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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 109 vías.

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Fairy Cave Tiger Wall
6b Outer Space

Start at the short bouldery overhanging section to the left of the obvious tufa on small brittle holds (best to clip-stick the first bolt). Climb up and left on holds and tufas. Finish up into the large overhanging tufas through the big hole/chimney. Good only during the dry season.

PA: Andy Popeye Su, 2012

Deportiva 25m, 13
6b+ Inner Space

Variation to Outer Space. From the bolt leading into the chimney (second last bolt) move right through the tufas.

PA: Noh Muhammad, 2012

Deportiva 26m, 14
6a Thanks Andy

Start to the right of the tufa (same start as "Space Invaders") then climb left and straight up the dihedral and tufa structures to the chain anchor.

PA: Malcolm Jitam, 2012

Deportiva 20m, 10
6b Space Invaders

Shares the start and 1st bolt with "Thanks Andy" then goes straight up the face and into the tufas.

PA: Alexander Hölke, 2012

Deportiva 10m, 5
5c At Last!

Obvious face climb straight up the grey and later white rock to the chain anchor. Dry for most of the year.

PA: Eunice Lin, 2012

Deportiva 20m, 7
6c Take Five

Starts to the right of "At last!". Climb up the grey rock on sharp holds, through tufas then the white dihedral to the chain anchor. Use long slings as the route zig-zags at the lower part. Good only during dry season.

Equip: Andy Popeye Su & Alexander Hölke, 2012

PA: Ateng Safardi, 2012

Deportiva 25m, 13
6b+ Boulder

PA: Mel Jitam, 2012

Deportiva 20m, 8
6c Happy Ending

PA: Ateng Safardi, 2012

Deportiva 23m, 12
6b Tubi Or Man Tubi

PA: Derek Cheng, 2012

Deportiva 25m, 13
7b+ Kuching Hero

PA: Andy Popeye Su, 2013

6a+ Sense Of Victory

Start the same as as "Both Sides Of 50" then branches off to the left.

PA: Eunice Lin, 2013

Deportiva 22m, 11
6a+ Both Sides of 50

PA: Eunice Lin, 2012

Deportiva 18m, 8
6b Balls Of Brass

PA: Ryan Weller, 2012

Deportiva 15m, 5
Fairy Cave Batman Wall
6a Boleh Bah Kalau Kau

Shares the starting bolt and 2nd bold with "The Joker" then climb left and up.

PA: Beverly Tam, 2012

Deportiva 15m, 5
6b+ The Joker

Starting bolt is to the left of the tufa of Two Egg Bacon Burger. Climb up and slightly left to the overhanging section to a rest point inside a chimney. Then finish up with a few moves through a steep wall to the chain anchor.

PA: Alexander Hölke, 2012

Deportiva 15m, 7
6b+ Two Egg Bacon Burger

This is the only ground-up start at Batman up the obvious tufa pillar. Climb up to good pockets and awkward moves. You may find the anchor hard to clip when on-sighting.

Equip: Alexander Hölke & Asang Nikander, 2008

PA: Alexander Hölke, 2009

Deportiva 12m, 6
6b Pickpocket

Climb up tho the ledge then the overhanging wall at the left hand side of the alcove.

Equip: Alexander Hölke & Noh Muhammad, 2011

PA: Noh Muhammad, 2011

Deportiva 15m, 7
6b Happy Feet

Climb up to the ledge and stem up inside the corner. Move right to avoid the roof and climb up the face passed a huge jug to the anchor.

PA: Alexander Hölke, 2011

Deportiva 15m, 7
6b+ Bomba Chimney

Batman start is just to the right of Happy Feet. The lower chimney used to be covered with a black grime but has been cleaned in 2011 and again in 2020. Climb up the short wall then further an offwidth/chimney crack on large holds. A layback move to the right gets you to another chimney section and a balancy finish to the anchor chain.

PA: Ateng Safardi, 2011

Deportiva 15m, 8
6b Rodeo Jitam

Starts to the left of "Holy Thundering Meteorite, Batman!" - and just left of the finishing bolts of the roof climb "Show Pony". Climb up some pockets to the obvious ledge with the large blackish rock bridge (this is the horse) then slightly right up the fist crack to another ledge. Climb the roof and continue to the anchor.

PA: Mel Jitam, 2011

Deportiva 15m, 7
6b+ End Of The Universe
1 6a+
2 6b+

A 2 pitch extension of "Rodeo Jitam".

PA: Andy Popeye & Yi Chuan, 2013

Deportiva 2
6c Holy Thundering Meteorite - Batman!

Thuggy start leads to a little bit techy mid section followed by a easier finish. Use the leftmost starting bolt.

PA: Ch’ien Lee & Glen McNair, 2003

Deportiva 15m, 8
6c+ Meet Your Maker

Extension to Meteorite. Avoid the anchor but continue upwards to a rest point inside a small cave. Climb up further passed some tricky moves (crux) to the anchor of Kapur Chimney.

PA: DS, 2012

Deportiva 28m, 13
7a Meet My Mother

Extension of Meet Your Maker. Continue up the same extension of Kapur Chimney until the anchor.

PA: Ian Chung

Deportiva 33m, 18
6a 999

One of the easiest route at batman wall and often used as a top rope for beginners trying to get a feel for a hanging start. Cool moves and as usual the start is always tricky and will throw some people off. Not that easy to onsight but once u know all the moves it's a 30sec climb.

PA: Jimen, 1999

Deportiva 15m, 8
6b+ Kapur Chimney

The Classic at Batman wall, make sure you get on this when you're here. The start is tricky and crimpy - get through that and what follows is fantastic climbing.

PA: John Norman, 1999

PA: Alexander Hölke, 2008

Deportiva 25m, 12
7a Verlängerung

Continue from the Chimney anchor (no-hands) further up through the wall and tufas (crux). Better use long draws for the lower part to avoid rope drag.

PA: Alexander Hölke, Feb 2019

Deportiva 32m, 17
8a A Tear

Follow "Cicak", 1st to 3rd Clip, then Traverse across "Simtoi", "Bas Laici" and "Johnny be Good" to end at "Jansson's Temptation".

PA: Garth Miller, 1999

7b+ Cicak

Powerful start and sustained climbing to the ledge. The climbing continues up the face (crux) keeping left of Simtoi. Cicak is Gecko in Malay.

PA: Simon Wilson, 1999

Deportiva 20m, 7
7b Simtoi

Batman start and climb through the technical and pumpy overhang (crux right at the start) to the ledge. Further up through a few shared moves with "Bas Laici" but then keep to the left. The route is named after a local dog which was omnipresent during the 1999 bolting activities.

PA: Garth Miller, 1999

Deportiva 20m, 8
7a Elephant Ears

Variations and Traverse.

Start on "Bas Laici" then "Simtoi" and across "Cicak" to "Kapur Chimney". There are a few Original moves between "Cicak" and "Kapur Chimney" protected by a bolt.

PA: Monique Forestier, 1999

Deportiva 22m
7a Bas Laici

The classic 7a at Batman Wall. Climb through the juggy overhang to a rest point at the ledge. Move further up then stay right. Shares Batman starting bolts with "Johnny B. Goode" and a few moves with "Simtoi" after the ledge. Named after the not-so-white bus, which was taking the Australien team to the wall.

PA: Simon Wilson, 1999

Deportiva 15m, 5
7c Johnny B. Goode

Shares the starting bolts with as "Bas Laici" but goes to the right then up through the overhanging wall. Named after the famous song by Chuck Berry, and the only western one the local band new and played again and again.

PA: Garth Miller, 1999

Deportiva 20m, 9
7a+ Jansson’s Temptation

Long moves on overhanging rock with a good rest at about the center of the climb. This route was left as a project by the Australian Team in 1999. Chi'en Lee was working on it when Swedish climber Jansson made a visit and unknowingly snatched the route from him.

PA: Christer Jansson, 2000

Deportiva 20m, 7
7b+ Grime Alley

Another project left by the original Australien bolters. Unfortunately the crux hold is always grimy and hence, aspirants need to be prepared to do some cleaning.

PA: Ch’ien Lee, 2007

Deportiva 15m, 5
6c+ Laba Laba

Pumpy lower section and less steep but technical upper section. Laba Laba means Spider in Malay. The route has two enxensions in 2012, a left variant called "Titu-Titu" and a right one called "Rama-Rama".

PA: Alexander Hölke, 2009

Deportiva 17m, 9
7a Titu-Titu

Extension to Laba Laba, Climb all the way right towards the Big Staglatite. Use Long Draws for less Rope drag.

PA: Yi Chuan, 2013

Deportiva 31m, 16
6c+ Rama-Rama

Right extension of Laba Laba. The final moves is for chimney-lovers.

PA: Andy Popeye Su, 2014

Deportiva 40m, 17
7a+ Fledermaus

The start is to the right of Laba Laba. Sustained with interesting moves. Off starting bolt climb through overhanging rock to the 3rd bolt for a sitting rest on a lump. Climb further up with more tricky and balancy moves to the chain anchor.

PA: Alexander Hölke, 2009

Deportiva 20m, 9
7a Robin

This route has a sign board. Climb the overhanging rock using pockets and tufas with long and powerful moves.

PA: Asang Nikander, 2010

Deportiva 20m, 8
7b Buzz Lightyear

One of the longer routes on the wall. Batman start just to the right of "Robin". Sustained.

PA: Alexander Hölke, 2011

Deportiva 30m, 11
7a+ Noh Came Late

Batman start to the right of Buzz Lightyear. Sustained climbing throught the overhanging wall.

PA: Noh Muhammad, 2011

Deportiva 20m, 7
7b+ Shark Attack

Sustained, pumpy and technical. Has an interestingly-shaped hold looking like a shark fin about halfway up.

PA: Alexander Hölke, 2013

Deportiva 20m, 8
6c+ Snake Skin

The route batman-starts fairly low then traverses right and up. The anchor is just below the large and sometimes wet tufa.

PA: Noh Muhammad, 2012

Deportiva 12m, 6
7b+ Papa Swing

The routed follows the line just to the right of the large (and often wet)stalactite.

PA: Alexander Hölke, 2014

Deportiva 27m, 9
7b Bye-Bye Kuching

This climb may be wet during the wet season (Dec-April). Pumpy and technical.

Equip: DS & Alexander Hölke, Feb 2016

PA: Alexander Hölke, Dic 2019

Deportiva 27m, 11
Bolting Project

Last line at the right far end of Batman Wall. 2 anchor bolts were set in September 2016 by Alexander Hölke, top rope can be set up from "Bye-Bye Kuching". Batman start off a solid sling also left in 2016.

DeportivaProyecto 20m
Fairy Cave Batman Wall Batman Roof
7c 14 Year Lottery

Ground up start at the Tufa of "Two Egg Bacon Burger" and then move right, Shares the last two bolts with "If I could Just Reach My Utility Belt

PA: Brian Tan, 2013

Deportiva 8m
8a If I could just reach my Utility belt

Batman Start is about 5 metres to the right of the large tufa of "Two egg bacon burger" Route

PA: Simon Wilson, 1999

Deportiva 8m, 5
7c+ Show Pony

Shares Starting bolt with "Broken Wings" and "A Smile". Uses the leftmost boltline. Finish is between the start of "Rodeo Jitam" and "Holy Thundering Meteorite - Batman!".

Gymnastic Roof Climbing leads to the crux towards the end.

PA: Garth Miller, 1999

Deportiva 7m, 6
8c Broken Wings

The name apparently came from doing the First Ascent when Garth broke the wings of a bat in one of the deep pockets. A pure roof climb that starts same as "A Smile" but veers left at the 5th bolt

PA: Garth Miller, 1999

Deportiva 8m, 6
8b+ A Smile

Starts under the roof 6m left of "Panggang Cicak" Start

8c A Smile and A Tear

Another Wild traverse. Starts under the roof 6m left of "Panggang Cicak" start. After the roof, Follow Cicak, 1st to 3rd clip, then traverse across "Simtoi", "Bas Laici" and "Johnny B. Goode" to end at "Jansson’s Temptation"

If Climbed Separately, Garth Reckons the roof called 'A Smile"is grade 8b+ and the wall called "A Tear" is grade 8a

PA: Garth Miller, 1999

Deportiva 25m, 15
7c+ Panggang Cicak (Toasted Gecko)

Variation of "Cicak" with a roof start. It is recommended to switch Ropes Once on the main wall due to rope drag

PA: Simon Wilson, 1999

Deportiva 25m, 12
7c Full Simtoi

Variation of "Simtoi" with a roof start. Shares the 1st bolt with "Pangang Cicak". It is recommended to switch Ropes due to rope drag.

PA: Garth Miller, 1999

Deportiva 25m, 12
Fairy Cave Zoo Wall
6c The Incredible Roof

Climber and belayer need to scramble up some boulders to a good ledge and clip the first bolt. Climb up the wall to a ledge to a spectacular finish - the roof.

Equip: Alexander Hölke & Noh Muhammad

PA: Alexander Hölke, 2011

Deportiva 29m, 10
5b Chxqo

Starts at a chimney then continues slightly left and back right to the anchor. Named after Noh's girlfriend, whose birthday he missed with all the bolting and cleaning..

PA: Noh Muhammad, 2010

Deportiva 22m, 9
5b Amy The Last

5m right of Chxqo on sharp grey rock. Named after Doni's youngest daughter at the time.

PA: Doni Dahari, 2010

Deportiva 18m, 8
6c Sidewinder

Extension of Amy The Last. Climb through a sequence of interesting side pulls.

PA: Alexander Hölke, 2010

Deportiva 28m, 16
Fairy Cave Staircase Wall
5b Take It Easy

PA: Malcolm Jitam, 2011

Deportiva 12m, 5
5b Middleton

PA: Malcolm Jitam, 2011

Deportiva 12m, 5
5b Crux Deluxe

PA: Malcolm Jitam, 2011

Deportiva 10m, 4
Fairy Cave Cerrado Fairy Cave Wall
6c No Pants All Gain

PA: Hans Breuer, 2013

Deportiva 2, 20
6b ?

PA: Malcolm Jitam, 2014

Deportiva 2
6c Fists Of Fairy
1 6a+
2 6b
3 6c

This route starts just at the top of fairy cave after you walk up the stair just before you enter the big cave in front of you. You will need a clip stick to clip the first bolt and batman start and once you are at the starting bolt you will need to get your belayer/partner up as well to hang there while belaying you.

There didn't use to be a entry fee but now there is a hut set just outside the parking area by the state government and the entry fee is RM1 for Malaysians and RM5 for Tourist.

PA: Ch’ien Lee & Glen MacNair, 2005

Deportiva 45m, 3
Fairy Cave Cerrado Nepenthes Wall
5c Crack Slacker

PA: Mel Jitam, 2009

Deportiva 10m, 4
6c Snake Charmer

PA: Ch’ien Lee, 2002

Deportiva 10m, 3
6a+ Ang Moh China

PA: Ch’ien Lee, 2002

Deportiva 10m, 3
5c Sofanochet

PA: Glen MacNair, 2002

Mant: Alexander Hölke & Asang, 2009

Deportiva 10m, 4
Fairy Cave The Groove
6a+ Fat Fingers

PA: Ryan Weller, 2012

Deportiva 5m, 2
6b Toprope Problem

PA: Noh Muhammad, 2012

Top-rope 5m
6b+ Oh My English

PA: Ryan Weller, 2012

Deportiva 5m
7a+ Rumble in the Jungle

PA: Simon Wilson, 2013

Deportiva 21m, 8
6c Welcome to the Jungle

PA: Simon Wilson, 2012

Deportiva 19m, 7
Fairy Cave Orchid Wall
7a+/b Pulik Likau

Hard boulder start into beautiful face climbing before a technical lay-back sequence to gain the anchor.

Bottom overhanging part is sharp rock and often wet. Top half is good quality, a wide crack/off-width.

Equip: Alexander Hölke & Malcolm

PA: Noh Muhammad, En 2019

Deportiva 33m, 12
7b+ Baby’s Song

PA: Sunny Yang, 2014

Deportiva 19m, 9
6c Popeye’s Vacation

PA: Andy Popeye Su, 2012

Deportiva 28m, 12
Fairy Cave Stage Wall
5c Angin Angin

PA: Jimen, 1999

Deportiva 7m, 3
6b No Name

PA: 1999

Deportiva 7m, 3
6a+ Nama Bodo

PA: Daron, 1999

Deportiva 7m, 3
5a Baby Climb

This is the only true beginner's climb at batman wall area. Climb up the pocketed wall past 2 bolts to the anchor. The crux is between the last bolt to the anchor.

PA: 1999

Deportiva 5m, 2
Bako National Park Teluk Assam Yellow Wall
6b+ An Intertidal Affair

Line on the far left of the wall.

Equip: Alexander Hölke & Pearl C Ee, Oct 2016

PA: Pearl C Ee, En 2017

Deportiva 30m, 13
Bako National Park Teluk Assam Assam Tower Assam Tower East
6c+ East Face
1 6c+ 15m
2 6b+ 20m
3 6b 5m
  1. 15m (6c+) Follow the line of bolts at about the center of the wall. A reachy traverse to the right gets you to the 1st anchor.

  2. 20m (6b+) Go further up keeping slightly diagonaling to the left then up past 2 ledges to another ledge with the second anchor.

  3. 5m (6b) A few moves and mantle get you to the top with a double-bolt anchor.

Rap off the way you came up. With a 60m rope this requires you to swing quite far to the right to reach the 1st anchor.

Equip: Alexander Hölke, DS, Noh Muhammad & Doni, Sep 2018

PA: Alexander Hölke, Oct 2018

Deportiva 40m, 3, 17
6b+ Neurosurgery

Climb the bolt line at the right end of the wall into the chimney and then back onto the wall again. Top out keeping right to the platform then walk a few meter left to a good double bolt anchor. Watch out for loose rock when topping out of the chimney. Top wall part can get dirty after the wet season.

Equip: Alexander Hölke & Soh, Jul 2015

PA: Alexander Hölke, Sep 2015

Deportiva 20m, 9
Bako National Park Teluk Assam Assam Tower Assam Tower West
6b+ West Side Story
1 6b+ 20m
2 5c 10m
  1. 20m (6b+) From the rocky base climb up the leftmost wall to a ledge to the double bolt belay station.

  2. 10m (5c) Up the arete to join P2 of Sandstone Wonderland.

From here either find the Abseil point further up and right, or follow P3 of Sandstone Wonderland to the summit.

PA: Alexander Hölke, Sep 2016

Deportiva 30m, 2, 10
5b Bako Squeeze

Starts at the rocky base up large holds to the ledge in into the chimney. Climb finishes on top of the chimney on the platform (anchor). This anchor is suitable for toproping.

PA: Alexander Hölke, Abr 2016

Deportiva 15m, 3
6a Sandstone Wonderland
1 6a 20m
2 5c 20m
3 6a 20m
  1. 20m (6a) Start at the rocky base up the large holds and slabs to a platform. Climb up the wall to the first belay station. To your left is an Abseil Point.

  2. 20m (5c) Walk to the back wall, step over the crevice and traverse left past some bolts then climb up to a ledge then further up to the second belay station. To your right is another Abseil Point if you need to come dowm.

  3. 20m (6a) Walk over the plateau towards the main summit till you reach the abyss. Jump over (Saxony jump grade S1) and scramble through the bushes to a wall. Climb past 2 bolts to the 3rd belay station (6a). Walk to the summit plateau.

Abseiling you have 3 options:

  • 3 pitches down East Face, from the top out anchor near the edge,
  • back down your last pitch into the abyss, then through to bushes to the Abseil Point near the 1st belay.
  • find the Abseil point at the west, at 40m you need 2 ropes.

PA: Noh Muhammad, 2013

PA: DS, Sep 2014

PA: Soh, Jun 2015

Deportiva 60m, 3, 13
6b Red Heat

Starts to the right of Sandstone Wonderland, you need to steo down from the rocky platform to the sandy beach. Climb up the leaning wall to the platform. Shares the anchor with Bako Squeeze.

PA: Alexander Hölke, Jun 2015

Deportiva 15m, 5
6b Early Wakeup Call

Climb up the prominent slightly leaning face further to the right up on the beach.

PA: Noh Muhammad, Sep 2014

Deportiva 20m, 8
Abseil Point
Desconocido 40m
A0 Access Route

Scramble up on top of a pillar then clip slings to step up on gain the 1st bolt. Then climb the slab past 2 more bolts and built and anchor using the small trees. Either continue up the last pitch of Sandstone Wonderland or find he Abseil Point facing West.

PA: Noh Muhammad, 2013

Artificial 10m, 4
Bolting Project

Starts at the big face to the right of Access Route. Not completed, one section needs cleaning an additional bolt placement. Also the top out gully is still dirty - it may be better to place a lower off anchor below. Crux is the overhanging wall difficulty about 6c+..7a.

Equip: Alexander Hölke, Ag 2016

DeportivaProyecto 20m, 8
Bako National Park Teluk Assam Wild Boar
5b Wild Boar

Easiest route through the middle of the east face.

PA: Alexander Hölke, Ag 2015

Deportiva 10m, 3
5b The Whale's Lip

Starts at the right hand side in a sort of chimney then diagonals up further right.

Equip: Alexander Hölke & Doni, Sep 2018

PA: Mohd Syawalluddin, Oct 2018

6b Wing Chung

Climb the obvious dehedral at the left end of the wall starting at a right-leaning crack. Dry from May-Oct. Has one non-stainless expansion bolt which was never replaced.

Equip: Andy Popye, 2012

PA: Yi Chuan, 2012

Deportiva 20m, 7
Project (bolted)

Straight up some tufa to the overhanging wall. From the ledge go to the anchor of the next route project. Note that the start (tufa) is dry only from July to September only. Grade suggestion is definitely harder than 7c.

Equip: Andy Popeye, 2012

Deportiva 12m, 6
Bolting Project

Looks fingery. Shares the anchor with the bolted project to the left.

Equip: Noh Muhammad & Alexander Hölke

Deportiva 12m
7a+ Evil Chimney

Interesting and unusual climbing on limestone. Harder than it looks. Climb/stem up a few meters into the obvious chimney, which is open at the bottom. Chimney along horizontally out to the main face while it gets tighter. When you feel stuck move out of the chimney/offwidth into the overhanging wall. Climb the crack and later the face to the anchor. It is a good idea to clip stick the first bolt as the first meters are of lower rock quality.

Equip: Noh Muhamman & Alexander Hölke, 2011

PA: Noh Muhammad, 2011

Deportiva 16m, 8
7c+ Project "The Dyno"

Starts at the left hand side of a small cave then traverses left over to some pockets and holds. Then do the dyno and continue up the face/tufas to the anchor. Grade suggestion >7c

Equip: Alexander Hölke & Noh Muhammad, 2011

Deportiva 12m, 6
6c Jug Party

Starts at the right hand side of a small cave. Climb up the steep overhanging crack to the space beween two large stalagtites and a ledge above. Continue up the overhanging white wall to the anchor. Not recommended during the wet season (Nov-April) as the stalagtites are wet.

PA: Alexander Hölke, 2011

Deportiva 12m, 6

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 109 vías.

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