
Vías en AMO Wall

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Mostrando los 8 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
5.9 Ghillie Suit

Starts from the left end of the upper ledge. Follows a dyke up and rightwards, then veers straight up.

Deportiva 22m, 8
5.6 Just Another Route on the Wall

From the thin ledge that is part way up Relish Route (or left of the new first belay), climb up the slab past 6 bolts.

Deportiva 30m, 6
5.8 The Relish Route
1 5.7 28m
2 5.6 22m
3 5.8 22m

Starts where the approach trail reaches the cliff.

  1. Climb up past thin slab moves, then left (holds) to a ledge with optional belay (reduces rope-drag) or continue up the slab to a belay in a scoop (8 bolts).

  2. Climb up slab to a large ledge. Several other climbs start from this ledge (4 bolts).

  3. From the ledge climb up past some delicate foot work, then to a short steep section and then finish (7 bolts).

PA: Chris Lawrence, Brian Jones & Andre Ike, 2009

Deportiva 72m, 3, 19
5.10a AWOL

This route goes right at the belay of the 2nd pitch of "The Relish Route".

PA: Chris Lawrence, Brian Jones & Andre Ike, 2009

Deportiva 30m, 8
5.9 Petra
1 5.9
2 5.7

This climb starts off the upper ledge reached by "The Relish Route". It starts at the far-right end of the dirt part of the ledge.

  1. 5.9, 20m Climb thin slab with difficult moves at the first bolt, then easier to an anchor.

  2. 5.7 (if that), 15m. Traverse right and gently up.

Use the anchors for "The Beaten Zone" to rappel -- 60m will get you to anchors, 70m will get you back to the ledge.

Deportiva 35m, 2
Apoyar a theCrag no sólo beneficiará a tu Karma
También te permitirá acceder a unos beneficios increíbles en theCrag y más allá.
5.7 The Beaten Zone

Absolutely classic friction slab climbing!

This route starts from an anchor just right of the edge of the ledge, as it starts to become a bit more slabish, then continues diagonally up and right.

Deportiva 30m, 10
5.10c Into the Mystic
1 5.6
2 5.10c
3 5.10b
4 5.7

Starts up the right side of the same groove as "The Relish Route", before veering right.

  1. 5.6, 5 bolts, 25m

  2. 5.10c, 7 bolts, 20m

  3. 5.10b, 4 bolts, 15m

  4. 5.7, 7 bolts, 33m

P1 can be done as a 1-pitch route from the ground. P4 can be done as a 1-pitch route from the upper ledge.

Deportiva 120m, 4
5.11a Stranger Than Friction
1 5.8
2 5.11a
Deportiva 2

Mostrando los 8 vías.

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