
The Bold and the Beautiful





In the shade all day!


In the shade all day!

Restricciones heredado de Riverside Crags

No access issues

Ética heredado de Montagu

To avoid any further Altercations with land owners and incorrect equipment being used, the Montagu Mountain Committee (who are responsible for the Montagu Reserve) have asked for applications to be submitted before a new route is bolted.

Applications here: http://www.climbing.co.za/bolting-information/bolting-new-routes-montagu/


Añadir vía(s) Añadir croquis Reordenar Edición en bloque Convertir grados
Grado Vía

Pull on the draw at the stopper move around the 3rd bolt.

PA: J. Lawson, 2010

PA: Stuart Brown, 2010

PA: Stuart Brown, 2010

PA: Stuart Brown, 2010

PA: M. Rehm, 2010

PA: J. Lawson R. Lawson, 2010

P2 of 'The Bigamist'

PA: J. Lawson & R. Lawson, 2010

PA: Tony Lourens, Abr 2021

PA: J. Lawson R. Lawson, 2010

Better if you don't go right around the bulge

PA: J. Lawson R. Lawson, 2010

PA: Tony Lourens, Mayo 2021

PA: Tony Lourens, Nov 2021

PA: Tony Lourens, Sep 2021

PA: J. Lawson R. Lawson, 2010

PA: J. Lawson R. Lawson, 2010

PA: Tony Lourens, 2010

PA: J. Lawson R. Lawson, 2010

PA: Tony Lourens, Oct 2021

PA: Tony Lourens, Nov 2021

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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Autor(es): Tony Lourens

Fecha: 2022

número ISBN: 9780620995696

A definitive guidebook covering all the sport and trad climbing found throughout the whole of the Montagu area, describing over 700 routes across a wide range of grades.

Alojamientos cercanos more Ocultar

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