
Acceso: Limited

Due to landslides and road cave-ins along Barron Gorge Rd, this area is closed to public car access. Can instead park at -16.866122,145.671846 then walk or ride a bicycle to desired crag. Updated May 2024.

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Creó hace 5 meses - Editó hace 8 semanas


Corner/face climb. First 3m is an easy 19 which ends with "I can climb this with sneakers on" territory. Good for warm-ups.

Historia de la vía

No hay un histórico conocido de la vía.


26 Jan 2024 Advertencia Acceso: Limited


Lat/Long.: -16.85364, 145.64965

Referencias de nivel de dificultad

19 Grado de dificultad
19 Jared Tyerman


Brush holds, respect veg, wildlife, and the rock as much as possible. Take all that goes with you back out of the gorge inc. fruit scraps. Please also take any rubbish you find.

heredado de Barron Gorge


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