
Ascensiones en Clear Creek Canyon por Justin Case teniendo sport-cpr o ascent-date

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Mostrando los 31 ascensiones.

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Jue 1.º Feb 2024 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Graveyard
5.12a City Of The Dead — 2 intentos - con Chrissy Deportiva 26m Megaclásica
First 5.12 of the year! Been focusing more on projecting harder things like Guerrera Cosmica at El Chonta, or Lucid Dreaming in Boulder Canyon. Pretty great climb. Techy but enjoyable, well-bolted slab into an absolute rest before a steep hand crack, followed by a powerful jug (or good hold) haul. Chrissy made the hands crack look easy, but when I tried it the first shot, thinking I would onsight this, it may as well have been V10- didn't even know where to begin, and everything felt impossible. I'm sure it would be easier if I had any crack climbing skills at all, but as it happens, I bouldered it out using the crimps inside the crack, which feels like V5ish. Pulled it off second try on this beautiful winter sunny day that just so happens was Chrissy's birthday!

Lun 25.º Sep 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Fiscal Cliff
5.12b Colliding — 2 intentos - con Chrissy Deportiva 9m Clásico
Nice climb where you go from kneebar to kneebar like a bee going from flower to flower. Some physical big moves involving not-that-great pinches, and placing the kneebars can be tiring. Took me a minute to figure out (thank you Chrissy), but got it second go! First 12 send post-Kalymnos Also, I believe this is a special climb. According to my records on theCrag, I have done as many 5.12s in 2023 than I have in all other years combined- #41.

Dom 3.º Sep 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Fiscal Cliff
5.12c The Road — 3 intentos - con Chrissy, Jonathan Deportiva 9m Clásico
What an unforgettable ascent. All-time moment FOR SURE. As Chrissy and Jonathan worked Over the Top (which both of them seeeent!!), I, shoulder recently semi-tweaked, wasn't sure what I was gonna do. I was so close to just belaying and taking it easy, as I was leaving for Kalymnos that very afternoon. I warmed up just in case. My shoulder was feeling OK, so I decided to give this one a good flash try after being sprayed by Chrissy. Got a good first burn in, but it started raining. I got to the top and fully expected to clean the route. My friends told me to leave it up, as I wondered how it would be possible to get up it again. I am so glad they had this kind of patience and psyche to climb. After the rain passed and the rock (sort of) dried, I gave it a determined second go. After the crux move at the lip of the slopers, I took a HUGE whipper which was pretty fun and funny. I said "no way" and wanted to try again immediately. I rested a couple minutes, and went up again. What followed was a screamfest assembled of extremely unlikely sticks to sub-optimal slopers for the entire climb, even to the clipping of the chains. I have never tried so hard on a climb, ever. I was completely overjoyed with such an unlikely send, but mainly because I didn't know I could dig that deep. I felt the consequences after for sure, which was a second confirmation that I did indeed access a level of effort previously unknown to me. What a prelude to Kalymnos!!

Sáb 19.º Ag 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Fiscal Cliff
5.12a Over The Top — 3 intentos - con Chrissie, Lucy Deportiva 11m Clásico
Powerful, burly climb. Almost landed the OS! The second go I wanted to use a simpler beta, but ended up not working. Got it on my third go. Used the ol' knee-to-arm bar pioneered all those years ago in 3 men and a ladder!

5.11d Glitter And Doom - con Chrissie, Lucy Deportiva 15m Clásico
Really happy about this OS! Found a key kneebar (more like kneescum) right at the crux, and stemmed my way out. A bit dirty, but a great climb nonetheless!

5.11a/b Systemic Risk - con Chrissie, Lucy Deportiva 15m Clásico
Great route, and first I've done in the area! Great company too. The area has Coolum-like features, and climbs like it, only less steep. Kneebars are abundant.

Sáb 5.º Ag 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon Little Eiger
5.11d Eiger Direct - con Patrick, Ken, Kyra, Alex Deportiva Clásico
Pretty nice route! The rain erased all chalk everywhere except underneath the rooflet, which turned out not to be a crux at all. Pretty crimpy after the rooflet, and this was compounded by me looking everywhere for holds. Felt good to get a "pure onsight" on such a classic with friends I hadn't hung out with in a minute!

Mar 11.º Jul 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon Wall of the Nineties
5.11b Refer Madness - con Alex Climbing Group, Nicole Deportiva 18m, 7 Clásico
Nice crimpy sequency climb with some cool deadpoints on jugs! Felt short after having done Patience Face and Wet Dream

5.12a Wet Dream - con Alex Climbing Group, Nicole Deportiva 31m, 16 Megaclásica
I was waiting for Alex at the base of this (stick clipped, harness on already, basically Jonesin') and got to do a few breathing exercises I learned from Isabel the day before, and that's just what the doctor ordered! Took my time during the stem rest and the crux felt a lot easier this time. Stoked to have sent 3 12a's in a week!

5.11c Curvaceous - con Alex Climbing Group, Nicole Deportiva 31m, 15 Clásico
Excellent flowy climbing on great holds with a steep roof on jugs to boot! End of day climb on a perfect July morning with Alex and Nicole!

Sáb 8.º Jul 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Graveyard
5.11d Spinal Tap — 2 intentos - con Edel Deportiva 18m Clásico
Thought I would onsight, but it's a tough 11d! Did back-to-back attempts and was too tired on the second try. I kept forgetting my sequence and not finding the right holds. Not over after the crux, as you have to trust these non-holds to top out! Crimpy, tensiony and reachy.

Mar 4.º Jul 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon Wall of the Nineties
5.12a Wet Dream — 4 intentos - con Matt, Ben Matt's Friend, Edel Deportiva 31m, 16 Megaclásica
Excellent varied climbing! Has it all- steep terrain on jugs, balancy vertical, delicate slab, and of course, the crimper boulder problem. Had back-to-back attempts, and didn't feel good enough on the second. Then I came back on 7/8/2023 with Edel, and I messed up my sequence on the first try, then got hailed and rained on the second try (even though the holds were wet, I made it to the first move of the top crux before slipping from water!). Super fun climb, will come back for it!

Sáb 10.º Jun 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Dog House
5.12c Mighty Dog — 2 intentos - con Ben, Cheyloh, Kerri, Michael Deportiva 18m, 8 Megaclásica
What. A. Classic. Best climb I've attempted in CO so far! Permadraw-ed too. Two working attempts. Starts of with an easy slab, followed by the business: steep big, original moves on good holds take you to the roof, which consists in a V5 crimpy boulder problem followed by a V3 mantle. Can't wait to get back on!

Vie 9.º Jun 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon Highwire crag
5.10b People's Choice - con Ben Deportiva 50m Clásico
Great dihedral climbing with the crux pitch being the last one and the crux of that being a mantle on no holds! Ben solo'd the second pitch cuz he went off route. Kinda stressful for me, but hey, climbing is all about adventure??

Sáb 11.º Mar 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Graveyard
5.12a Dia De Los Muertos — 2 intentos - con Ben, Patrick, Alex, Kyra, Jared, Jonathan, Maja, Ken Deportiva 18m Megaclásica
Technical 5.10 climbing at the bottom leads to a technical sequence of long moves that go from crimp to crimp. Very satisfying. Ends with pumpy but straightforward crimp-pulling. 6th straight week sending at least one 5.12! Very thankful for a beautiful, fun day out before I go on a trip!

5.10a Six Feet Under - con Ben, Patrick, Alex, Kyra, Jared, Jonathan, Maja, Ken Deportiva 24m Clásico
Really nice, gym bolted warm-up. Lots of "fake news", i.e. non-holds with chalk in them.

Dom 5.º Mar 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Dog House
5.12b Fiddler on the Woof — 3 intentos - con Rob, Sarah, John, Matt Deportiva 15m, 9 Clásico
Had nobody to climb with, and the forecast for next week was grim, and I was leaving for 2 months after that! So I drove up by myself, not being sure how the weather was going to be, or if I would have people to climb with. Found a very friendly crew and gave this thing a shot! 3 goes, super fun route with big moves to big holds

Vie 10.º Feb 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Graveyard
5.12a/b Hellbender — 2 intentos - con Patrick, Ken Deportiva 18m Clásico
Went up once just before the send attempt. Full sun made those slopers and slimpers feel hard!! Rehearsed it a bit, found great foot beta for the sloper throw such that I could reliably stay under it, and then tried again. I was in full battle mode to get to through all of it. It did not feel over until I topped out the victory ledge. Very, very stoked! Best single day outdoor climbing performance in a while!

5.12a/b Tomb Raider - con Patrick, Ken Deportiva 15m Clásico
Warm-up/send attempt went really well! Listened to my body, so I changed my layback beta slightly, but the business end was just as expected. Felt great to open up a "playing hooky" climbing day sending this!!

5.8 Cruisin' Caskets - con Patrick, Ken Deportiva 23m, 9 Muy buena
Pretty good warm-down on a juggy meander to wrap up a pretty darn good day.

Sáb 4.º Feb 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Graveyard
5.12a/b Tomb Raider - con Patrick, Amber, Alex Deportiva 15m Clásico
Tried hard on my first attempt at this overhanging beauty, and got so close to grabbing the final jug! It is a little hard to find. Easy climbing leads to a short 3-bolt overhang that has you on steep underclings, body-tensing footwork, and a big move to the jug off of which one clips the anchors. Next time I'll get this!

Vie 3.º Feb 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Dog House
5.12b Big Dog — 2 intentos - con Matt Deportiva 21m, 10 Megaclásica
First Colorado 12b!! Super psyched. I did not suspect I would send this after my working attempt, at which point it felt like it was going to be a multi-day project. Beta was very well executed, and this thing does not let up until the anchors

5.11b Hot Dog - con Matt Deportiva 17m, 8 Clásico
Thin delicate slab to start with followed by a very cool overhang traverse on nicely textured granite. Very pumpy!

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5.10a Dog Breath - con Matt Deportiva 23m, 10 Muy buena
Second warm up of the day. Very cool overhanging sections with great holds!

5.9 Black Dog - con Matt Deportiva 23m, 10 Muy buena
Warm up. Very nice rock in this crag- almost RMNP bouldering rock!

5.11b Li'l Dog - con Matt Deportiva 27m, 12 Megaclásica
Excellent meandery route that ends with a steep section with cool holds

Sáb 14.º En 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Graveyard
5.9 ~5.10a Bone Daddy - con Matt Deportiva 18m
10a in the guidebook. Very exposed but cool climbing.

5.12a/b Hellbender — 3 intentos - con Matt Deportiva 18m Clásico
Got the moves rather quickly. Long moves to slopers followed by a crimpy tension section that I did pumped. Working session. Could go in 1-2 more sessions.

5.11a Ernest Stemmingway - con Matt Deportiva 24m, 10 Clásico
Did it after Matt. Long route that is not pumpy and only has a couple of techy but high quality hard sections.

5.10c Reincarnation - con Matt Deportiva 23m Clásico
Nice warm-up on flowy and pumpy moves for 10c.

5.10d The Reaper - con Matt Deportiva 23m Clásico
Really nice movement on quality granite holds. Small crux at the bottom involving a long move from a good crimp.


Mostrando los 31 ascensiones.

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