
Vías en Northern Norway

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Mostrando 101 - 200 de 4,192 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Bunesfjorden Bunessanda The slab
4+ Left slab Búlder
6A+ Not so slabby Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Bunesfjorden Bunessanda Solveggen
5+ Til topps bestefar Búlder
6A+ En Dansk, en Tysk och en Bellman Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Bunesfjorden Bunesfjorden The Princess and the Shaman
6B The Princess and the Shaman Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Bunesfjorden Bunesfjorden Brakkesyke
6B+ Brakkesyke Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Bunesfjorden Bunesfjorden Ugens smil
6C+ Ugens smil Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Bunesfjorden Bunesfjorden Rabarbrapappa
7B+ Rabarbrapappa Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Storskiva
6- East Butress

Description and topo available

Descent follows the SE ridge in the direction of Vinstad.

PA: Jordi Esteve, Pau Gómez & Gerber Cucurell, 2016

Clásica 13
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Helvetestinden
6- Left Approximation

PA: Ole Klingeman & Eggert Keller, 1997

Clásica 18
7- AID:A0 PROT:R - X Terrs i mar

A serious and sandbagged line with a death pitch up high and some difficult route finding. Not recommended. Topo here

Some images here:

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More images and brief desription

PA: Jordi Esteve & Gerber Cucurell, 2015

Clásica 630m, 16
6+ AID:A3 Thirst in the clouds

An abandoned Arild Meyer line completed by a Russian team with some aid in 2009. Topo here

PA: Orujov Alex & et al, 2009

Clásica 16
7- Noensfoten

Topo here

PA: Salvador Llorens & Guillermo Cuadrado, 2015

Clásica 570m, 14
6+ PROT:R Ticket to Greenland

A serious and sandbagged line with some difficult route finding and very loose rock from pitch 5 upwards. Not recommended. Topo here

Images here:

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PA: Lukas Marecek & Jiří Švihálek

Clásica 12
6+ The Next Best Thing
1 6 60m
2 6+ 40m
3 6+ 50m
4 6+ 30m
5 5 40m
6 5 50m
7 5 50m
8 4 55m
  1. Up the corner on jugs then slabs to a grassy crack. Belay at a good stance below grassy ledges. A long pitch with some short runouts at the beginning.

  2. Out left from the grassy ledge & into the base of a left to right corner system. 5/10m of easy stuff then head out onto the arête where there´s a short sequence of hard moves. Continue until reaching a band of darker rock. Step right here to a small stance at the base of a dihedral.

  3. Steep finger jamming up the diherdral. Belay at good stance in a corner. An excellent pitch

  4. Straight up (loose) then out right where a short steep section gains the terrace.

  5. Ignore the guidebook and go straight up the clean crack to a good ledge.

  6. Rock quality deteriorates from here. There´s a comfy belay ledge 20m past the roof.

  7. More of the same to another big ledge on the corner.

  8. Og igjen..

> A short with Katie Lambert & Caroline George on NBT

Some images-

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A post shared by Ingrid Velken Kverneland (@ingridvelken)

PA: Odd-Roar Wiik & Adam Stack, 2005

Clásica 380m, 8
7 PROT:R Norwegian Sheep Ranch

One of the routes with better rock on Helvetestinden. The first pitch is softer than 7 (6+) but long (60m+) & bold. Double 3s & a 4 recommended for P3 (7-). Pitch 4 is long but closer to N6.

PA: Tommy Caldwell & Beth Rodden, 2005

Clásica 6
6- Highway to hell
1 4+ 40m
2 5 55m
3 6- 60m
4 4+ 90m

Perhaps the most popular route to the summit

PA: Åsmund Vaage & Steinar Holden, 2016

Clásica 250m, 5
7- Tradicionarius
1 5+
2 6-
3 6
4 6
5 7-
6 5

PA: Salvador Llorens & Guillermo Cuadrado, 2015

Clásica 250m, 6
7+ Första approximationen
1 5 10m
2 6 30m
3 7+ 20m
4 3+ 70m

PA: Joakim Söderström & Jonas Wiklund, 2010

Clásica 130m, 4
6+ Första approximationen direkt

The direct finish to Första approximationen

Clásica 20m
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Stamprevtinden
7 AID:A2 Sweet dreams then beautiful nightmares

PA: Jiri Švihálek & Ondra Švihálek, 2012

Clásica 480m, 13
7/7+ The Human Timeline

On the East Face of Stamprevtinden South Peak. There´s a topo here and full trip report here.

follow the south ridge until the Helvetestinden pass and down a gully to the Kirkefjord

PAL: Bernat Bilarrassa, Gerber Cucurell & Jordi Esteve, 25 Mayo 2019

Clásica 600m, 20
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Merraflestinden
6+ AID:A1 Kor e hammaren Edvard

Topo here

PA: Jonas Tetlie & Knut Storvik, 2002

Clásica 14
7- AID:A0 Borr i Bekkmørtna

Topo here

PA: Jonas Tetlie & Knut Storvik, 2002

Clásica 12
7 Indiana

Topo here

PA: Rob Lamey & Mike Rolf, 2016

Clásica 10
7+ Bilberry Meadow
1 6
2 6
3 5
4 6+
5 7+
6 6
7 6+
8 5

Topo here. Be prepared to run it out at the grade for sections on the 2/3 crux pitches. Some big cams nice to have for the rest of the climb. A description and some images of the route can be found here

PA: Rob Lamey & Mike Rolf, 2016

Clásica 8
7+ Syv Veggen

There are topos here and here. The first ascentionists recommend taking a #6 to protect the pitch 5 off width.

A description and some images of the route can be found here

PA: Guille Cuadrado, Gerber Cucurell & Jordi Esteve, Mayo 2017

Clásica 480m, 11
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Segltinden
7+ AID:A0 Hoist the colours

Topo here.

PA: L. Martin Solberg & J. Broch Haugue, 2014

Clásica 340m
7- Achilles Tendon
1 3
2 5+
3 6+
4 5+
5 7-
6 6-
7 3
8 6-

Description here

PA: G. Cuadrado & G. Cucurell, 2015

Clásica 340m
7- Bergekongens Krone Clásica
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Marklitinden
5+ Sørveggen

PA: Ruth Fenn & Stefan Grisser, 1999

Clásica 10
6- PROT:R Sjømann

A topo & some images available here

PA: Gerber Cucurell & Felix Queipo, 2016

6 AID:A1 PROT:R Hungry Eyes
1 2
2 3+
3 5
4 5
5 5+
6 5
7 6
8 6-
9 6 A1
10 6
11 5+ R

PA: Lukas Marecek & Jiří Švihálek, 2009

Clásica 400m, 11
5+ Right pillar Clásica
7 AID:A1 `Paret Nord´

A description & topo available here

PA: Unknown

Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Moltbærtinden
7 AID:A2 Diamantfinner

On the North Face of Moltbaertinden North Peak. Description & topo available

two rappels until the north ridge. Follow the ridge to the north and down a large gully between Moltbaertinden and Breiflogtinden.

PAL: Bernat Bilarrassa, Gerber Cucurell & Jordi Esteve, 24 Mayo 2019

Clásica 400m
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Breiflogtinden
7 Permit to Åsgård

Shared start with One Hundred Years Later on the grassy slopes above a leaning pillar. All stances are bolted.

PA: Holger Jantsch, Ole Klingeman & Eggert Keller, 1997

Clásica 600m, 16
7+ One hundred years later
1 4
2 5-
3 6+
4 7+
5 6
6 6
7 6+
8 6
9 6
10 4
11 6-
12 6
13 6+
14 6+

One of the best routes out West with stacked climbing on good rock. Most bolts have been recently re-equipped.

  1. Easy scrambling up the leaning pillar.

  2. Trends gently right up middle of slab to a small ledge. Bit runout in places but safe.

  3. Some more of the same slab off the belay, passing a bolt (no hanger) to a finger crack. Gear belay (bolt there; Has no hanger).

  4. The crux of the route. 5 bolts protect a powerful sequence (can be done A0) into some technical slab work. Semi hanging belay with one bolt in a corner below the perfect splitter.

  5. Climb the splitter to a DBB (some signs of corrosion on these bolts).

  6. Traverse out right into an akward, slightly vegetated crack. Traverse left when you pass the roof via slabs with underclings to access the next crack system. Climb up this to a DBB. It may be worth splitting this pitch in 2.

  7. Continue up the crack. When this ends a bolt protects moves left into the next system & up to another DBB.

  8. Climb the remaining crack system to a DBB under the roof.

  9. Underclings right under the roof then up the corner. A low angled ramp leads up to a DBB.

  10. Easy scrambling up the corner to the base of the chimney.

  11. Chimney challenge then grassy slopes up to the clean looking flakes.

  12. Climb the flakes then scramble left to belay at the base of the large detached flake.

  13. Squirm your way up then a couple of face climbing moves to gain LF corner. Follow this up to a big ledge with a single bolt. A bit vegetated.

  14. Take the handcrack in the corner then scramble to the top.

Some images here-

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PA: Helmut Gargitter, Simon Kehrer, Ivan Calderon, Fredrico Pisani & Fernando Rubio, 2013

Clásica 600m, 14
6- Recht Rinne

PA: Svein Smelvær & Bjørn Hanche-Olsen, 1972

Clásica 17
8- AID:A3 PROT:R Arctic Odyssey

Description and topo available here:


PA: D. Panov, A. Panov & A. Demirov, 2017

Clásica 950m, 20
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Kirkefjorden Branntuva
6+ PROT:R Sound of waves

Bold slab climbing. There´s a topo here.

AAC article with a description here

PA: Lukas Marecek & Jirí Svihálek, 2009

Clásica 450m
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Reineburger
FR:6a+ Nobody's River

Climb the inside corner, tricky move just before the end.

PA: Paul White, 5 Sep 2016

Top-rope 8m
{FR} 6a Little nose of el Cap

Climb the arete, sustained climbing to the big pocket to the right. Then one more long move to the final holds.

PA: Luca De Giorgi, 5 Sep 2016

Top-rope 8m
{FR} 4 That time you got chased by an angry Norvegian farmer

Follow the obvious crack up the inside corner. Easy to protect. Beware the thin flake.

PA: Luca De Giorgi, 5 Sep 2016

Clásica 8m
{FR} 3 Nobody likes Gill

Follow the crack to the right and climb the arete til the top.

PA: Paul White, 5 Sep 2016

Clásica 8m
4- right on the edge

Make a big step over the water and climb "right on the Edge".

PA: Georg Schrutka, 24 Ag 2019

Clásica 10m
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Akkarviktinden
5+ AID:A2 Todarodes Sagittatus Clásica 200m, 5
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Ølkontinden
6+ It's All About the Numbers Clásica
6 Looks can be Deceiving Clásica
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Reinesvaet
6 The American Tourist Clásica
5 Sea Breeze Clásica
6 Nonchalance Clásica 8
5- Aanie Onyoo Clásica 10
Apoyar a theCrag no sólo beneficiará a tu Karma
También te permitirá acceder a unos beneficios increíbles en theCrag y más allá.
Reine Couloir

This line tackles the gully on the broken face to the right of Reinesvæt

PA: Benson & Robertson, 2001

Hielo 500m
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Tindstinden The boulders
6A Kolotus

PA: Hilla Rudanko, 2017

7A Pitkäveto

PA: Anssi Kankkunen, 2017

7A+ Helvetin hyvä paimen

PA: Anssi Kankkunen, 2017

7A+ Sarvipää Búlder
6B Jäkälä Búlder
6A Pötkötys

PA: Hilla Rudanko, 2017

Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya Tindstinden
5+ Tindstinden Clásica 100m
Nordland Lofoten Moksnesøya
4 Sjøsvaet, Å Desconocido 120m
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Digertinden
WI4+ M3 Nordveggen Hielo 400m
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Andopshesten Massif
French Route

Not much information available. It´s left of Den Norske Sor-Afrika Linja and is pictured in Tidsskrift for Norsk Alpinklatring 2014. Low resolution topo here

PA: 2011

WI5 M4 Den Norske Sor-Afrika Linja

PA: 2009

Hielo 700m
Slovenian-Norwegian Route

Right of Den Norske Sor-Afrika Linja and left of the American route, this line does not top out (escaping right at the upper amfi)

The American Route

PA: 2009

Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Stjerntinden
M4/5 Normalveien Hielo 930m
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Stortind
6 Øst pillaren Clásica 8
7 Aina sugar kantarell Clásica 11
7- Slovakiaruta Clásica
Norwegian-Slovenian Route

Described in Tidsskrift for Norsk Alpinklatring 2014 and the 2009 AAC article Lofoten, International Winter Meet, Topos here & here

PA: Trym Atle Sæland & Marko Prezelj

Hielo 800m
WI4 Rosenberg and Watn line


PA: Ben Rosenberg-Hans & Petter Watn

Hielo 400m
AID:A0 M7 Way Out West Hielo 600m
WI4+ M3 All Good Boys go to Heaven Hielo 600m
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Flakstadpollen Heilt rå-steinen
8A Moon areté Búlder
8B Rough Gem

PA: Nalle Hukkataival, 2015

7C Buseggen Búlder
5+ Retursva Búlder
7A Rå egg Búlder
6B Rå makt Búlder
7A Rå makt sds Búlder
Boulder problem #7 Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Flakstadpollen Ting & Tang
6A+ Ting & Tang Búlder
6B+ Tin & Tang SDS Búlder
5 Medan du sov Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Flakstadpollen Mumbojumbo
6B+ Mumbojumbo Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Flakstadpollen Ekkaman
6A Ekkaman Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Flakstadpollen Flo
6A+ Flo Búlder
5+ Flatt batteri Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Flakstadpollen Mandela
6A Nelson Mandela Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Flakstadpollen Mighty Prow
Unknown projekt BúlderProyecto
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Flakstadpollen Svette Hender
7A+ Renault Clio Búlder
6B Store svette hender Búlder
Ukjent projekt BúlderProyecto
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Flakstadpollen Fråste-Eggen
5 Ville vesten Búlder
6B Fråste-eggen Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Flakstadpollen Langneset-Buldern
6A+ Nameless #23 Búlder
5 Nameless #25 Búlder
Nordland Lofoten Flakstadøya Ramberg The boulders Beach boulder
4 At least I can swim Búlder

Mostrando 101 - 200 de 4,192 vías.

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