

Follow thin parallel cracks to a right facing corner until you can move left to the anchors of 'Feeling Frisky'.

Historia de la vía

No hay un histórico conocido de la vía.



Lat/Long.: 42.72038, -113.06838

Referencias de nivel de dificultad

5.10+ Grado de dificultad
5.10+ Mike Engle


Teddy Bear Cove is a sport climbing crag and nearly every route is safely bolted so that the only gear needed is a rope and draws. All routes are less than 30 meters in height and most routes are outfitted with convenient sport anchors consisting of a steel carabiner and a steel open cold shut. If you intend to top rope with a big group please use your own draws. Many splitter cracks are bolted. If you want to climb trad routes, bring your pro and skip the bolts. Please don’t chop the bolts after your trad ascent. If you see a new trad line you want to get an FA on, it is strongly recommended to clean the route first as loose blocks to some extend (more or less) have been present on the 100+ routes established at TBC.

heredado de Teddy Bear Cove


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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Autor(es): Dave Bingham

Fecha: 2019

número ISBN: 9781938393358

Wolverine Publishing:
Whatever style of climbing you prefer, Idaho Underground highlights over 1,500 well-known and lesser-know routes, from the spectacular limestone walls of the Fins to truly underground lava tubes.
  • Full-color 2nd edition includes over 1,500 routes and problems for sport climbing, trad climbing and bouldering at the Fins, Snake River Basalt, Boise and Sun Valley
  • Author Dave Bingham, an Idaho climbing legend, also spotlights lesser known areas, including the Black Cliffs, Teddy Bear Cove, Dierkes Lake, Leslie Gulch and more
  • Wolverine Publishing will donate $1 from every book sold to local climbing organizations

Alojamientos cercanos more Ocultar

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