
Ascensiones en Doomsday Wall teniendo Beta

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Mostrando los 22 ascensiones.

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Dom 29.º En 2023 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Gateway, Doomsday & Fort Rock Doomsday Wall
22 ~23 Minority of Fun - con Heath Black Deportiva 33m, 13 Muy buena
Aaron Jones
The undercut start is thin for a warm up - maybe do Cockarona first up instead. Long, varied and quality climbing in a similar vein to the rest of the routes on this wall.

24 Patience Zero - con Heath Black Deportiva 37m, 15 Muy buena
Aaron Jones
Long and fun with solid featured rock, especially up high. These routes deserve more traffic!

25 ~25 Lockdown - con Heath Black Deportiva 36m, 17 Clásico
Aaron Jones
Long and varied. Proper slab down low, funky mantles in mid section and a little moonboard crux at the top. This route is great but I didn't have enough left in the tank!

23 Cockorona - con Heath Black Deportiva 25m, 9 Muy buena
Aaron Jones
Fun climbing the whole way. A better warm up than Minority of Fun. Rope stretcher on rap with a doubled 70m to reach the belay.

Sáb 8.º Mayo 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Gateway, Doomsday & Fort Rock Doomsday Wall
20 One for the Old School - con Duncan Steel † Deportiva 17m, 5 Ni te molestes
Lee Cujes
Glad Duncan led this! Can't imagine many people would bother with this one? I'm actually not really sure why you bolted it Monty, let alone with carrots. I'm sure there's a good story.

22 Minority of Fun - con Duncan Steel † Deportiva 33m, 13 Muy buena
Lee Cujes
Need to second as the massive traverse makes it "uncleanable" otherwise. The slab section off the belay on orange marble was super-tech!

23 Cockorona - con Duncan Steel † Deportiva 25m, 9 Buena
Lee Cujes
Maybe the most memorable move on the whole wall: the slab-mantle! Deary me, kill me now!

24 Submission - con Duncan Steel † Deportiva 25m Buena
Lee Cujes
Good one, felt like a bit of a gamble which way to go at the top.

24 Patience Zero - con Duncan Steel † Deportiva 37m, 15 Muy buena
Lee Cujes
I was closest to falling off the top of this. No chalk to guide the way, proper hunting.

25 Lockdown - con Duncan Steel † Deportiva 36m, 17 Muy buena
Lee Cujes
Some proper tricky moves on the slab. Did this as the last route and was happy to get away with it.

Lun 25.º En 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Gateway, Doomsday & Fort Rock Doomsday Wall
24 Patience Zero - con Jenna Brady Deportiva 37m, 15 Muy buena
Jason McCarthy
Another mega adventure. Off right up the top just before it gets even harder. Took a few goes to work out a sequence past the last bolt. Super cool.

24 Submission Deportiva 25m Buena
Jason McCarthy
Tunnel vision on the onsight and headed left at the top to one of the 22's traverse bolts. Lowered off and sent. Pretty much a one move wonder.

22 Minority of Fun Deportiva 33m, 13 Buena
Jason McCarthy
Cool climbing with a few tricky bits.

Sáb 23.º En 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Gateway, Doomsday & Fort Rock Doomsday Wall
24 Submission - con Heath Black Deportiva 25m Muy buena
Paul Frothy Thomson
Flash but for a "gentleman's sit" at a no-hands stance. Probably a bit easier if you're my height, but the entire steep section at the top is quite sustained regardless. A fairly cruisy lower half, and a fairly intense upper half.

20 One for the Old School - con Heath Black Deportiva 17m, 5 Buena
Paul Frothy Thomson
Seconding Monty. A fairly pleasant grey slab with a few proper techo slab moves. Enjoyable in the style.

Mié 2.º Dic 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Gateway, Doomsday & Fort Rock Doomsday Wall
22 Minority of Fun - con Heath Black Deportiva 33m, 13 Muy buena
Paul Frothy Thomson
I found this really hard at the grade. A hard start that almost spat me off leads through some cruisy climbing, to a sustained and pumpy finish. I feel like I wasn't too far from falling off some of the upper moves as a warmup.

Mar 8.º Sep 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Gateway, Doomsday & Fort Rock Doomsday Wall
22 Minority of Fun Deportiva 33m, 13 Clásico
Dial- a - belayer service for monty on the FA. Really good quality climbing on good quality rock. Even pockets too!

shame there is the classic mtns undercut start.

but forget that and get on it.

Do be constantly aware that there is a tourist walkin track beneath you so don't kick any rocks off.

Sáb 16.º Mayo 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Gateway, Doomsday & Fort Rock Doomsday Wall
25 Lockdown Deportiva 36m, 17 Muy buena
Jason McCarthy
Super cool long route on great rock. So many tricky sections, has at least 5 cruxes. Pretty happy to onsight this with near zero chalk and only placed a couple of random draws on rap, taking no notice of the the route.

23 Cockorona Deportiva 25m, 9 Buena
Jason McCarthy
Slab climbing that's right it's a slap in the face, much complaining and whimpering . Needs a brush to make it nicer.

Dom 22.º Mar 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Gateway, Doomsday & Fort Rock Doomsday Wall
25 Lockdown - con Heath Black Deportiva 36m, 17 Clásico
Paul Frothy Thomson
Brilliant! Super-sustained with so many moves that are puntable, but no true shutdown crux. The entire headwall is mega, but don't underestimate the slab (I came closest to falling off there). Probably hard for 24, but easy for 25? Substantially harder than its lefthand neighbour, but this is the real money of the crag.

23 Cockorona - con Heath Black Deportiva 25m, 9 Muy buena
Paul Frothy Thomson
I hope you like slabs. Everything that is hard about this is contained in its slab moves. Fortunately I do like slabs

24 Patience Zero - con Heath Black Deportiva 37m, 15 Muy buena
Paul Frothy Thomson
Super enjoyable long outing in an exposed position. Very technical face climbing with a proud headwall. Would be 23ish but for a single nails heartbreaking move to bump up the grade a smidge. A great warmup for its neighbour.


Mostrando los 22 ascensiones.

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