
Ascensiones en Elephant Buttress como Onsight

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Mostrando los 13 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Mar 2.º En 2024 - Kawakawa Bay
Elephant Buttress Middle tier
15 Duro Irrelephant - con Gareth Clásica 8m Medio
John Pitcairn
Continuing the dirty 'ol trad research project. Harder than it looks. Didn't hate it.

Mar 2.º En 2024 - Kawakawa Bay
Elephant Buttress Lower tier
17 Duro Pet Shop Shark Attack 1981 - con Gareth Clásica mixta 30m, 3 Buena
John Pitcairn
Rather good. Headed right after first bolt, some sketch getting back on line. Nose bolts a bit tempting. Surprisingly clean for a mixed route.

Sáb 16.º Abr 2022 - Kawakawa Bay
Elephant Buttress Lower tier
15 The Nose - con h Deportiva 30m, 9 Buena
Paul Renwick
Sáb 3.º Abr 2021 - Kawakawa Bay
Elephant Buttress Lower tier
16 Trunk Line - con colin megson Clásica 35m Medio
Grant Johnston
The initial crack was reasonably clean. Wasn’t worried about the massive apparently detached flake you bridge up after that but did not like the dirty lose gully to the right above it. Chose to walk off the back rather than trust the shackles on the weathered handrail rope for an abseil.

Lun 28.º Dic 2020 - Kawakawa Bay
Elephant Buttress Lower tier
16 Trunk Line - con Gareth Clásica 35m Basura
John Pitcairn
Terrifying, stay the hell off. Filthy and difficult down low, objectively dangerous up top due to the huge detached death-flake. Much gardening and excavation for gear up the crack, veering left quite often just to climb on lichen rather than vegetation, then tried to stay off the horrifying huge flake as much as possible by bridging and climbing/protecting the right wall, with just one big hex in the flake gap. Topped out around the tree then anchored on the same tree as the hand line (not the shackles), which is quite old but needed for the sketchy walk-off. I will never climb this again, and recommend nobody else does either.

Sáb 27.º Abr 2019 - Kawakawa Bay
Elephant Buttress Lower tier
15 The Nose - con Lauren Simpson Deportiva 30m, 9 Medio
Danny Irwin
Mar 23.º Abr 2019 - Kawakawa Bay
Elephant Buttress Lower tier
15 The Nose - con John Pitcairn Deportiva 30m, 9
Grant Johnston
16 Claim Jumper - con Grant Johnston Clásica 28m Buena
John Pitcairn
It looks a bit shit but there is some decent climbing here, and it's a decent length. The bottom crack is a bit seepy after rain which makes for an underwhelming start, but things improve from there. Not the cleanest thing around but workable. Loose flake out right around halfway.

Dom 27.º En 2019 - Kawakawa Bay
Elephant Buttress Upper tier
17 Elephant's Revenge Clásica 15m Muy buena
John Pitcairn
Really enjoyed this, worth going up there for. The offwidth start is the crux, funky moves and can be tamed a bit by a high fist jam to pull up at the top. Plenty of gear is available up the top section offwidth layback and above. It's all pretty clean too. Big gear - take at least doubles of #4 cams, at least one #5.

Dom 27.º En 2019 - Kawakawa Bay
Elephant Buttress Lower tier
17 16 Nogasang Clásica mixta 30m, 6 Buena
John Pitcairn
It's more like 17, and there is a fair bit of lichen regrowth, but it's a cool slabby lead with some nervy moments.

17 Taniwha Crackdown - con Colin Clásica 20m Muy buena
Angela Hewlett
Dirty but still enjoyable.

Sáb 9.º Abr 2016 - Kawakawa Bay
Elephant Buttress Lower tier
19 Elephant Hunting - con Jonny Clásica 25m Buena
Nice and delicate in places.

Dom 31.º En 2016 - Kawakawa Bay
Elephant Buttress Lower tier
17 Taniwha Crackdown - con Grant Johnston, Angela Hewlett Clásica 20m Buena
John Pitcairn
Fun and not as straightfoward as thought. One small cam and lots of nuts, gear needed plenty of extension to manage rope drag, belayed at Elephant Hunting chains (shade) but could have continued. Angela led the short 13 to the top then we soloed (me in liner socks only).


Mostrando los 13 ascensiones.

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