
Vías en Canal Rocks

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Mostrando los 12 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
V5 The Preheelstoric

Left line on boulder, start low on two pinches, work your way to the crimp on the left and set yourself up to launch to top.

PA: Peter Zhang, 16 Abr 2017

V1 Warm up

Right line, warm up on jugs to top. Flowy

Búlder 2m
V3 Heelhooking Motherfuckers

Sit start low then up trending left.

V9 Middle Line

Sit start matched on the vague triangular feature - left hand pinch, right hand sidepull. Bust out right to a good sidepull then get a left heel up and cross over to the jugs then up. The obvious 'tongue' of rock to the left is out for feet. Easier the taller you are. https://vimeo.com/173761119

Bonus points for eliminating the low flake for feet to force a cut to get the left heel up.

PA: Andy Lampard

Búlder 2m
V7 The Right Line

Start about as low as you can around the right corner of the boulder. Follow the scoops and underclings up to an easy top out. V7?

PA: Andy Lampard

Búlder 2m
V2 Left face

Sit start on the good flake then up the scoops. Can't remember how hard it felt but it's nice.

Búlder 2m
V2 Left Face Traverse

Sit start as Left Face, instead of going strait up head right to the lip. Then follow holds until you reach the mega jugs, then top out.

Búlder 5m
Attempted Murder

Squeeze your way up the boulder without using the giant death flake. Grade unknown.

PA: Andy Lampard

V3 Place holder

Start on the lower holds of the arête. Stay to the left.

Búlder 2m
V3 Inside outer

Start on the undercling 1m right of the arete. head up to hueco and onwards to the lip.

Búlder 2m
V4 Secret Traverse

Start as for Inside Outer, but head right at the hueco and up to crimp edges. top out over awesome flake.

Búlder 3m
V3 Tinder Surprise

Start on far right sloping ledge. Traverse left, past hueco to exit up Left Face


Mostrando los 12 vías.

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