
Ascensiones en Melanesia como Hang dog

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 118 ascensiones.

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Sáb 31.º Ag 2024 - Coral Sea
The Malta Sector
25 Renaissance Deportiva 15m, 7 Buena
Thought maybe I could make it happen at the end of the session after watching Bradd somehow float up it. I was not so graceful and took at just about every bolt haha, excited to come back for it knowing what to do now

Mar 27.º Ag 2024 - Coral Sea
The Malta Sector
27 The Swarm (Full) Deportiva Clásico
Super sick! Just quick bolt to bolt to check it out. Will come back with a brush to clean up some of the mossy slopers up top hehe.

Jue 4.º Jul 2024 - Coral Sea
The Malta Sector
25 Talk Dirty to Me - con Goshen Watts Deportiva 15m, 8 Medio
Quick explore before the key hold got pinned. Which I then pinned on this lap, with great difficulty due to an exploding 101 tube. Lol. Did all the moves... Will have to go back and try it in earnest now!

Dom 16.º Jun 2024 - South Pacific
Decadence Wall
Apoyar a theCrag no sólo beneficiará a tu Karma
También te permitirá acceder a unos beneficios increíbles en theCrag y más allá.
21 Triple Treat - con shaun t Deportiva 25m Buena
Lots of still damp rock today but this one was dry enough to climb. Nice moves if a little desperate at the second last clip

Mié 5.º Jun 2024 - Koumac
Les Roches Notre Dame Le Jardin Suspendu Zone 3
8a Janiroquai Deportiva 40m, 18
Michael Lehmann
Second tie in, 90% humidity, could hardly pull the moves with wet holds but managed to climb through the crux, had a rest then went to the top. Maybe the style works for me, but doesn't seem as tricky as No Pasaran.

Lun 3.º Jun 2024 - Koumac
Les Roches Notre Dame Le Jardin Suspendu Zone 3
8a Janiroquai Deportiva 40m, 18
Michael Lehmann
First working sesh, 7a+ to a hard moonboard v4, then grade 25 to the top. Very sustained but moves felt more doable than No Pasaran.

Vie 17.º Mayo 2024 - Coral Sea
The Church Shady Side - North Side The Balcony
24 Subterfuge - con Dan Bodd Deportiva 28m, 14 Muy buena
James Vinnicombe
Thought it looked pretty piss but the feet are sparse at the crux. Definitely more technical than I thought. Big fan of this crag so far.

Vie 26.º Abr 2024 - Coral Sea
The Church Shady Side - North Side The Balcony
16 Call me names Deportiva 15m, 9
Nikita Bulach
19 The Nut Milker Deportiva 28m, 13
Nikita Bulach
Lun 22.º Abr 2024 - Coral Sea
The Church Northern Gullies San Fran
22 Proforma Deportiva 23m, 7 Muy buena
Bryce Johnson
Mar 16.º Abr 2024 - Koumac
Les Roches Notre Dame Les Frimeurs
5c La première dame - con Marietta Baty Deportiva 15m, 9
Harry Mulgrew
Lun 25.º Mar 2024 - Coral Sea
The Church Shady Side - North Side The Balcony
25 The Allfather - con Manoo Deportiva 25m, 13
Dan Bodd
Wowzers!! Such a cool route! Jumped on to clean and had a sick time. Crux was the starting 19 layback (I do not know how to smear)

Lun 25.º Mar 2024 - Coral Sea
The Church Shady Side - North Side Stairway Wall
17 Something about a Lyre Bird Deportiva 75m, 21 Muy buena
Jack Donne
Sáb 20.º En 2024 - Coral Sea
The Church Shady Side - North Side The Balcony
25 The Allfather — 2 intentos Deportiva 25m, 13
Caroline Chang
Projjyyy. Has a sustained crux for 3 draws IMO. Very knackered from Asia trip but feel this has a chance!

Dom 5.º Nov 2023 - Coral Sea
The Church Shady Side - North Side The Balcony
25 The Allfather Deportiva 25m, 13
Malcolm Urie
Sáb 21.º Oct 2023 - South Pacific
Palm Jungle
24 Ride the Lightning - con Wade Stewart, Mel Liss Deportiva 25m, 12 Clásico
James Harrington
This becoming a head space nemesis!, lucky it's mega. 1 dog lap.

24 Ride the Lightning Deportiva 25m, 12
Daniel Fry
Epic. Had one go but eventually found good beta for the heady top

Dom 24.º Sep 2023 - South Pacific
Palm Jungle
24 Ride the Lightning - con Drew Ivison, Wade Stewart Deportiva 25m, 12 Clásico
James Harrington
Tried this once years ago and didn't come back. Got on it this morning and 'forgotsited' it to the last few moves, blew it going for the chains and went for a nice ride! Forgot how heady the top is.. keen to get back and tick this now..

Sáb 2.º Sep 2023 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
24 Bendy Bundy - con Justin Pang Deportiva 16m, 5 Muy buena
James Harrington
Fell near the chains today! Dog lap working beta

Mar 15.º Ag 2023 - South Pacific
Half Baked Wall
25 Lean Streak Deportiva 20m
Aslaug Blitzner
Dom 30.º Jul 2023 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
23 It Began In Afrika - con Aaron Abela Deportiva 12m, 7 Clásico
Timothy Brunette
Surprisingly scared / nervous going up this climb. Lots of attempts at the crux but figured it up!

Mar 18.º Abr 2023 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
23 It Began In Afrika Deportiva 12m, 7 Clásico
Alana Lutz
Sáb 1.º Abr 2023 - Coral Sea
The Church Shady Side - North Side Stairway Wall
22 Creepy Wife Creepy Life Deportiva 20m, 8
Dom 12.º Mar 2023 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
23 It Began In Afrika Deportiva 12m, 7
Aslaug Blitzner
Dom 12.º Mar 2023 - South Pacific
Palm Jungle
24 Ride the Lightning Deportiva 25m, 12
Aslaug Blitzner
Sáb 10.º Dic 2022 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
23 It Began In Afrika Deportiva 12m, 7
Aslaug Blitzner
Sáb 12.º Nov 2022 - South Pacific
Right Side Slabs
22 Ballistic Squid - con Ryan gidney Deportiva 14m, 8 Ni te molestes
Sáb 12.º Nov 2022 - South Pacific
22 8 Ball - con Ryan gidney Deportiva 18m, 8 Clásico
23 Cowgirl Deportiva 18m, 8 Muy buena
Sáb 12.º Nov 2022 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
23 It Began In Afrika Deportiva 12m, 7 Muy buena
Ryan gidney
Lun 10.º Oct 2022 - Coral Sea
The Church Shady Side - North Side The Balcony
25 The Allfather Deportiva 25m, 13
Sáb 25.º Jun 2022 - Koumac
Les Roches Notre Dame Le Sanctuaire
6a+ Et les pieds s'en foot - con German Deportiva 30m, 15 Muy buena
nice clmbing getting harder with every move. Blew the end. A bit dirty still

Jue 23.º Jun 2022 - Koumac
Les Roches Notre Dame Les Frimeurs
6a Last Step - con German Deportiva 15m, 7 Medio
meh, wrong choice to start with and went up a couple of new bolts that are off route

7a La Majeur - con German Deportiva 20m, 10 Clásico
What a line! I would give it a mega classic if it wouldn't be for the razor sharp holds wrecking your hand

Mié 22.º Jun 2022 - Koumac
Grottes de Koumac Les voies de l’interieur
6b Ulysse 31 - con German Deportiva 15m, 7 Muy buena
nice! Tricky hold finding between the sharp knifes available

Mié 22.º Jun 2022 - Koumac
Grottes de Koumac Cartoon
6b+ Bec salé - con German Deportiva 35m, 16 Muy buena
the lower 6a part is waaaay harder than the top for me and my hurt back

Lun 13.º Jun 2022 - South Pacific
22 King Of Snake Deportiva 18m, 9
Michael 'Monty' Burns
Used the corner before the cave.

Lun 13.º Jun 2022 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
21 Insane In The Membrane Deportiva 15m
Michael 'Monty' Burns
Moves from the ledge feel like South Central. Gross. Nice line

Sáb 11.º Jun 2022 - South Pacific
Secret Gully
20 💯 - con Scott B, Laurie Groom Deportiva 16m, 8
Rick Ward
Nice climb, a shame I needed a rest as it's smooth fun climbing. Well graded

Dom 29.º Mayo 2022 - South Pacific
22 8 Ball Deportiva 18m, 8 Clásico
James S
Cleaning, drying, scraping cob webs out of pockets.

Jue 19.º Mayo 2022 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
23 It Began In Afrika Deportiva 12m, 7 Muy buena
Lekki Lekki
Vie 15.º Abr 2022 - South Pacific
Palm Jungle
24 Ride the Lightning - con Aussie, Viona Young Deportiva 25m, 12 Clásico
James S
Loved it though I had to wrestle with the fin.

24 Ride the Lightning - con Aussie, Viona Young Deportiva 25m, 12 Clásico
James S
Agonisingly fell after gaining the arete. Got some good technique tips from Aussie for the fin: layback the lightning for glory!

Dom 23.º En 2022 - Coral Sea
The Church Shady Side - North Side The Balcony
24 Unstolen Deportiva 25m, 13
Dom 19.º Sep 2021 - South Pacific
Secret Gully
21 21 - 23 Hundredfold Viral Spiral Deportiva 18m, 7 Buena
Brendon Plaza
Not quite sure how to feel about this climb. Drawn to the route by enticing orange rock and cool looking rooflet half way up, I wasn't wrong and the lower section and roof are cool! Bolt just after pulling the roof on the corner of the arete seemed poorly placed, at least the way I read the route which was straight up the main face after the steepness, certainly wasn't inspiring climbing up the main face seeing the rope on the other side of the arete and decided to take a controlled whip after the powerful crips just above the roof beat me. The boulder problem following the ledge confused me for a minute but pulled through nonetheless to find a patch of chossy iron stone covered in lichen right in the road, definitely needs a touch more cleaning up there.

Mar 31.º Ag 2021 - South Pacific
Half Baked Wall
25 Lean Streak Deportiva 20m Clásico
Brendon Plaza
Pretty close to getting the onsite, feels like it could be 24-25.

Sáb 14.º Ag 2021 - South Pacific
Beach Wall
20 Holy Sister - con Erikagoines, Murray Deportiva 12m, 7 Buena
The Bearded Climber
Sáb 14.º Ag 2021 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
24 Have I Told You Lately Deportiva 20m, 13 Muy buena
Outa gas. But went on to go very deep into this route. #goingdeep

Sáb 14.º Ag 2021 - South Pacific
23 Cowgirl Deportiva 18m, 8 Clásico
Flash attempt, but barn-doored off trying to static the big crux move.

Dom 1.º Ag 2021 - South Pacific
23 Born Slippy - con Nic G Deportiva 20m Buena
Brendon Plaza
went for the flash and worked out the move pretty quick, will get on again sometime

Sáb 24.º Jul 2021 - South Pacific
Secret Gully
24 Primal (M heinous roof project) Deportiva 9m, 5 Buena
More cleaning (it needs a lot) and new beta work. All moves free but not strong enough at end of day to complete.

Mié 7.º Jul 2021 - South Pacific
Decadence Wall
21 Sex and Pizza Deportiva 25m, 11 Buena
Start of the climb is real choosy. Lots of sand and oddly greasy. From the traverse onwards the climbs gets much better.

Mar 6.º Jul 2021 - South Pacific
22 8 Ball Deportiva 18m, 8 Megaclásica
Regrettably didn't go for an onsight. Sat on the rope at the second draw to figure out the move. Did the move, and then flowed through the rest of the climb.

Lun 5.º Jul 2021 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
25 Bee’s Knees Deportiva 25m, 13
Greg Blachon
Dom 4.º Jul 2021 - South Pacific
Right Side Slabs
20 21 Deceptively Simple Deportiva 15m, 6
Jue 1.º Jul 2021 - South Pacific
Palm Jungle
24 Ride the Lightning - con Bruno Martins Deportiva 25m, 12 Megaclásica
Jorge Packer
Too weak

24 Ride the Lightning - con Bruno Martins Deportiva 25m, 12 Megaclásica
Jorge Packer
Too weak #2

24 Ride the Lightning - con Jorge Packer, Greg Blachon, Nikhilesh Sharma Deportiva 25m, 12 Megaclásica
Bruno Martins
First go putting the draws and warming up, felt like I forgot the beta down below, but top didn't feel as hard as before.

Dom 27.º Jun 2021 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
Jimmy Project - con Damien Boorman, Fez, Wade Stewart Deportiva Muy buena
James Harrington
Another session working the beta.. feels that bit closer every time..

Dom 27.º Jun 2021 - South Pacific
Palm Jungle
24 Ride the Lightning Deportiva 25m, 12 Megaclásica
Greg Blachon
Lun 14.º Jun 2021 - South Pacific
Palm Jungle
24 Ride the Lightning Deportiva 25m, 12
Greg Blachon
24 Ride the Lightning - con Greg Blachon Deportiva 25m, 12 Clásico
Bruno Martins
First try placing the draws and figuring out the moves

24 Ride the Lightning - con Greg Blachon Deportiva 25m, 12 Clásico
Bruno Martins
Second try messes up the traverse... But managed to link the last move... Very committing last move... Scary actually.. But amazing climbing

18 Liquid Swords - con Greg Blachon Deportiva 20m
Bruno Martins
Loved this climb... Definitely not my style... But had lots of fun. Felt right in the beginning, re-did the move but kept going instead of starting again so I guess it's a hangdog

24 Ride the Lightning - con Greg Blachon Deportiva 25m, 12 Clásico
Bruno Martins
First try placing the draws and figuring out the moves

24 Ride the Lightning - con Greg Blachon Deportiva 25m, 12 Clásico
Bruno Martins
Second try messes up the traverse... But managed to link the last move... Very committing last move... Scary actually.. But amazing climbing

18 Liquid Swords - con Greg Blachon Deportiva 20m
Bruno Martins
Loved this climb... Definitely not my style... But had lots of fun. Fell right in the beginning, re-did the move but kept going instead of starting again so I guess it's a hangdog

Dom 13.º Jun 2021 - South Pacific
22 8 Ball - con Ryan L, shauno Deportiva 18m, 8 Muy buena
Matt Hurley
22 8 Ball - con Ryan L, shauno Deportiva 18m, 8 Muy buena
Matt Hurley
22 8 Ball - con Ryan L, shauno Deportiva 18m, 8 Muy buena
Matt Hurley
Fingers gave up on the crimp on the last shot, walked through after a few seconds rest. Stop trying to reach, bump to the tick mark. Great climb, got it next time.

Sáb 17.º Abr 2021 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
25 Bee’s Knees - con Wade Stewart, Jason Lammers Deportiva 25m, 13 Clásico

Sáb 3.º Abr 2021 - South Pacific
22 8 Ball - con Ryan L Deportiva 18m, 8
Matt Hurley
Sáb 3.º Abr 2021 - South Pacific
Secret Gully
20 💯 - con Ryan L Deportiva 16m, 8
Matt Hurley
Nice one to finish off. Spent.

Lun 1.º Mar 2021 - Coral Sea
The Church Shady Side - North Side The Balcony
23 Rag N Bone Man Deportiva 30m, 16
Lun 25.º En 2021 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
23 It Began In Afrika - con Christopher Deportiva 12m, 7 Clásico
Damien Boorman
30+ degree heat, no wind day made the crux feel +2 grades harder.

Dom 24.º En 2021 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
23 It Began In Afrika - con Damien Boorman Deportiva 12m, 7 Clásico
Great 23, will come back to try finish it. Need to work on the feet near the top side pulls

Dom 6.º Dic 2020 - South Pacific
Palm Jungle
24 Ride the Lightning - con Drew Ivison Deportiva 25m, 12 Clásico
James Harrington
Finally opened the account on this one. Amazing position. Exposed ,airey and fairly scary.

Dom 6.º Dic 2020 - South Pacific
Right Side Slabs
22 I Have Spoken - con Drew Ivison Deportiva 14m, 5 Buena
James Harrington
Foot blew on the onsight attempt.

Vie 20.º Nov 2020 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
25 Bee’s Knees - con James Harrington Deportiva 25m, 13 Clásico
Another mega line. Jumped on to open the account. Think I’ve got the Bottom Crux dialed. Need to work out the top crux. Hopefully goes next session. Draws are up!

Jue 19.º Nov 2020 - South Pacific
Half Baked Wall
25 Lean Streak - con Fez Deportiva 20m Clásico
James Harrington
Two dog laps. Felt nails. Went next go!

Mié 18.º Nov 2020 - South Pacific
Half Baked Wall
25 Lean Streak - con Fez Deportiva 20m Clásico
James Harrington
Epic!!! Just blew the onsight. Then brain farted the beta on the second attempt. Should go next session.

Mié 21.º Oct 2020 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
25 Bee’s Knees Deportiva 25m, 13 Muy buena
Drew Ivison
I’ll get it next time (I hope!). The top crux sequence is amazingly nice!

Mar 20.º Oct 2020 - South Pacific
Half Baked Wall
25 Lean Streak (Half baked Prodj) - con Fez Deportiva 20m Clásico
So fucking close!!!!!! fell trying to hold the finger lock! the snapped the main jug in the of the crux still climbable but will be harder.

Sáb 17.º Oct 2020 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
25 Bee’s Knees - con Drew Ivison Deportiva 25m, 13 Muy buena
Patrick Burr
Damn the bottom sequence is pumpy! And the top crux is hard. But really nice moves.

Dom 11.º Oct 2020 - South Pacific
Secret Gully
23 Centurion (M Twin Rax Rush project) Deportiva 11m, 5
Baked in the sun, seeping sweat out. Need better conditions for this hard route.

Dom 11.º Oct 2020 - South Pacific
Decadence Wall
Otoro & Sake - Wade and Bundy project - con Wade Stewart Deportiva Clásico
Had a sneaky end of day look with wade. This rig will be all time when it goes. Hard but super rad!

Cocaine and Hookers - Project - con Wade Stewart Desconocido 20m Muy buena
The new project to get opened. Hard and burley. Could be 24/25ish

Sáb 10.º Oct 2020 - South Pacific
Trad Sector
Zachs mega arete - closed project - con Zack Deportiva Clásico
Having a sneaky look with Zack. Another mega exposed line! Enjoy the view!

Zachs mega arete - closed project Deportiva
So tech! 2nd time playing on it and no more progress. Maybe I should start training🤔

Dom 4.º Oct 2020 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
Jimmy Project - con Damien Boorman, Drew Ivison, Wade Stewart Deportiva Buena
James Harrington
Another sesh working out the beta.. good conditions could see it go..

Sáb 26.º Sep 2020 - South Pacific
Palm Jungle
24 Ride the Lightning Deportiva 25m, 12 Megaclásica
Jason McCarthy
Off the charts and out of this world! Shit start into probably the best arete in NSW? I got scared and fell off the top multiple times. Harder and better than Disco non-stop party. I will be back!

Sáb 29.º Ag 2020 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
23 It Began In Afrika Deportiva 12m, 7 Muy buena
Blew the onsight dynoing in the wrong direction.

Sáb 18.º Jul 2020 - South Pacific
Right Side Slabs
22 Ballistic Squid - con Damien Boorman, Fez, Drew Ivison Deportiva 14m, 8 Muy buena
James Harrington
Bolt to bolt warm up. Another great line on the slabs.

Sáb 4.º Jul 2020 - South Pacific
Right Side Slabs
23 Let the Wookie Win Deportiva 14m, 7 Muy buena
Onsight heartbreak! Got to the top but couldn't see a clipping jug, struggled around and ended up grabbing the anchor in a panic. Then found the clipping knob.

Dom 28.º Jun 2020 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
25 Bee’s Knees - con Damien Boorman, Drew Ivison, Zack Deportiva 25m, 13 Clásico
James Harrington
Mega! Worked out the cruxes. Looking forward to the full send.

Lun 8.º Jun 2020 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
21 Insane In The Membrane Deportiva 15m Buena
Rob Medlicott
The traverse was filthy which made it really pumpy! Also a tricky crux move at the grade. Muffed it on the onsight. I'll do it again one day.

Lun 8.º Jun 2020 - South Pacific
Right Side Slabs
19 20 State of Emergency Deportiva 14m, 5 Buena
Rob Medlicott
Choss down low, to pretty fun but pretty hard slabbing. Sandbag

Dom 31.º Mayo 2020 - South Pacific
23 22 8 Ball - con Stephen Hawkshaw, Fez Deportiva 18m, 8 Clásico
Working the moves

Dom 17.º Mayo 2020 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
25 Bee’s Knees Deportiva 25m, 13 Clásico
Ryan Tranter
Broke a footer while clipping the chains and went for a looong ride down. Great route though with some cool bouldery cruxes

Dom 17.º Mayo 2020 - South Pacific
23 Cowgirl Deportiva 18m, 8
Ryan Tranter
Couldn't commit to the dyno so early in the day


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 118 ascensiones.

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