
Vías en Grande Grotta para grado seleccionado

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 4 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
7a DNA

The island's most popular, steep tufa climb. A good introduction to the style. In peak season, come early for a quick onsight or join the crowd until the sun hits.

Equip: Thomas Michaelides & Aris Theodoropoulos, 2001

Mant: 2016

Deportiva 20m
7a Elefantenhimmel

Infamous hard anchor-clip and possible rope drag problems. Otherwise great tufa climbing at around 6b+.

Equip: Kaspar Ochsner, Ruth Ochsner & Felix Meier, 2001

Deportiva 30m
7a Trela

Being less steep than the 7's to the left, Trela still requires a lot of endurance or better, some creative kneebars. Take the rightmost line of the shared start with Punto Caramelo and Tufantastic.

[Rope beta: A 70m rope is more than enough for leading and lowering (even though the guidebook says 40m). BUT be aware that stripping QDs might need more rope depending on technique.]

Equip: Olivier Didon, Guy Abert, Lionel Catsoyannis & Paola Pezzini, 2001

Deportiva 40m
7a KalyPige

Equip: Michel Piola, 2004

Deportiva 35m, 17

Mostrando los 4 vías.

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