
Ascensiones de Muscle Hustler como deportiva

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Mostrando los 100 ascensiones.

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Mar 11.º Jul 2023 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 ~25 Muscle Hustler - con Stephanie Levesque Deportiva 35m Clásico
Victor Rodriguez
Sent this one a couple of months ago to the first anchor passing the roof, but never logged it because I thought the full 26 was to the top of the face wall (second anchor), but the rope drag didn't allow me to keep moving above 2nd bolt passing the 1st anchor even with extended draws.

A friend told me recently the 26 is to the first anchor only but I'm not sure about it. If someone can confirm it, I'll be happy to keep or to remove the ascent.

Dom 18.º Jun 2023 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con Gon Gatti, Clara Klein Deportiva 35m
Tomás Briones López
Mar 20.º Dic 2022 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler — 2 intentos - con Zac Fisher Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Greg Fisher
Mar 13.º Dic 2022 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Thomas Maxted
Great line of jugs. No harder than the hustler?!

Lun 10.º Oct 2022 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Jorge Díaz-Rullo
One of the best routes that I have ever climb! I did until go outside of the wall, I think is new the last top.

Sáb 20.º Ag 2022 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Tory Henson
Dom 31.º Jul 2022 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Dom 19.º Jun 2022 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Alex MacAdam
Sáb 11.º Jun 2022 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Maria Bntwl
Total of 4 attempts, pretty happy with that!

Dom 5.º Jun 2022 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Bill Mansfield
Strung the 'two pitches' together, but we heard this is not standard? Mega mega route.

Mié 4.º Mayo 2022 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con hMill Deportiva 35m
Lun 18.º Abr 2022 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con Gen Giddings Deportiva 35m
Sam Lothringer
Thought I'd flashed and stopped. Had one more draw to go!

Dom 4.º Jul 2021 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
claire xian
Sáb 12.º Jun 2021 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
David Barrie
Sáb 15.º Mayo 2021 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Muy buena
I Skip Crux Holds
Dom 31.º En 2021 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
25 26 Muscle Hustler - con Kate Powell Deportiva 35m
Mr Tzatziki
Sáb 26.º Dic 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Mr Tzatziki
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Mr Tzatziki
Mié 30.º Sep 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con Matthieu Desmons, Katja Gavran, Jenny Gao, Cedric Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
OMG! Such an amazing climb!!! Lowered of from the first set of anchors on the headwall after the roof.

26 Muscle Hustler - con Matthieu Desmons, Katja Gavran, Jenny Gao, Cedric Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
The moves are really great. High point and worked out the crux coming out to the headwall. Very close to send. Still had to lower from the first anchors because it started to rain. So excited to jump on it again!

Dom 27.º Sep 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con Michael Moore Deportiva 35m Clásico
First go of the day and first 26!!!!

the selected tune was (do what you want by Ok Go )

what a mega route it's really interesting when you say you can climb roofs for 6 years then it becomes your hardest send!!!!

Sáb 26.º Sep 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con carol lee Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
2nd shot today Very happy.Found knee bar, hand free rest in the middle of the roof. Super motivated. Woohoo. Kids and work make difficult to train. This is my little victory plus my best buddy was there today to support me.

26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Mar 22.º Sep 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con Match, davedave Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Michael Moore
Done the moves. All feels pretty chill until the lip which is quite techy and easy to get wrong when pumped. Mega line, keen to come back.

Jue 17.º Sep 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Beta mining

26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Sooooo close after getting the send on hustler I just went for a victory lap and nearly put it away.

Mié 16.º Sep 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con Match, Joshua Yang Deportiva 35m Clásico
Patrick Chambers
No real hard moves, just pump. Good rests in the first half, then just need to power through the rest of the jugs up to the anchors.

Dom 13.º Sep 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Muy buena
Sáb 12.º Sep 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Michael Velsigne
Pumpy and rather dicey runout from the 2nd to 3rd bolt. Was last ditch effort of the day to see how it would go. Gassed out.

26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Michael Velsigne
Jue 10.º Sep 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con davedave Deportiva 35m Clásico
testing it all out fell pretty intense on the first pass but did all the moves wild position!!

26 Muscle Hustler - con davedave Deportiva 35m Clásico
did some great links will be back for this funnnnn route im 104kg atm I've Mitch tested them. Have confidence in the holds!


Sáb 29.º Ag 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Muy buena
Hard for your last climb 😂

26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Alec Landstra
Warmup send lol. Pretty soft, only pumpy.

26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Alec Landstra
EOD victory lap. Even more pumpy this time round

Mar 25.º Ag 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con Heidixe Deportiva 35m Buena
Dom 23.º Ag 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Alec Landstra
Dropped OS with my fungers wrapping around the jug after the tricky move . Oh well. Next shot for sure.

Jue 13.º Ag 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Zac Schofield
Absolutely amazing, had a lot of trouble commiting to getting up out of the roof, but with a bit more energy it shouldn’t be too hard

Mié 12.º Ag 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
I Skip Crux Holds
Oh mama. No hard move, but pumpy. Pretty exciting moving out of the roof up the scoop

Sáb 11.º Jul 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Ryan Tranter
Amazing roof climbing on sandy jugs with a little sting in the tail. Started bucketing rain as I began climbing but mostly stayed dry the whole way 👌

26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Muy buena
Vass Issaev
Cool moves. Heaps of sand. A pumper

Lun 29.º Jun 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Krzysztof Maciejowski
Dom 23.º Feb 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con Maurício Chino Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Nabor Andariza
Good way to do it is climb with two ropes, clipping one of them all the way to the rest cave and then from the rest, clip the second rope on the anchors of the 25 and go from there. Alternatively, rethread the rope on the anchors (bring a safety line to keep you safe if you are re threading).

Otherwise drag is almost unmanageable. Make sure to put an alpine draw/extended one after the last perma draw in the roof to reduce drag even more.

Excellent pumpy roof section followed by a no hands rest/cave and then a beautiful technical face climb on awesome orange headwall.

Dom 20.º Oct 2019 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Mr Tzatziki
Jue 15.º Ag 2019 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con adam grant Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Moe Hassani
Surprised myself with this flash. Very stoked after watching Adam made his way up. Absolute battle, but getting through the upside down middle section to the first rest Cave was great. The last moves to the anchor can be a heart breaker. Luckily I had enough in the tank to move through the technical sequence at the end.

Dom 28.º Jul 2019 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Pure endurance climb on really big jugs.

Jue 18.º Jul 2019 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con Marcus Loane Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
George Broadfoot
I finally did the top pitch as well!! I'd rpped down it years agoand inspected the funky crux. Today it was very nice to climb the orange head wall in the afternoon sun. Incredible from bottom to top! What a cool journey

Dom 7.º Jul 2019 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Muy buena
Elliot Kals
Fun to cover a lot of terrain at this angle, bigger than jugs, little chossy! Perma draws through the middle make it super accessible!

Jue 4.º Jul 2019 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
ryan holm
Dom 30.º Jun 2019 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Gino Lagazio
Awesome roof thuggin on some of the best holds in the stratosphere! Just managed to hold it together around the lip before diving into the cave at the top to clip the anchor laying down. Second shot

Dom 17.º Feb 2019 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
25 26 Muscle Hustler - con Kate Riordan Deportiva 35m
oliver kerr
Alzheimers onsight. Pumped pretty silly at the top throwing for whatever was big enough!

Sáb 24.º Nov 2018 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con Marius Deportiva 35m
Mr Tzatziki
Sáb 1.º Sep 2018 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Lucas C
Went for the flash, whipped off the last hold pumped out of my mind.as I spun I became sick and was dry reaching holding back vomiting on the entire pocket wall crowd. As I was lowered so kid said to me “dude why are you sweating so much and you look pink in the face”. Probs one of the funnest burns I’ve ever had.im never drinking again!

26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Lucas C
Back up, but all the way this time!

26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Fun jugging with a sting in the tail

Sáb 16.º Jun 2018 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
26 Muscle Hustler - con Meef Deportiva 35m Clásico
Ludek Sykora
Two years ago project! today send on first go!

Vie 14.º Jul 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Josh Mennell
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Josh Mennell
Mié 14.º Jun 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Muy buena
Phil Neville
Sandy but super fun. First go today after falling of the last move on my OS years back

Dom 28.º Mayo 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Nick Churchill
Even at 25 it's soft. good adventure though

Dom 18.º Sep 2016 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con douglas Deportiva 35m Clásico
Liam Davey
Awesome climb! So many good holds and heel hooks (or calf hooks haha). I'd seen a video and had some beta for the end so definitely can't claim the onsight. Super pleased with the flash though, even if it is a bit soft for a 26.

Sáb 23.º Jul 2016 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Muy buena
Lucas C
I was so scared to climb shouldn't have taken 2 months off climbing.First time back and this was a s struggle. Soft for the grade for sure!

Jue 14.º Jul 2016 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Superb route with good holds. I reckon the start is the hardest and then it turns into a good slow pump with mega jugs. Just gotta keep chugging until you reach the cave and you can rest there like forever. 1st onsight at this grade although I find it a bit soft. ✌

Lun 13.º Jun 2016 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
:'( I don't know how I could blow this going out to the arete at the start.

26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Jakob Kapelj
Pretty happy about this one. Great climb. Felt good the whole way, glad i didn't fall at the anchors again.

Sáb 2.º Abr 2016 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con sabine pratt Deportiva 35m Clásico
Sáb 7.º Feb 2015 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Buena
Mitch Scanlan-Bloor

Sáb 11.º Oct 2014 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler - con Heidi Deportiva 35m Buena
matt hoschke
Mar 22.º Jul 2014 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Muy buena
Luke Hansen
Vie 4.º Jul 2014 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
24 26 Muscle Hustler - con Alex Turnbull Deportiva 35m Clásico
Lucy Stirling
So good! Stellar climb

24 26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Alexander Turnbull
Awesome fun, jug hauling the whole way.

Lun 30.º Jun 2014 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Dave Hoyle
Dom 18.º Mayo 2014 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Vie 28.º Mar 2014 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
24 26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Buena
Ben Jenga
A quick lap to retrieve a couple of draws, sure why not. I had done the hustler before but the 26 variant was all new. So so soft, would be soft for a 25 so if your looking for a soft 6 then line up for the steep jug-a-thong.

Mar 18.º Jun 2013 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Dom 28.º Oct 2012 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Sebastian Sakowicz
Must feel very soft if you are a pumper, it didn't feel that soft for me. 15/4/12 Down to one rest.

Mié 8.º Ag 2012 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Muy buena
Nick Le Baut
One go. Pumper. Need to go back

Sáb 28.º Abr 2012 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Buena
Gerhard Deiter
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Tim Haasnoot
Super cool roof climb. Even better now with perm-draws, proper ones!! So can't call it an onsight

Sáb 21.º Abr 2012 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Anton Weller
I loved the jugs ... following the jugs ... with more jugs after that.

Jue 15.º Sep 2011 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Muy buena
Phil Neville
haha. No fitness. Sore back. Hadn't climbed in months. Fell of the last move on the OS. Was totally ruined afterwards. Thank god I didn't have to clean it!

Dom 19.º Jun 2011 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
David O'Donnell
Nowra roof climbing!!...oh yeah!!

Sáb 30.º Abr 2011 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Megaclásica
Tom O'Halloran
Really fun route. Maybe the best route I did on the trip. No hard moves it just keeps going and goig

Dom 3.º Jun 2007 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Jason Smith
Above the slippery wall of shit lies some slightly sandy gold

Sáb 17.º Jun 2006 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Buena
Matt Pascoe
cant believe it took so mnany shots!!

Dom 4.º Jun 2006 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Buena
Matt Pascoe
Slipped off the crux hold therefore missing the onsight. So close. Missed on 2nd shot too. Damn casnio

Dom 21.º Mayo 2006 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
chad o'donnell
Mar 25.º Abr 2006 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Muy buena
Lauren van der Mast
2nd Shot! When I first came to Nowra, I saw the impressive roof of the pocketed wall and thought to myself, one day, I'll be up there. Every time that I have walked past that wall, I still thought, one day i'll get that. Well 'one day' came fairly quickly! Its not the hardest of 26's, but it is loads of fun, I loved every second of it!!!

Sáb 4.º Sep 2004 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Johan Szabo
Sáb 31.º Jul 2004 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
2nd go, How much fun is this, cranky around lip to top jugs

Dom 21.º Sep 2003 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
stephen lewin
2002 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
2001 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m Clásico
Matt Brooks
Dom 8.º Mayo 2016 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Dennis Mitchell
Mar 13.º Abr 2010 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
Stuart McElroy
felt soft as I was very strong - for once!

26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
warwick payten
26 Muscle Hustler Deportiva 35m
James Hardy

Mostrando los 100 ascensiones.

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