
Nodos en Rock n Roll sector

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Rock n Roll sector

A variety of excellent boulders spread through the trees, left across the ridge from the Stones Throw sector.

V2 End of the Book

Crimp up seam with no room for era - boulder seen 20m from Laurel Camp rd

V0 Phat Crack

Crack to the left of EOTB, actually quite fun

V0 Muffy

The rising slab with underclings

V4 Hardenbergia

The thin and shallow crack a couple of metres to the right of muffy. -35.370133, 148.923828

Egg boulder

The massive boulder you can see from Stones throw

V0 Headed for the Sun

Stand start and up, on the top side of the big egg boulder. Also the easiest way off this boulder.

Drive bloc

The second massive boulder that runs parallel to the egg

V1 Drive

On the slabby wall, directly behind the massive egg boulder. Up the slab, left of Redline.

V4 Redline

Stand start up the wall and crack, onto the high slab above.

V3 Cyclone Launch

Up the right side of the Drive wall. Stand start at the left end of the horizontal break, or sit start at the far right of the break and traverse over. Straight up with side pulls and crystals.

VB Grasschopper

Stand start and up the easy slab, at the top end of the Drive block. Also one of the easier ways off this block.

V0 The Bargain

Stand start on the small ledge, left of Grasschopper. Some crimps to start, then up onto the rolling slab.

V4 Supershooter

Stand start in the steeper middle part of the wall, just to the right of the small ledge. Straight up on crimps, moving onto the slab above.

V0 Hotdoggin

Stand start with a good edge, where the high wall transitions into the scoop. Into the scoop and then up to the highest point on the wall.

King of the Road bloc

Immediately above the Drive bloc, and along the path to AC/DC.

VB Boogie Van

On the next boulder up the hill from the Drive block. Up the easy wall, directly opposite Grasschopper.

V1 Weird Beard

Stand start and up the left side of the wall.

V2 King of the Road

Stand start and up the crimpy wall and seam.

VB No Dice

Up the arete and wall, in the alcove left of King of the Road. An even easier alternative is to run feet up this wall, laybacking the block behind.

AC/DC bloc

From between the Egg/Drive boulders, head up the hill and find the track that skirts King of the Road, before dropping down to the large wall of AC/DC.

V0 Sin City

At the start of the excellent big wall, about 20 metres along and then down from the King of the Road block. Sit start and up.

V4 Hells Bells

Stand start a few metres right of Sin City. Up the wall.

VB Dirty Deeds

Stand start and up the wall just around the blunt arete from Hells Bells, without bridging over to the wall on the right. Needs another clean once dry.

V4 Jailbreak

Stand start off the small block at the base of the wall, then straight up on small crimps.

V4 Thunderstruck

Stand start at the right hand end of the block, with a line of crimpy hand holds to start. Up the wall, easing in the top half.

V0 Let there be Rock

Stand start and up the wall, at the far end of the ACDC block.

V1 Let there be Rockover

Stand start at the right end of the undercling, near Fire your Guns. Traverse the undercling to join Let there be Rock.

V1 Fire Your Guns

Sit start with the undercling and side pull, on the back side of the ACDC block, a couple of metres up from Let there be Rock. Follow the arch around and up. It's also possible to stand start at Let there be Rock and then follow the underclings around to join the arch, at around the same grade.

VB Regal Begal

Sit start and up the featured wall, just across from the end of the ACDC block. [still needs a track]

Hot stuff 'n co
V3 Paint it Black

Facing the track on the next boulder along from the Drive block. Sit start and up on good holds.

V4 Hot stuff

Sit start at the base of the wall/prow using the pedestal for feet. Straight up with good compression moves, using whatever comes to hand. The stand is also worthwhile, and goes at about V0.

V1 Lizzy lizard the crack wizard

Sit start with feet on pedestal and hand in the bottom of the crack. Pull on, do a few jams and top out. Check the crack for the resident blue tongue before setting off.

V3 Sticky Fingers

Sit start at the good jug, on the wall just around left from 'Hot stuff' . A couple of ways to do this one, all around the same grade.

V1 You Never Give Me Your Money

Mantle on good crimps.

V2 Razor Blade Smile

Low sit start at the crack, left of Sticky Fingers. Big holds but awkward climbing up the flake/cracks.

VB Tracy's Arete

On the fin visible behind Razor Blade Smile. Sit start and up the right side of the arete.

V0 Brown Sugar

Sit start on the left side of the arete, then up using the arete and holds further left as useful.

V4 to V5 Rollin' Rollin

Circumnavigate the boulder behind Sticky Fingers. Sit start from the large edges just right of the bottom corner, and proceed left. The crux is getting under the prow at the top end.

Tool bloc

The boulder straight ahead when heading across the hill from Hot Stuff and Co (i.e. between the What you Want and Play with Fire blocs).

V3 Undertow

Sit start at the base of the undercling, heading up and slightly left using the flakes etc.

V3 Lateralus

Stand start right of Undertow, with good sidepulls but poor feet. Up to small crimp rail and top out.

V3 Cold and Ugly

Stand start around left of Lateralus. Thin start, then straight up to features on and over the lip.

What you want

Follow the track along from Hot stuff, and veer left just before the Tool bloc.

V4 You Can't Always Get What You Want

Another 20 metres or so across the ridge from the Paint it Black boulder, heading down after crossing the barbed wire. Stand start of the right of the small starting ledge, with sharp crimps. Up and across to finish as for Monkey Man.

What you want

Tend right and top out, the holds are there, but they're all bad

V2 Monkey Man

Sit start on the left side of the wall, with the narrow start ledge. Up with crimps to the sloping top, then up and over. The stand start goes at around v0.

Play with fire

Find the track behind Brown Sugar, or follow the old fenceline up from just before the Tool bloc.

V2 Play with Fire

20m or so along the ridge from the Paint it Black boulder, heading right/up when you reach the barbed wire. This boulder is down on the left after a few metres. Sit start on the left side of the arete, and then up using the horizontal seam and holds on the arete. Beware the top stacked block round to the right on the way down, as its quite wobbly.

V3 Burnt

Sit start at the left of the horizontal break. Traverse all the way right, and finish up Play with Fire

VB Start Me Up

Stand start and up the nice slab, on the back of the Play with Fire boulder.

Streetfightin' bloc

Follow the old fenceline up from near Play with Fire, or head straight behind the King of the Road bloc.

V2 She's a Rainbow

Visible ahead slightly to the right, when approaching the Play with Fire boulder. Sit start with good compression side pulls, then straight up.

V5 Rainbow Man

Sit start as for She's a Rainbow, then move left to join the Street Fighting flake and continue left to finish up that problem.

V4 Street Fighting Rainbow

Sit start as for Street Fighting Man, then traverse around the arête to finish up She's a Rainbow.

V5 Street Fighting Man

Sit start with the good flake, on the face left of She's a Rainbow. Up and slightly left into the face and scoop.

V0 Stone Age

Stand start and up the left side of the wall

V2 Stone Rage

Stand start left of Stone Age at the blunt end of the block, then traverse right around to finish at She's a Rainbow.

Mostrando los 59 nodos.

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