
Vías en Hélios

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Mostrando los 5 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
5.7 Granny Z
Deportiva 8
5.10b Poussière d’étoiles (Granny Ledge)
Clásica mixta 2
5.13a Vol de mort

Scramble up to a ledge from where you can clip the second draw. From there, a powerful layback move brings you to the first of many small rooves. Many powerful boulder-style crimp moves await you on the way to the top. Some say that you can kneebar rest before the first crux.

Fully equipped with glue-ins and perma-draws.

PA: Lévy Desmarais, Mayo 2021

5.11b Sacrifice Saignant

Start just right of "Vol de mort" with a first awkward move leading into a small finger-crack. Traverse right to an identical parallel crack and follow it to the chain anchor.

Only the one who masters his pump will be allowed to the top.

5.11d Flaming Chariot

Ça prends 3 Pros pour la section fissure

Clásica mixta 8

Mostrando los 5 vías.

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