

Start low in pockets, up to the rounded arete.

Historia de la vía

Mayo 2020Primera ascensión: Luke Yerbury



Lat/Long.: -32.99113, 151.73032

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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Autor(es): Tim Haasnoot

Fecha: 2013

número ISBN: 9780975129319

An area that has steep sport routes, trad cracks, deep-water-soling, sea cliff climbing and bouldering all within a short drive to some beautiful beaches and national parks is surely worth a look in. The Newcastle and Hunter Rock Climbing guide by Tim Haasnoot is feature packed and includes all the areas worth a day trip from Newcastle. This guide features over 950 routes, 170 boulder problems and 100 DWS with full topo maps and navigation info.

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