
Nodos en Chunky & Mantle

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Chunky & Mantle

Get your mantle game started on Chunky & Mantle, the low boulder a few metres behind Porkorama approaching from netball court side. Potential to bump the grades up with some sit starts and linkups.

VB C&M1.1

Left side of far slab from the low step.

VB+ C&M1.2

Right side of far slab, all good footers on far left are out.

VB C&M2.1

Around to the right from the slab and detached stones, climb the far left of the next short slab stepping left and up.

VB C&M2.2

Same starting position as C&M2.1 stepping up directly.

VB C&M3.1

Metre right of CM2.1/2.2, mantle via the diagonal rail.

VB+ C&M4.1

Right of C&M3.1, rockover onto the shelf with right foot.

V0- C&M4.2

Rockover onto the shelf with left foot.

VB+ C&M5.1

Mantle the scoop right of the shelf.

V0- C&M6.1

From the flat rocky shelf around to the right again, mantle the nice short wall/slab to the left.

V0- C&M6.2

Start position as for C&M6.1 mantle to the right direct.

Mostrando los 11 nodos.

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