
Vías en Dog Face

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Mostrando los 28 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
13 Cubbies Climb

Tricky start then into the wide crack.

Start: Start on L end of Dog Wall.

PA: FRA The Cubbies (Fitzroy Adventure Playground) & late 80s, 2000

Clásica 10m
26 Dogbolter

Up past a bolt.

Start: Start just R of CC.

PA: Steve Monks, 1986

Clásica mixta 10m, 1
18 R Kapunya

Head diagonally L to join the bottomless corner on the arete.

Start: Start R of D.

PA: Graeme Smith, Bruce Somerfield & Ann Hurst, 1992

Clásica 10m
16 Watch Dog

The corner then L around the roof.

Start: Start in the alcove R of K.

PA: Dave Gairns, Gordon Talbett & Mike Stone, 1978

Clásica 10m
18 Dingo

The awkward offwidth (is there any other sort?)

Start: Start on the L side of the next buttress R of WD.

PA: Chris Dewhirst, Peter Jackson & Phillip Stranger, 1966

Clásica 25m
22 R Reservoir Gods

You might see him on this route. Delicate and scary. Start: 2m Left of Howling Wolf at the arete.

Up arete to break. Difficult blind step up to top.

PA: Richard Smith & Greg Pritchard, 1997

Clásica 15m
18 Howling Wolf

The diagonal crack then the face.

Start: Start on the front of the nose between Reservoir Gods and Jackal.

PA: Matt Taylor & Rod Young, 1978

Clásica 28m
21 Dog Day Afternoon

The contrived squeezed-in arete between HW and J.

Start: Start just R of HW.

PA: Ant Callaghan & James Naylor, 1990

Clásica mixta 25m, 1
18 Jackal

More wide crack thrashery.

“ What an absolute gem. Beautiful variety of cracks with an easy finish. Would 100% recommend.”

Start: Start under the R-facing dark wide crack on the R side of the HW buttress.

PA: Chris Dewhirst, Peter Jackson & Phillip Stranger, 1966

Clásica 25m
10 Fennel

Body chimney right of Jackal.

PA: Peter Watson, Gabrielle Pellissier, Keith Egerton & Peter Cunningham, 1978

Clásica 30m
15 Puppy Love

The rounded arete to the ledge, then a poorly protected grey slab and orange overlap. If you want a boring but better protected finish try the crack on the right.

Start: Start at the arete just R of F.

PA: Chris Baxter & Francine Gilfedder, 1978

Clásica 35m
22 Cruel Canine

The thin line.

Start: Start 2m R of PL.

PA: Kim Carrigan, John Smoothy & Rod Young, 1979

Clásica 15m
19 Black Dog

... gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove.

Start just L of The Hard Ears.

Up over a bulge.

PA: Rod Young & Peter Watson, 1978

Clásica 15m
18 The Hard Ears

The chalked-up orange crack 10m R of Jackal.

PA: Mike Law, Chris Baxter & Ben Ewald, 1976

Clásica 13m
18 Yelping Pup

Start: Start 1m R of THE.

PA: Dave Gairns, Chris Baxter, Mike Stone & Gordon Talbett, 1978

Clásica 12m
18 Hound Dog

A generous envisioning of a route. Presumably start behind the tree and maintain serious blinkers to climb anything resembling 18.

Start: 2m R of 'Yelping Pup'.

PA: Andy Reynolds & Simon McRae, 1995

Clásica 12m
10 Grey Wolf

The buttress with an overhang.

Start: Start in the gully R of The Hard Years.

PA: John Chapman & Gerry McPhee, 1979

Clásica 12m
4 Two Dogs of Empiricism

On the black/grey slab, in the gully right of Dog Wall are the next 3 routes. You pass under them descending from Hard Ears. Up following juggy left edge of slab.

PA: Greg Pritchard & James Falla, 1999

Clásica 20m
14 Ball Terrier

The original rave review has been tempered by subsequent feedback, but it can keep a star for the moment.

Start: The subtle and improbable line 2m right of Two Dogs of Empiricism.

Up, finishing on arete.

PA: Richard Smith & Greg Pritchard, 1999

Clásica 15m
22 R I dont know what to call it - dog

Start: The tenuous line up the slab 2m right of 'Ball Terrier'.

PA: Richard Smith & Paul Hoskins, 1999

Clásica 10m
22 R Poop Scoop

Start: An equally tenuous line up the slab right of IDKWtCi-D.

PA: Paul Hoskins & Richard Smith, 1999

Clásica 8m
16 Click my Lit

Cooner Spunnilingus?

Start: In the back of the gully is a crack on the right wall, up higher.

Up this, avoiding temptation to bridge back.

PA: Richard Smith & solo, 1999

Clásica 10m
Roman Rabbit Hummer

The grade has been lost due to a formatting glitch on arapiles.net.

Start: Start: The arete between 'Arethusa' and 'Bitch Wank'.

PA: Richard Smith & Paul Hoskins, 1999

Clásica 10m
19 Arethusa

With every ascent we'll throw in a free pump!

Start: Start in gully underneath the best part of the wall.

PA: Richard Smith, Paul Hoskins & Greg Pritchard, 1999

Clásica 10m
14 Bitch Wank

Awkward layback start, through little overlap and up.

Start: Start: On the pinnacle right of the black slab at the front.

PA: Richard Smith & Greg Pritchard, 1997

Clásica 10m
12 A Little Ray of Sunshine

The pinnacle behind this has been dubbed Jeff Kennett's Buttocks.

Line up left end of wall.

PA: Richard Smith & Greg Pritchard, 1997

Clásica 10m
12 Lloyd Williams' Nose

Up Jeff's Buttocks. The leftmost of two obvious cracks.

PA: Richard Smith & Greg Pritchard, 1997

Clásica 10m
16 Felicity's Tongue

Wedged in the middle of Jeff's Buttocks. The easy looking right-hand crack.

PA: James Falla & Greg Pritchard, 1999

Clásica 10m

Mostrando los 28 vías.

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