
Historia de la vía

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Lat/Long.: 28.19005, -16.52312

Referencias de nivel de dificultad

5B Grado de dificultad


Please keep the crags noise free and clean. Take your trash and toilet papers with you. Locals tend to bring dogs to the crag. It is good manners to use your own gear at the anchors for lowering or setting up top-ropes. Use the anchor rings/carabiners only for the final lower-off after cleaning.

heredado de Tenerife


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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Autor(es): Erik Baquero

Fecha: 2022

número ISBN: 9788409395477

A comprehensive guidebook describing 17 rock climbing and sport climbing areas in Tenerife, covering over 1,300 routes across a wide range of grades, including Arico.

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