30m
3 7/7+ 40m

Route renovated in march 2023.

Pitch 1: Head up on easy slab towards the fir tree, then at some tree roots take right, towards a very red portion of the rock. Follow a slightly overhanging crack up it (probably the most interesting portion of the route, cool moves and a rock not very often found in the area) and exit right then slightly left to the base of a wide dihedral where the bolted belay station is. 50m, 7-/7 UIAA

Pitch 2: Follow the dihedral upwards. Slightly more airily bolted/pitoned, but easy terrain and good possibilities for larger mobiles. After ~25 meters, you'll see an old 3-piton belay station on a ledge to the right. The bolted belay is 10 meters higher, so continue following the dihedral up and traverse to the left under a roof to the bolted belay. 30m, 5 UIAA

Pitch 3: Follow a crack upwards (crux of the route, 7/7+ UIAA, can be aided on medium-large nuts/small to medium friends) and reach a ridge. Follow it, and belay at a tree. 40m, 7/7+ UIAA

FA: László Karácsonyi & Petre Cristina, 1956

Set: 2008

Maint: Dec 2022

Maint: Mar 2023

Trad 120m, 3
7-/7 A1 - 2 RUS:4A Pintenul Suhardului

Two actual-climbing lengths separated by a grassy slope, followed by a scrambling finish. In situ protection is old pitons, there are a lot of options for mobile placements however (mostly small friends/medium-large nuts). The route hasn't seen a lot of traffic since 2010 or so, having been skipped on the Great Rebolting, and could use a more thorough cleaning.

Pitch 1: follow the initially-vertical then slightly overhanging crack for about 15m, then exit slightly to the right on easy slab until you reach a belay. The belay is 2 old ring pitons set in the same highly-vegetated crack, so, on a rope 50m or longer, it might be a good idea to continue on the next pitch. Probably about 7 UIAA, ~25-30m

Pitch 2: a walk up a grassy slope to the base of the oblique crack above, where you will find the belay - also 2 pitons, but better-looking and less likely to be corroded on the inside. Couple cracks in the area can take small to medium nuts or small friends if you want to beef the belay up

Pitch 3: climb upwards and to the right under an arch, on easy slab terrain, until you reach the base of a dihedral (there's a loop of rope under it to aid the move). After climbing over a small juniper bush, follow the dihedral (it's decently pitoned but not quite enough to do as an aid length unless you're using extra mobiles) to a small overhang (can be avoided on the left on friable slabby terrain) and reach a ridge. There's another 2-piton belay, but if you follow the ridge leftwards for 2m you'll reach a perfectly serviceable tree with a much more comfortable belay stance. Also probably 7 UIAA, 40m.

Pitch 3.5: walk on the ridge, above a big pine, then head up on a scree "tongue" to a small chimney with 2 boulders stuck in it. Climb it and reach the forest. 2-3 UIAA, no in situ protection, 55m out of which all but 4 are walking

FA: László Karácsonyi & Petre Cristina, 1956

Trad 90m, 3
Oriental Carpathians Cheile Șugăului Faleza Aeriană
{FR} 6b ROMBAC Sport 25m, 9
{FR} 6b Foton Sport 20m, 7

Showing 1 - 100 out of 857 routes.

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