
Ascensiones de Tarali Valent

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Mostrando los 23 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Dom 7.º En 2024 - Sella
El Goleró Wild Side
8a+ Tarali Valent - con Kristian Deportiva 25m
Vie 23.º Jun 2017 - Sella
El Goleró Wild Side
8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m Clásico
Matt Pascoe
22 shots. 13:25,T-27.1,H-61.5,DP-19.1. Fr. slightly greasy but crux crimp was better today than the last time.

Mié 21.º Jun 2017 - Sella
El Goleró Wild Side
8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
13:54,T-26.9,H-55.8,DP-17.4. Crux crimp greasy. Pinged off crux crimp. Bumped 3 times to try and get a better grip of it. Also pinged off 2 other holds lower down. Above crux friction was veryordinary. Single biner on crux was ok to clip.

Lun 19.º Jun 2017 - Sella
El Goleró Wild Side
8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
1138, T-24.1,H-69.0,DP-18.1. Slightly greasy on crux crimp. Didn't affect shot. Losing skin. Low R/F slipped during 3rd crux. NB: Using original high R/F on ramp but using sloper to get height for UPC. Much easier to rest and chalk for a moment before measly crimp.

8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
1324, T-25.6,H-70.6,DP-19.9. Acceptably greasy. Highpoint!! Pumped off post crux clipping sloper after clipping draw. May need to skip this clip....

Vie 16.º Jun 2017 - Sella
El Goleró Wild Side
8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
1124 T-27.1, H-53, DP-16.7. Fr. def isn't 'bad' but could be better. Maybe I'm getting use to it. Undercling pinch crimp. Forgot to move R/F up the ramp but still managed to get the UPC. NB: Using same footer from micro rest to get UPC. Rest of sequence remains unchanged. Is this how everybody's hard redpoints go. Constant refinement? Sorry for the load of irrelavant info. It's for future use.

8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
1329 T-30.8, H-33.3 DP-12.8. Fr. improved. Crux crimp felt a tad greasy but still usable. Crux crimp. Too stretched once I had the hold. Something to do with the chalking up leaves me low. Rather pedantic really... NB R/F higher up ramp then L/F higher to crimp. End result is the 'glory' sloper (yep it's bad) can be held wih less effort.

Mié 14.º Jun 2017 - Sella
El Goleró Wild Side
8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
T-26.2, H-37.4, DP-10.5 2nd crux high R/H gaston. NB: lower RF. Much easier moving up now. Final crux getting harder as temps keep rising.

8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
T-28.1, H-35.5, DP-11.4 Final crux. Pinchy crimpy hold. NB: another move before going up for pinchy crimp. Allows for a much needed chalk up and brief shake. Might go next shot or may never get done. Perhaps some cooler weather will/would make a difference. .

Lun 12.º Jun 2017 - Sella
El Goleró Wild Side
8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
T- 27 DP- 13.5 H- 43.3 Move before pinchy, crimpy undercling thing. Somehow twisted into an egypitian and was then a long from the hold.

8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
T- 27 DP- 13.5 H- 43.3 or similar. Struggled with moving legs/feet up high to ramp. Perhaps the running is tightening things up a little?

Mar 6.º Jun 2017 - Sella
El Goleró Wild Side
8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
Undercling crimp. Highpoint. Tweaked beta. Didn't feel rested enough from warm-up. DP:12 T:24

8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
Crimp crux. Felt strong but was too low once I got the crimp. Pulled on (after a good rest) and went to the anchors. First single hang. It's getting warm here.

Dom 4.º Jun 2017 - Sella
El Goleró Wild Side
8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
Crappy undercling. Re-worked feet. Much easier moving up now. Dp- 14.5 T- 23.5. The crux crimp has to have the water squeezed out off it.

8a+ Tarali Valent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
Undercling pinch. Highpoint. Played around with the final crux moves and it comes down to the harder you can hold on the less technique you need. But you need to hold on tight to use the technique...

Jue 1.º Jun 2017 - Sella
El Goleró Wild Side
8a+ Tarali Valent - con Matt Pascoe Deportiva 25m Buena
Matt Pascoe
I felt significanlty stronger than the last session on this. Got all the moves on the first try BTB. 2nd shot I was out of juice and tired. Time for some rest. 2 shots

Vie 23.º Dic 2016 - Sella
El Goleró Wild Side
8a+ Tarali Valent Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
Top rope- 4 distinct cruxes. Each harder than the next. 3 of the 4 cruxes sorted. Unable to do any of the moves on the last crux. Pulled through and did last moves to anchors.

8a+ Tarali Valent Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
TR- fell at 2nd crux. Higher on final crux but not all sorted.

8a+ Tarali Valent Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
TR- Fell at 2nd crux. All moves sorted on final crux.

Jue 22.º Dic 2016 - Sella
El Goleró Wild Side
8a+ Tarali Valent Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
TR- Fell at 2nd crux. Final crux sequence completed. Very tic tacky and tenious. Fingery.

8a+ Tarali Valent Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
Top rope- 4 distinct crux. Each harder than the next. 3 of the 4 cruxes sorted. Unable to do any of the moves on the last crux. Pulled through and did last moves to anchors.

8a+ Tarali Valent - con Matt Pascoe Deportiva 25m
Matt Pascoe
TR- Fell on 2nd crux. DId moves quickly then started on final crux sequence. Made progress but still haven't climbed through the final crux completely.

Mié 10.º Ag 2016 - Sella
El Goleró Wild Side
8a+ Tarali Valent (Triali valent) Deportiva 25m
Jonatan Flor

Mostrando los 23 ascensiones.

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