
Pasul Bratocea





Conglomerate cliffs in the forest. Technical, long and challenging routes.


From Bratocea Pass, continue in the direction of Brasov for 1.8km. Park in the first parking lot on the left side. This parking lot is the second one on the right side when coming from Brasov towards Bratocea Pass, after a large parking lot that is about 250m before it.

Once parked, walk back approximately 30-40m towards Brasov, cross the road, and take the uphill path. Climb the first slope for about 250-300m, then start heading towards 10 o'clock. Look carefully, and you'll see clear orange signs that lead to the cliffs.

After the first slope, you'll encounter a shorter but steeper slope. After climbing it, walk for about 50-70m and try to follow a leftward contour curve for approximately 150m. Look for the signs again and don't go up the valley's path. Instead, stay on the left side of the slope, guided by some large boulders. Pass the boulders on the left side and continue straight uphill.

After around 200m, you'll reach a forest road that intersects your path. The cliffs are located about 150m above this point. The first cliff you'll encounter is called Bibisha. The next two cliffs to the right are La Armeanu and La artisti. The Lazy sector is approximately 150-200m to the left on the contour curve compared to the Bibisha sector.


Brasov or Cheia


Gráfico cronológico de las vías

Found and opened by Cornel Sain in 2022.



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