
Ascensiones en Melanesia como Pink point

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Mostrando los 22 ascensiones.

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Sáb 31.º Ag 2024 - Coral Sea
The Malta Sector
25 Talk Dirty to Me — 2 intentos - con Matt Brooks Deportiva 15m, 8 Muy buena
Really cool climbing through the start to a quite thrutchy exit out of the roof, full value line that doesn’t let up till the final move. A rare occurrence in climbing where I think the moves out of the roof are probably harder for the tall boys. Cheers Matt Brooks and Kev for all the hard work!

26 Dark Matter — 2 intentos - con Matt Brooks Deportiva 20m, 9 Muy buena
Psyched to be the second to top this one out. Punchy at the start, classy at the end. A varied journey weaving through some cool terrain. Slightly chossy in the middle but it doesn’t detract from the experience. Not too hard at the grade but I imagine it would be super solid up top without crack skills

Dom 19.º Mayo 2024 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
Apoyar a theCrag no sólo beneficiará a tu Karma
También te permitirá acceder a unos beneficios increíbles en theCrag y más allá.
18 Have I told you that you’re Easy - con Ryan L, Shauno Deportiva 16m, 7 Muy buena
Matt Hurley
Dom 19.º Mayo 2024 - South Pacific
23 Cowgirl — 3 intentos - con Ryan L, Shauno Deportiva 18m, 8
Matt Hurley
Slipped off at the crux on my second shot, lowered and immediately started again without pulling the rope.

Sáb 22.º Jul 2023 - South Pacific
Right Side Slabs
19 ~19 Diva Deportiva 15m, 7 Muy buena
Great warmup, soft.

Sáb 22.º Jul 2023 - South Pacific
Secret Gully
22 Century Of Change Deportiva 17m, 7 Muy buena
Still great to climb on. New beta, maybe feels soft at 22 now?

21 100 Pinger Jaw Swinger Deportiva 13m, 7 Muy buena
Had forgotten how tricky some of these moves were. Still don't like the anchor clip.

Dom 7.º Ag 2022 - South Pacific
Palm Jungle
21 Slimey Poofter in Quarantine Deportiva 25m Muy buena
Michael 'Monty' Burns
Foothold of death at top of cave is bomber, still - don't kill your belayer.

Dom 26.º Jun 2022 - South Pacific
Half Baked Wall
25 Lean Streak - con Stephen Varney Deportiva 20m Clásico
Paul Frothy Thomson
2nd shot. Best line I climbed at this crag!

My onsight ended at the last bolt, tickling the good fingerlock. With no chalk on this, I felt like I battled hard and improvised well, only to be pipped at the post. But it wasn't for lack of trying, so that's okay

Great rock, super techy moves, and an obvious feature to climb. We belayed from ground level, and had no problems with rope drag or length of fall.

Dom 26.º Jun 2022 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
23 It Began In Afrika - con Viona Young, Stephen Varney Deportiva 12m, 7 Muy buena
Paul Frothy Thomson
For some reason I decided the obvious hold out left at the top was off-route (on the line next to this), and ignored it. Since when did I contrive climbing? 2nd shot. A really great route with a lot of climbing despite being short. The top boulder is rad!

Lun 13.º Jun 2022 - South Pacific
23 Cowgirl Deportiva 18m, 8 Muy buena
Michael 'Monty' Burns
Classic foot slightly higher

Sáb 14.º Ag 2021 - South Pacific
23 Cowgirl Deportiva 18m, 8 Clásico
If I have to climb a route three times there better be no damn mistakes! Bundy is a special kind of genius.

Mar 6.º Jul 2021 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
25 Bee’s Knees Deportiva 25m, 13 Clásico
Nikhilesh Sharma
2nd shot. Mega classic. Kind of wish that those rests weren't as good haha. Would have made a viciously delicious climb.

Bottom crux is super tech; upper crux is power fiesta and the ending acts as a scorpion with poisonous sting in its tail. Hadn't sussed out the anchor moves, almost went for a long ride; would have been as loud as the surrounding angry ocean.

Mié 30.º Jun 2021 - South Pacific
Palm Jungle
24 Ride the Lightning Deportiva 25m, 12 Megaclásica
Nikhilesh Sharma
Ultra classic material on an ultra arete. Up there with the likes of them big shot 24s such as Black Heathen, Language of Desire etc.

This route reminded me of an aunt who as growing up we kids were terrified of. There was no apparent reason to why she was so scary, maybe it was just the demeanor/persona overall which contradicted the reality of her utter sweetness.

Similar the last few moves on this route will give you jitters, especially right at the very top. Remember kids the bolt is right there but ask yourself, "Why, WHY are you shitting yourself?". There was no apparent reason. Its was all in the mind.

If you find yourself lonely up there; start praying, take a few deep breathes and then commence smearing on nothingness while laybacking on the knife like arete, remembering what Red says in Shawshank, "Hope is a good thing, may be the best of the things". So HOPE that those feet stay on. Pheewwww.

Dom 27.º Jun 2021 - South Pacific
Palm Jungle
24 Ride the Lightning Deportiva 25m, 12 Megaclásica
Greg Blachon
Sáb 26.º Sep 2020 - South Pacific
23 Born Slippy Deportiva 20m Muy buena
Jason McCarthy
Only a couple of meters of good climbing but that climbing is super cool. Gets the stars for the top. Blew the flash and then cruised 2nd shot.

Sáb 29.º Ag 2020 - South Pacific
Descent Gully - Left Side
23 It Began In Afrika Deportiva 12m, 7 Muy buena
Nice! Though feet placement a bit iffy in places.

Sáb 4.º Jul 2020 - South Pacific
Right Side Slabs
23 Let the Wookie Win Deportiva 14m, 7 Muy buena
Ballistic rocket ship revenge send!

Lun 8.º Jun 2020 - South Pacific
Right Side Slabs
23 Let the Wookie Win Deportiva 14m, 7 Muy buena
Rob Medlicott
I like how this climbs but the rock isn't great and it seems to get dirty easily. Particularly the top, which is super thin...

Dom 31.º Mayo 2020 - South Pacific
23 22 8 Ball - con Stephen Hawkshaw, Fez Deportiva 18m, 8 Clásico
Short sharp and straight to the point the point is that this is 3 stars and a well bolted good value climb! dont forget to refill your opal card as this will be popular AF.

Jue 7.º Mayo 2020 - South Pacific
Palm Jungle
18 Liquid Swords Deportiva 20m Buena
Jue 7.º Mayo 2020 - South Pacific
Right Side Slabs
20 19 Diva - con Fez Deportiva 15m, 7
Great warmup for the belay scab of the crag hahah


Mostrando los 22 ascensiones.

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