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Lat/Long.: 41.58435, 1.81838

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6c Grado de dificultad


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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Autor(es): Luis Alfonso

Fecha: 2018

número ISBN: 9788493952372

A comprehensive guidebook describing the sport climbing found in the southern half of Montserrat detailing over 1,700 single pitch routes from F3 to F9a+.

Autor(es): Josep E. Castellnou Ribau and Fina Ferret

Fecha: 2015

A selective guidebook describing over 1,000 of the very best routes found at Montserrat on great conglomerate rock, across a wide range of grades.

Autor(es): Luis Alfonso

Fecha: 2013

número ISBN: 9788493952310

A comprehensive guidebook describing the long multi-pitch rock climbing routes found in the southern half of Montserrat, detailing 580 multi-pitch routes, with many of these over 200m long, and across a wide range of grades from F3 to F7b+.

Alojamientos cercanos more Ocultar

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