
Ascensiones de Lord of the D-Shackles

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Mostrando los 7 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Mar 27.º Jun 2023 - Alice Springs
Stegar Road Crags The Quarry Wall
21 Lord of the D-Shackles Clásica 12m
James Hockey
Mié 20.º Nov 2019 - Alice Springs
Stegar Road Crags The Quarry Wall
22 21 Lord of the D-Shackles Clásica 12m Buena
Ryan Gaskon
Great line if you’re confident leading at the grade. 22 if you climb the crack direct and ignore the tempting side pulls out right

Mié 29.º Nov 2017 - Alice Springs
Stegar Road Crags The Quarry Wall
21 Lord of the D-Shackles - con Ben Deacon Clásica 12m Muy buena
Stoked to tick this one...a very worthwhile route at this crag

Sáb 12.º Jul 2014 - Alice Springs
Stegar Road Crags The Quarry Wall
21 Lord of the D-Shackles Clásica 12m Buena
Friends don't let friends climb cracks.

Jue 3.º Jul 2014 - Alice Springs
Stegar Road Crags The Quarry Wall
21 Lord of the D-Shackles Clásica 12m Buena
Sáb 1.º Mar 2008 - Alice Springs
Stegar Road Crags The Quarry Wall
21 Lord of the D-Shackles Clásica 12m Clásico
Stuart Young
Wow! yeah... good... tough... Unfortunately moves and holds only became obvious after comming off the wall.

2003 - Alice Springs
Stegar Road Crags The Quarry Wall
21 Lord of the D-Shackles Clásica 12m Buena
Stuart Anderson

Mostrando los 7 ascensiones.

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