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Lat/Long.: 43.92641, 4.33757

Referencias de nivel de dificultad

6b Grado de dificultad


Park where indicated, take care of the environment, buy the local guidebook when possible (this is one of the ways you can help local route setters), clean up your shoes before climbing, don't spray beta, be polite.

heredado de France


Muy buena
Ni te molestes

Basado en valoraciones de 0.

Tipos de ascensiones

Palabras clave en los comentarios

Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Autor(es): Adrian Berry

Fecha: 2011

número ISBN: 9781873341629

A selective guidebook describing some of the popular sport climbing and some trad climbing in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of southern France, covering 17 areas including the Gorge du Tarn and over 3,000 routes.

Autor(es): L. Pierret, Th. Sandri

Fecha: 2017

18 climbing areas (incl. Seynes, Russan, Collias) in the Gard department in the south of France - mainly moderate difficulties - climbing is mostly in single pitches

Alojamientos cercanos more Ocultar

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