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Lat/Long.: 46.25163, 11.59549

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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Autor(es): Mario Manica, Antonella Cicogna, Roni Andres

Fecha: 2022

número ISBN: 9788855470957

A comprehensive guidebook describing all the bolted sport routes around Arco and the Sarche valley near Lake Garda, and the Giudicarie valley near Trento, covering over 5,000 routes.

Autor(es): Matteo Pavana

Fecha: 2019

número ISBN: 9788898495160

A comprehensive guidebook describing the sport climbing around Arco and the surrounding area, covering over 4,400 routes, with the majority of these being single pitch routes.

Autor(es): Christoph Klein & Jürgen Winkler

Fecha: 2023

número ISBN: 978-3-95611-182-2

Alojamientos cercanos more Ocultar

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