
Traba - Recesindes

  • Contexto de grado: FR
  • Ascensiones: 18




Sport climbing and bouldering can be found in this area.


Sport climbing: Slab routes from 6a to 7b and overhung and roof routes from 6c+ to 8b+. The sport climbing area is known as Recesindes or Traba. Bouldering: enormous amount of boulders from 6th to 8th grade. The bouldering zone is more comonly known as Traba, despite being n roughly the same area.

Restricciones heredado de Galicia

The access to some crags (like "Canon del Sil", "Covas" or "Presa do Eume") is regulated. Make sure to check https://escaladasostenible.org/regulaciones/ and consult the guidebook guidelines.

Also, some classic crags in the Enciña da Lastra area are now closed due to conservation efforts, like Penedos de Oulego or sectors in Covas like "Caliza Ceibe".

Ética heredado de Galicia

The route developers have put a lot of effort into keeping the coastal climbing safe, and most of the bolts in seaside cliffs are glue-in inox anchors or inox bolts. Despite this, be always aware that coast climbing is especially dagnerous and check the guidebooks to see the re-bolting dates. Since winters are very humid, some effort is also put into cleaning the moss off some routes in spring, so contribute when possible (without harming any protected species).

There is an emerging clean climbing current, so even though in some old areas there are bolted cracks, in the modern crags there is always room for trad climbing.

In general, most of the local climbers share their new developments and are very kind to visitors, with only a few anecdotal exceptions for some specific areas.

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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Autor(es): Alfonso Louro Fuentes, Gustavo Vázquez Fariña

Fecha: 2020

número ISBN: 9788493990763

Esta guía pretende recopilar, en la medida de lo posible, todas las nuevas zonas de escalada desarrolladas en los últimos años en Galicia, así como la ampliación de las ya existentes, independientemente de su tamaño, carácter o prestigio, intentando poner en valor la escalada de autoprotección, demostrando que puede y debe ser compatible la convivencia de la escalada deportiva equipada, tal y como comúnmente la conocemos, con la escalada limpia (Clean Climbing). Esta debe ser respetada para que las futuras generaciones puedan disfrutar del placer de escalar rutas con el compromiso que exige ser responsable de la autoprotección.

El objetivo es que se conozcan estas vías "limpias" y que sigan "limpias" para el futuro, donde las próximas generaciones con afán aperturista y equipador conozcan y respeten este estilo de escalada, y sigan conviviendo y respetándose todos los estilos.

Alojamientos cercanos more Ocultar

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