
Masso 3

  • Contexto de grado: FR

Restricciones heredado de Cresciano

Access with motor vehicles is prohibited! Don't drive up the hill, park in the village of Cresciano (milk-shop area) and walk up the hill!

Besides the common sense stuff like don't leave your rubbish lying around other access issues to take into consideration are;

  • Don't start open fires.
  • Don't camp in the area.
  • Dogs must be on a leash.
  • Keep noise down for nearby residents.

Ética heredado de Cresciano

Chalk is okay, chipping is not!


Añadir vía(s) Añadir croquis Reordenar Edición en bloque Convertir grados
Grado Vía

Bad landing. Grading is unknown.

Without using the side.

Sit start.

Traverse to finish as for 'Carla's boulder'.

Esta búlder no está localizada

Si sabes dónde esta búlder, tómate un minuto para ubicarla para la comunidad escaladora. ponte en contacto con nosotros si tienes cualquier pregunta.

Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Autor(es): Claudio Cameroni, Roberto Grizzi, and Renzo Lodi

Fecha: 2023

A definitive guidebook covering the granite bouldering at Cresciano, Osogna, Claro, Preonzo, Prosito, Lodrino, Biasca and Malvaglia in Ticino region of southeast Switzerland

Autor(es): Claudio Cameroni, Roberto Grizzi, and Renzo Lodi

Fecha: 2013

A definitive guidebook covering the granite bouldering at Cresciano, Osogna and Claro in Ticino region of southeast Switzerland

Alojamientos cercanos more Ocultar

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Mar 4 Jul
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