
Ascensiones de Master and the apprentice

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Mostrando los 60 ascensiones.

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Lun 24.º Jun 2024 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Danny Burton Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Gabe Colla
Lun 11.º Mar 2024 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Ian ORourke Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Buena
Knox Low
Good hand crack to start and interesting moves on to arete. Rope got stuck on abseil down front face so make sure your knot is over the edge before descending

Sáb 3.º Feb 2024 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con rickau Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Aaron Wong
Warm up repeat. Actually climbed the route correctly this time (see prev ascent shenanigans). Discovered it was full of carrot bolts. Did not bring bolt plates. Used nuts instead.

Dom 28.º En 2024 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Buena
The opening section was cool, but the long ramble to the top really didn't add anything.

Sáb 13.º En 2024 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Yi 逸
Dom 19.º Nov 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Clásico
Sunny G
Dom 29.º Oct 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Will Donald
Sáb 16.º Sep 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Aaron Wong Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Henry Orton
Dom 10.º Sep 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Aurora Pandora Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Sáb 9.º Sep 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Aurora Pandora
Dom 13.º Ag 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Nat Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Aaron Wong
Managed to forget about the traverse to fixed gear and decided to head into the corner and accidentally discover a new line.

Sling the large tree. Run out the chimney. Find a #3 placement at just the right time. Run out the off-width. Find a purple placement in a horizontal break. Scramble up some dirt and sandy rock way too run out above the past gear. Sling a shrub and pretend it'll hold a fall and scramble to the belay tree.

Not my best big brain hour.

Sáb 12.º Ag 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Fácil Master and the apprentice - con Aurora Pandora Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Peter Melouney
17 Master and the apprentice - con Peter Melouney Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Aurora Pandora
Good hand jams to an actually fun and easy traverse and then quite exposed. Missed a couple of Carrots and ran it out but the top is easy enough.

Lun 10.º Jul 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Clásico
Mathew Hutchins-Read
Why is Odin not that popular?? Cracks here are all time!

Forgot boltplates so used nuts on all the carrots.

Dom 9.º Jul 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Mathew Hutchins-Read Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Clásico
Sáb 8.º Abr 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
James Collins
Mar 29.º Nov 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Buena
Mitchell Neaves
Nice climb. Spicy start and traverse halfway up. Nothing else to note

Mar 1.º Nov 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
James Hockey
Sáb 29.º Oct 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice — 2 intentos - con cédric Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Buena
Josephine Roper
Led the crack but was simply not vibing with the traverse, noped my way down. Had no regrets after watching Cédric just barely vibing with the carrot positions afterwards.

Vie 28.º Oct 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Jarrah Turner
Mar 1.º Feb 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Medio
Johnny Sullivan
Trad part was fun but sport was choss city!

Sáb 16.º Oct 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5
Anton Korsun
A fun bolted slab - like Tom Thumb meets the Wolgan! Bring loong extenders (even double em up) as I feel the bolting requires them.

17 Master and the apprentice - con Zi Hui Lie Clásica mixta 45m, 5
Patrick Sparks
While I was belaying, Zi Hui Lie sent a huge rock down that had me diving for the cave, felt like a stampede came down upon me. After checking that I was still alive, I managed to send it nicely while seconding.

17 Master and the apprentice - con Zi Hui Lie Clásica mixta 45m, 5
Patrick Sparks
Got sketched out at the traverse, felt like I had run out of gear (could do with more #.75s and #2s). So I lowered off and we yoyo-ed the lead.

Dom 3.º Oct 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5
17 Master and the apprentice - con Jeremy Clásica mixta 45m, 5
Willem Sherlock
Classic - wanders, bring extenders

Jue 19.º Ag 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Kalang Kedumba Jones
A fantastic adventure in wild trad land! Becomes a classic when you bush bash through lawyer vine and return via Victoria Falls

Sáb 22.º Mayo 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Tim M-S Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Lisa Vitaris
Very dirty after recent rain and like climbing in a refrigerator as it gets no sun. Hard start but the higher you get the easier it gets.

Dom 2.º Mayo 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Heath Black Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Buena
Vanessa Wills
Hand crack is nice, put in new anchor sling and maillot above route. Thunderstorm coming

Dom 7.º Feb 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con roman rosenbaum Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Will Donald
Lun 11.º En 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5
Some delicate moves getting off the deck followed by nice hand jams. Easy climbing around the arete. The anchor situation at top is a bit crap since the fires, however there is enough pro if you look for it.

Sáb 12.º Dic 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Aurora Pandora
Sáb 14.º Nov 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5
Tom Atkinson
Vie 9.º Oct 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5
Daniel Butler
What an interesting experience. We began only interested in doing the initial crack system, which seemed to be an alright proposition as there was two opposing biners and a sling at the top of this section. "Great!" we thought, someone else has done the same. So up we quested, with barely a single rack, extending nothing. Hauling myself into the pod, the anchor’s true form was revealed. A branch about 5cm in diameter, charred and poorly wedged amongst a myriad of loose chockstones. Not game to test it, I pulled up a second rack and ventured out to the arete. I should’ve read this part of the route notes because gaining the arete BEFORE stepping up high was thoroughly butt puckering, some of the most delicate moves I have pulled on trad (definitely step up FIRST). These moves were made even more enjoyable by implementing enough rope drag to make my belayer almost redundant. The excitement was only heightened when I reached the top to find the pile of charcoal that used to be the anchor tree (again, should’ve read the route notes). Much creativity was used in building the anchor, which swallowed up my final pieces, reinforced by prussic loops around torched trees. We rapped relatively easily down Sharpshooter. This route is very reminiscent of Tombstone Wall

Lun 5.º Oct 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Eugene Mak Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Buena
Alex Riegelman
Sáb 3.º Oct 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Jenny Gao Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
james ritchie
Only went to the top of the crack this time and lowered off.

Dom 27.º Sep 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Ben Taylor Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
james ritchie
the first half up the crack is fun. The traverse out to arete is fun. Too bad the slab past the 4 carrots isn't as good.

17 Master and the apprentice - con james ritchie Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Ben Taylor
Mié 23.º Sep 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Medio
Went to the tree, not in the best shape for sure, but I was able to get down

Sáb 11.º Abr 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Marty Doolan Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Multi pitch guide assessment. Just a fun not all the trees are burnt so brings some extra crams for a brilliant rope draggy belay hahah

Lun 2.º Dic 2019 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Josiah Hess Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Dani Hess
17 Master and the apprentice - con Dani Hess Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Josiah Hess
Sáb 28.º Sep 2019 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con James Fisher Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Glenn Southern
Just did the first trad part and jumped off the tree. Made me feel good about jamming again haha

Dom 22.º Sep 2019 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Billy Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Clásico
Frank Boyd
Blissful jamBing, cool traverse and nice arete above

Dom 2.º Jun 2019 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Justin Robinson Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Buena
Knox Low
Dom 19.º Mayo 2019 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5
Yulid Shorrock
Dom 27.º En 2019 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con zachary vertrees Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Buena
Macciza a.k.a. Macca
Good fun excursion.Loses star for excess bolting at top ... sorry

Dom 4.º Nov 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Great warmup but start is always a bit tricky. Abseiled off the tree.

Sáb 15.º Sep 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Will Vidler, Ben Sanford Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Harry Kadi
Up crack to slings at tree, pretty fun but not the best of the crag

17 Master and the apprentice - con Ben Sanford, Harry Kadi Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Will Vidler
Great hand crack to slings on tree, the continuation didn't look super.

Mar 22.º Mayo 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Max Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
seconded Max as a warmup. First half is great but the second isn't too crash hot. can lower off from the slung tree 20m up or contuine ups and rap off the slung tree with two 50m.

Mallion Replaced 22nd of May

17 Master and the apprentice - con Match Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Clásico
A very nice warm up! I wouldn't bother topping out, the bottom is the best part. The traverse is nice but from there up it's a pretty average grade 12 on carrots

Sáb 19.º Mayo 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice - con Steve Ayling Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Peter Webster
Dom 21.º En 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Buena
Meredith Apple
Dom 23.º Abr 2017 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Buena
Rene Provis
Warmup route. Lovely splitter crack. Lowered off tree at end of crack to avoid the faff. Would be good with loweroff/belay station where the route transitions from trad to bolts

17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Nice moves up the crack - great warmup.

17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Buena
First official Trad I've done. I actually don't think it was very traddy since I was outside the crack the hole time.

Sáb 10.º Dic 2016 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Great warm-up. Fun easy hands to cool traverse all with good gear. Easy but slightly runout slab. Rap off the tree down the gully with care of rocks. Drop the ropes down the gully rather than toss. Lots of trees for ropes to wrap around

Lun 22.º Feb 2016 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Buena
Jason McCarthy
Very good climbing up hand-crack until the arete then its just average.

Dom 5.º Jun 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice Clásica mixta 45m, 5 Muy buena
Timmy Wong

Mostrando los 60 ascensiones.

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