
Vías en Pine Mango

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  • Ángulo aproximación
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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 27 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
VB- Slab Flake

Slab via large flake immediately left of jumbled blocks.

Búlder 2m
VB- Slab(S)

Slab between the two flakes.

Búlder 2m
VB- Foot Flake (R)

Up the diagonal flake from the right and up the slab in centre.

Búlder 3m
VB- Centre Flake

Up the centre of the slab of the parabolic flake system.

Búlder 2m
VB- Foot Flake (L)
Búlder 3m
VB NW Slab(R)

Between groundstone and Foot Flake(L)

Búlder 2m
VB Crimp Slab

Left of groundstone via crescent and diagonal crimp.

Búlder 2m
V0- Steeper Slab

Start right hand on diagonal crimp moving up and leftish.

Búlder 2m
VB+ NW Slab(L)

Start right edge of shelf mving up direct sans flake on left.

Búlder 2m
VB Flake Gully

Same start holds as previous problem mving left into and up the flake gully.

Búlder 2m
VB- Green Slab

Short slab immediately left of tree.

Búlder 1m
VB- Descent Slab

Low angled longish slab Southern aspect.

Búlder 3m
VB+ Scar Slab

Approx 2.5m left of Descent Slab start left foot in low scar moving up direct.

Búlder 3m
V0- Blunt Rib

Start right foot in low scar moving up and leftish.

Búlder 3m
V0+ Groundstone Slab

Direct up from groundstone.

Búlder 2m
Apoyar a theCrag no sólo beneficiará a tu Karma
También te permitirá acceder a unos beneficios increíbles en theCrag y más allá.
V0+ Blunt Arete

Starts left of groundstone.

Búlder 2m
V0 Dishes

Up through the large shallow dishes via the finger jug rail.

Búlder 2m
V1 Dodgy Pebbles Slab

Left of dishes.

Búlder 2m
VB+ Shelf Slab

Start on shelf moving up and slightly left.

Búlder 2m
VB- Low Angle Slab

Eastern aspect.

Búlder 2m
VB- Tree Slab(R)

Right of the tree.

Búlder 2m
Pineapple Husk
VB- Descent

Right side of boulder Western aspect.

Búlder 2m
VB West Slab

Left of Descent.

Búlder 2m
VB+ Seam
Búlder 2m
VB+ Crack Groove
Búlder 2m
V0- Arete(L)

Arete left side of Crack Groove, stand hands free on left bloc before moving right,

Búlder 2m
VB+ Crack Groove East

Opposite side of Crack Groove.

Búlder 2m

Mostrando los 27 vías.

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