
Vías en Organ Pipes Gully

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Mostrando los 56 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Steel Delinquency Pinnacle
23 R Blood and Iron


Start: Start 4m L of SD, below little gumtree poking out of cliff.

PA: Tim Day, Nick Neagle & Craig Roberts, 1992

Clásica mixta 30m, 1
20 Steel Delinquency

"If you enjoy crumbling sea cliffs, you might feel at home on this" (Mentz-Tempest guide). Climb through moss to a ledge, to stand below the striking grey prow. Some gymnastic moves are required to get started, and if your second is not tall they will struggle to remove the gear you placed out of their reach at this point. Follow the line of pockets up, veering left at the end.

PA: Glenn Tempest & Kevin Lindorff, 1977

Clásica 18m
23 Pick Pocket

Up face, over pocketed roof, then up R to hole.

Start: Start under the arch.

PA: Chris Shepherd & Paul Tattersall, 1982

Clásica 30m
18 Steel Delinquency Variant

Up the slick crack, traversing left to join Steel Delinquency. Probably not a good route to choose if your seconder can't jamb, because they'll likely hit the ledge if they come off at the start.

Start: Start beneath the white L-arching crack.

PA: Kevin Lindorff & Glenn Tempest, 1977

Clásica 35m
24 R Mr Sheen

Polished face, with 1 BR which is scary to clip, and a scary finish.

Start: Start 2m R of SDV.

PA: Mark Moorhead & Malcolm Matheson, 1981

Clásica mixta 13m, 1
27 Down To Zero

Short flake, then up wall past 2 RB and small gear to DRB.

Start: Start on ledge 5m around R of MS.

PA: Mark Moorhead & Jon Muir, 1981

Clásica mixta 10m, 2
23 Throw Me No Beers

Up the patch of orange rock, 2 BRs.

Start: Start on the tiny outcrop which is downhill from 'Steel Delinquency' Pinnacle, and which faces the same way.

Clásica mixta 12m, 2
22 Trench Rawfare

Trench Rawfare - It'll leave you raw!

Offwidth/Roof trench on the right hand side of Steel Delinquency Pinnacle. Approximately 6 meters to the left of Finger Prince.

Go up cave roof and out. Rappel Anchors installed at top of climb.

Offwidth Size Dependent!!

PAL: Chris Ferre, 12 En 2018

PA: Chris Ferre, 12 En 2018

Clásica 12m
Organ Pipes Gully Left Side Good and Evil Blocks
12 Laughing Stock

The L-facing corner, curving L at the end.

Start: Find this as described above.

PA: Chris & Sue Baxter, 1986

Clásica 12m
13 The Frontier of Credibility

The flake, pass small tree, and straight up.

Start: Start R of LS.

PA: Chris & Sue Baxter, 1986

Clásica 15m
17 Stockwhip

R and up at top.

Start: Start R of TFoC.

PA: Richard Smith & Paul Hoskins, 1995

Clásica 15m
18 Chicken Stock

Flake then short wall.

Start: Start in middle of wall.

PA: Paul Hoskins & Greg Pritchard, 1995

Clásica 15m
20 Vladivostok

Start at the small flake but step L and then up.

Start: Start 2m R of CS.

PA: Paul Hoskins & Richard Smith, 1995

Clásica 15m
20 Stocktake

Straight up the flake.

Start: Start as for V.

PA: Richard Smith & Paul Hoskins, 1995

Clásica 15m
12 Breeding Stock

The corner.

Start: Start at the R end of Stockyard Wall.

PA: Greg Pritchard & Pual Hoskins, 1995

Clásica 10m
22 Ghosts

Good mini-route.

Start: Start on the L arete of the 3rd blocky pinnacle.

PA: Nick Neagle, Tim Day & Craig Roberts, 1992

Clásica 12m
20 Critical Realists Are Chastened Moderns

Start on the L to gain the diagonal.

Start: Start on the 3rd blocky pinnacle, opposite the 2nd pinnacle.

PA: Tim Day & Louise Shepherd, 1991

Clásica 12m
20 Beyond Good and Evil

The face.

Start: Start 1m R of CRaCM.

PA: Tim Day, Nick Neagle & Craig Roberts, 1992

Clásica 12m
16 Small Victories

The flakes.

Start: Start directly opposite CRaCM.

PA: Nick Neagle, Tim Day & Craig Roberts, 1992

Clásica 9m
Organ Pipes Gully Left Side Finger Prince Pinnacle
23 Strings Attached

The speckled face which may have a fixed wire. Start up around L of FP.

PA: Chris Shepherd & Warwick Baird, 1982

Clásica 20m
23 Finger Prince

Flake, L past PR into small techie corner on arete. Finish L up flake or straight up. The direct start is 23 with a BR, and uses the original footholds as handholds. Start at the L arete of the FP pinnacle, 2m L of TT.

PA: Greg Child, Kim Carrigan (Direct Start by Nick White & Andy Pollitt), 1990

Clásica mixta 15m, 1
20 Stirling Moss

Up FP to the PR then R and up mossy streak. Start as for FP.

PA: Kevin lindorff & Kim Carrigan, 2000

Clásica 25m
25 Up, Up and Away

Cops an absolute bagging in Louise's guide. Start just right of Stirling Moss. It's the bolted line, not clear how many bolts it actually has.

PA: Ant Prehn, 1986

Clásica mixta 12m, 3
Organ Pipes Gully Left Side Iron Void Pinnacle
11 Tubby Tuba

The chimney between the Finger Prince and Iron Void pinnacles past funny blocks and ancient machine nut.

PA: Chris Dewhirst & Chris Baxter, 1966

Clásica 24m
24 Iron Void Variant Start

Start 8m R of Tubby Tuba. Up fragile looking flakes to join Iron Void. Gear may be suspect.

PA: Steve Monks, 1992

Clásica mixta 15m, 1
23 Iron Void

Start off the boulder and L and up the great face which swallows heaps of small wires - if you have the stamina to find the placements! You can also approach the same line by doing the reachy start of IVV.

PA: Tony Dignan & Geoff Little, 1979

Clásica 20m
26 Iron Void Variant

A completely separate route despite the name! Start right of Iron Void and up.

PA: Steve Monks

Clásica 15m
25 The Flashing Blade

Short, soft and bolted - needless to say this one is popular. Start on the uphill side of the Iron Void pinnacle.

PA: Nick White & Andy Pollitt, 1990

Deportiva 25m, 5
17 Born to be Mild

Traverse out above The Flashing Blade, using the handholds of that route as footholds!

PA: Douglas Hockly & Edwin Irvine, 1992

Clásica 15m
21 California Style

Up the face with 1 BR. Start as for FB.

PA: Kurt Smith & early 90s?, 2000

Clásica mixta 20m, 1
22 Guideline

The fine line L of the slim tree. Start on small orange face which is below and faces the same direction as the Flashing Blade.

PA: Kim Carrigan & Kevin Lindorff, 1979

Clásica 8m
Organ Pipes Gully Left Side Frenzy Pinnacle
23 A Plaything For the Missus

Fingery up to BR, R across SO, and up past 2nd BR. Start up L of SO.

PA: Ross Meffin & Kate Thomas, 1992

Clásica mixta 15m, 2
24 Spring Offensive

BR, then bold to overhang and 2nd BR. Go 4m up L then straight up. The direct finish goes slightly R from 2nd BR to 3rd BR. Start in gully L of F.

PA: Lincoln Shepherd, Evelyn Lees (Direct Finish by Matthew Brooks & Julian Oldmeadow), 1992

Clásica mixta 20m, 3
21 Frenzy

Heavy duty jams get you started on the flake system on the arete, then move L to guano and up to flake. Start at the L arete of the 4th pinnacle.

PA: John Chapman & Kevin Lindorff, 1975

Clásica 25m
22 Flabby Tourists

Small flake, face, small overlap then tend R. This route looks almost entirely unprotected. Start at the yellow wall which is above and R of Frenzy.

PA: Jim Thomas & Mark Moorhead, 1982

Clásica 8m
22 Tanglefoot

Start just R of F. The low red wall capped by a roof is taken via bouldery face moves then a crack. Finish up groove.

PA: Keith Lockwood & Murray Taylor (aid), 1968

PAL: Andrew Thomson, 1976

Clásica 36m
25 WhiteTrash
  1. 20m (25) Take the RH crack through bulge, then move L after roof and up flake.

  2. 20m (-) Simple crack in the middle of the face.

PA: Kim Carrigan & Mark Moorhead (alt), 1979

Clásica 40m, 2
25 Rats Have Feelings Too

Start 5m R of WT. The incipient flake - take plenty of #1 RPs.

PA: Chris Shepherd & Ant Prehn, 1986

Clásica 40m
18 Dude Boobs

Start in corner left of 2nd pitch of Viagra. Up crack for 5m, traverse right and up to bolt. up past bolt with 2nd bolt on way to top.

Clásica mixta 15m, 2
15 Viagra

A link-up of the first part of Bandwagon into the finish of Passionate Tips.

PA: Flaccid Mentz & Floppy Tempest, 1998

Clásica 35m, 2
9 Drum Major

The squeeze chimney. 'Classic'. Start R of T.

PA: Jerry Grandage & Bernie Lyons, 1965

Clásica 25m
13 Bandwagon

Start just R of DM. The crack then slender buttress.

PA: Chris Baxter, Dave Gairns, Francine Gilfedder & Mike Stone, 1978

Clásica 35m
21 Passionate Tips

Start on wall R of DM. Up to the bolt then go R to arete and back L to puzzling moves up the seam. You can also boulder past the bolt at very contrived 24 but it's a better route at 21.

PA: Lincoln Shepherd & Natalie Green, 1982

Clásica mixta 20m, 1
13 Organ Grinder

Good. Start at the buttress R of DM.

PA: Keith Lockwood, Chris Baxter & Ed Neve, 1973

Clásica 45m
12 Castrati

The arete. Start at the second last (and highest) pinnacle near the top of Organ Pipes Gully.

PA: Dennis Kemp & Dave Mudie, 1987

Clásica 30m
Organ Pipes Gully Right Side
11 Harpsichord

Start at the base of the "second hole" near the top of the 'Organ Pipes Gully'. Climb the front of the scrappy grey buttress.

PA: Mike & Jenny Ashton, 1987

Clásica 25m
18 Cerberus

A good effort for the era. Start just above the "first hole" as you walk up 'Organ Pipes Gully'. The initialled black, flared offwidth/chimney - you'll be needing big cams.

PA: Roger Caffin, Sue Caffin & Jan Neville, 1966

Clásica 10m
17 Saint Peter

The physical hand crack, taking care with the blocks at the start. Start 2m R of Cerberus.

PA: Phillip Stranger & Chris Dewhirst, 1967

Clásica 10m
30 Mr Natural

Looks like 36! Originally led on preplaced gear, repeated placing the gear by Gareth Llewellin - a pretty bold lead. Start a short way uphill from the back of the D Minor pinnacle, and just downhill from the boulder choke. Glassy bulging seam. Rack: Mostly #1 RPs.

PA: Stuart Wyithe, 1995

Clásica 12m
24 R Private Assassin

Not well protected, a serious lead. Up Private Detective to seam (about 4m), diagonally left across face and up just right of arete.

PA: Douglas Hockly & Esther Renita Thompson, 2002

Clásica 10m
19 What Is Carborized?

Start 1m R of Private Detective. Go diagonally R, across Stentor pitch 3, and up arete. The Direct Start (18) starts 3m R of Stentor's 3rd pitch and goes straight up to the arete. Note the March 2004 route dubbed "Skin Flute" (14m 18) by Shaun Kratzer and Joshua Janes is almost certainly a repeat of this Direct Start.

PA: Jon Muir, Brigitte Muir (DS done by Louise Shepherd & Enga Lokey), 1994

Clásica 18m
22 Private Detective

One concerned father hired a private detective when his daughter started seeing Chris! Not that well protected. Start R around the arête from C, 3m L of Stentor's 3rd pitch.

PA: Glenn Tempest, Lincoln Shepherd & Chris Shepherd, 1981

Clásica 12m
16 Stentor 3rd Pitch

Start on top of the Piccolo pipe and climb the middle of the wall on the D Major pipe. The start is a little bold but the rest of the route protects well. Finish at rap bolts.

Clásica 12m
15 Mudeye

Fairly ordinary. Start on the back of the Piccolo Pipe, about 5m L of Lemmington.

PA: Andrew Thomson & Dave Mudie, 1970

Clásica 12m
19 A Twist of Lemming

Start just L of Lemmington. The shallow groove, becoming very contrived to stay out of Lemmington.

PA: Paul Hoskins & Greg Pritchard, 1995

Clásica 15m
19 Lemmington

Has steadily increased it's reputation over the years, and is now considered by some to be one of the best 19s at Arapiles. Start in the chasm between the D Minor Pinnacle and the Piccolo Pinnacle, on the Piccolo side. Approach by going L around the back of D Minor Pinnacle. The logs and chain in the gully are for erosion control; they are not designed or to be used as belay anchors.

PA: Kevin Lindorff & Matt Taylor, 1976

Clásica 30m

Mostrando los 56 vías.

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