
Nodos en Witches Point and Temple Bay

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Witches Point and Temple Bay

Sea Cliff climbing

HVS exposure explosion
VS 4c Pluto

Climb the prominent groove. Swing left near the top, to finish up the left arête. It is also possible to finish direct at a slightly harder grade.

HVS 4c Pinocchio

Climb a leftward rising crack/corner line below and right of the overhangs to a ledge beneath a steep wall. Traverse left past a crack above and climb the bulging wall to a chimney. Climb the chimney, step left along the lip of the overhang. Continue up left to a crack which is followed to a pinnacle. The climb finishes up a short chimney on the right side of the three overhangs

HS 4a Flash Harry

13m right of Tusker Chimney. Climb via a groove to an obvious crack 1½m right of Tusker Right Hand, thence to the top.

VS 4b Elephant Wall

Start as for Wave Band to the ledges. Step right and climb the knobbly wall to the horizontal break and a possible stance. Step up and right at the break and climb a short groove and steep wall above.

HVS 5a Abbey Road

Airy climbing up the first of the right-facing corners. Bridge up the cave for 4m then traverse right onto the wall. Climb to the overhang and follow the awkward right-hand groove to the next overhang. Step left and up to finish.

Witches Point

Limestone sea cliff which is primarily sport climbing.

Witches Point
Stone Wings Cliff
7a Liassic Lark

Chalked crack lines that run into an intimidating roof.

7a+ In Search of Bedrock

A continuation of Liassic Lark trending left as a second pitch. 22 metre rap.

7c Help, Help Me Rhondda
7c The Dai Vinci Coed
8a Methuselah
7b+ This God is Mine
8a+ Masada
E5 6a Stone Wings
7b+ The Uninvited Guest
8a+ Mr. T
7c+ Super Size Me
7b Staple Diet
7a Tragic Moustache
6c+ Five O'Clock Shadow
6b Magic Touch

Diagonal left trending face climb starting off large boulder.

6a+ Pelagic Mush

Same start point as Magic Touch but directly up. Start off boulder.

6b+ Sideburn

4-5 metres right of Magic Touch

6b Spear the Bearded Clam
5c Slurp The Savoury Oyster
Dunraven Cliff

The largest section of cliff.

7a Tufa at the Top
6c Hanging by a Thread

Classic. Easy ramp to high first bolt before hitting steep terrain.

7b+ Edge-More
Temple Bay
Castle Upon Alun
Castle Upon Alun
6a Bush Trimmers Corner Link-up to Knee Trembler

Start in Bush Trimmers Corner, then above the crystals traverse left into Knee Trembler.

4c Jump on The Gravy Train
4c Off the Rails
5c The Fat Controller
Ogmore Coastal Boulders

Limestone bouldering with a mixture of crimps and slopers. Some problems are recorded but there is plenty more there. Not all is great but there are some really nice lines if you have a bit of an imagination.

Ogmore Coastal Boulders
Conglomerate Area
Ogmore Coastal Boulders Conglomerate Area
7A Old Mans Beard

Start matched on the jug rail beneath the roof.

7B Mushroom Roof

Alternative start to mushroom roof

6A Robbosite
6B+ Robbosite full traverse

Mostrando los 46 nodos.

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