
Nodos en Massacre Rocks State Park

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Massacre Rocks State Park

Massacre Rocks receives its name from an Indian ambush that took place back in the old days. Massacre is located on the Snake River and is a beautiful place.

Owl Cove

U-shaped cove about 1/4 mile west, down-river, of the 'Main Wall Area'. Climbs are listed clockwise, starting on the west wall

Owl Cove
Cling/Clang Wall

This is the left most wall in the 'Owl Cove Area' and is south east facing

Owl Cove Cling/Clang Wall
5.11a Dry Hump

Left most route with a hard pull at the roof

5.8 Pink Slip

Start on rounded holds, climb to a shallow dihedral with a sport anchor

5.9 Bolter's Ed

Take blocky holds up a steep wall to a finish in a deep dihedral

5.8 Blind Date

Bulge to corner

5.11a/b Cling

Short, sweet, steep!

5.11c Clang

2 bolts through steep terrain and finish on the last 2 bolts of 'Cling'

5.11c/d Spring Spawner

Another short, steep one

5.10d Jabberwocky

Curving dark face

5.12a/b Wild Thang

Wild layback!!

5.11a/b The Wild Side

Starts in corner, move left onto arete/face, fun headwall finish

5.11d/12a The Vile Side

4-bolt variation to the start of 'The Wild Side'

5.10d/11a The Mild Side

Short-but-fun face, no anchor so finish on 'The Wild Side' headwall

Owl Cove
Owl Wall

Southeast facing Owl Wall is about a 100 feet to the right of 'Cling/Clang Wall'

Owl Cove Owl Wall
5.10a Bitch Slap

Slabby arete

5.8 5.8ish

Massacre Rocks is part of the much larger “American Falls Archaeological District” (AFAD). There are multiple land jurisdictions in both the AFAD and where climbing takes place (see BLM Map). Extensive and well documented studies of the AFAD near and around the Snake River show many cultural resources and evidence of human habitation for at least the last 13,000 years. This area is considered sacred to the local Shoshone- Bannock tribes. Be respectful and minimize your footprint and impact in the area. Keep your staging area small and contained. Pick up and pack out your trash including tape, orange or banana peels, cigarette butts, etc. Prevent your dog from digging. Don’t start or make any fires, especially near the base of cliffs.

Also, please, only park in one of the designated parking areas and respect all road closures. Sandy soils in the AFAD are prone to wind erosion. Motorized vehicles and even foot traffic can damage the fragile ecology and could destroy rare, irreplaceable evidence of 13,000 years of human habitation. When hiking to the crags use established trails and don’t short cut or braid existing trails. Use the following graphic from the BLM to understand which areas are closed to motorized travel.

5.8 Bad Date

Pro-your-own crack/block

5.10d Get Laid

Tricky layback top crux

5.9/10a Heavy Petting

Starts beneath small roof

5.9 First Date

Pro corner/crack/roof

5.11d Dv8

On blunt corner to face, thin crux!

5.11a Space Violator

Up center of face, save some juice for the top!

5.11b Black Mamba

Same start as 'Space Violator', then right and up, tricky laybacks

5.10c Face Shot

Short bolted face

5.10b Space Shot

Tricky bolted blunt arete/face

5.10b jeff-boy-r.d.

Corner to face

5.12a Holey Trojans

Left side of steep slab, thin moves!

5.11a Hot Date

Right side of slab, same anchors as 'Holey Trojans'

5.9/10a Date Bait

In corner

5.10b Wet Dreams

Blunt prow

5.12d Tow Job

Steep slab with dime-thin edges

5.11b/c The Slob

Groovy moves

Owl Cove
Asylum Wall

West-facing wall on east side of 'Owl Cove Area'

Owl Cove Asylum Wall
5.10a Adhd

Clip first bolt of 'Sociopath' then move left, good finish on excellent rock, upper ledge start

5.10b Sociopath

If you climb on the left side of the bolt line, 5.10c on the right, upper ledge start

5.10c Psychopath

Upper ledge start, fun, techy start to a steep finish

5.10d Coma Toes

(if you stay on the arete!), a giggle of a climb

5.10a Waiter, There's a Fly in My Supe

Massacre Rocks is part of the much larger “American Falls Archaeological District” (AFAD). There are multiple land jurisdictions in both the AFAD and where climbing takes place (see BLM Map). Extensive and well documented studies of the AFAD near and around the Snake River show many cultural resources and evidence of human habitation for at least the last 13,000 years. This area is considered sacred to the local Shoshone- Bannock tribes. Be respectful and minimize your footprint and impact in the area. Keep your staging area small and contained. Pick up and pack out your trash including tape, orange or banana peels, cigarette butts, etc. Prevent your dog from digging. Don’t start or make any fires, especially near the base of cliffs.

Also, please, only park in one of the designated parking areas and respect all road closures. Sandy soils in the AFAD are prone to wind erosion. Motorized vehicles and even foot traffic can damage the fragile ecology and could destroy rare, irreplaceable evidence of 13,000 years of human habitation. When hiking to the crags use established trails and don’t short cut or braid existing trails. Use the following graphic from the BLM to understand which areas are closed to motorized travel.

5.11d Welcome to the Funny Farm

Good face moves

5.10b/c Chalk Therapy

Massacre Rocks is part of the much larger “American Falls Archaeological District” (AFAD). There are multiple land jurisdictions in both the AFAD and where climbing takes place (see BLM Map). Extensive and well documented studies of the AFAD near and around the Snake River show many cultural resources and evidence of human habitation for at least the last 13,000 years. This area is considered sacred to the local Shoshone- Bannock tribes. Be respectful and minimize your footprint and impact in the area. Keep your staging area small and contained. Pick up and pack out your trash including tape, orange or banana peels, cigarette butts, etc. Prevent your dog from digging. Don’t start or make any fires, especially near the base of cliffs.

Also, please, only park in one of the designated parking areas and respect all road closures. Sandy soils in the AFAD are prone to wind erosion. Motorized vehicles and even foot traffic can damage the fragile ecology and could destroy rare, irreplaceable evidence of 13,000 years of human habitation. When hiking to the crags use established trails and don’t short cut or braid existing trails. Use the following graphic from the BLM to understand which areas are closed to motorized travel.

5.12a Straight Jacket

Up black bulge/face, kinky!!

5.13b/c Commited

Direct start to straight jacket, 2 additional bolts on the direct start

5.10c Brain Dead but Good in Bed

Up overhanging flare, weird moves!

5.11b Acrophobia

Starts up crack/slot

5.11c/d Psycho Billy

Up left side of huge block

5.11a/b Sweethearts of the Rodeo

Up right side of block, same finish as 'Psycho Billy'

5.12a Pervert's Pleasures

(if you don't wimp out and use the block to the left!!), sustained, up two parallel seams to dihedral finish

5.12a Cat-A-Tonic

Up thin face

5.12b Pavlov's Dogs

White face just left of obvious roof, great!!

5.11b Oedipus Complex

Through big roof, using right side only is harder

5.12d Maniac

Up white face, Massacre's best hard climb!

5.11c Amnesia

Through crux flare

5.11c Its Time for Your Medication

Kind of contrived

5.11c/d Pathological Flyer

Excellent and varied moves, crux at top if you avoid off-route crack to the left

5.11d/12a Zigman Void

Up z-seam face

5.11a Freudian Slip

Great concave crack/face, crux is after last bolt!

5.10d Off Your Rocker

Several crux sections

Owl Cove
Lower Tier of Asylum Wall

Next routes are below and right of 'Off Your Rocker'

Owl Cove Lower Tier of Asylum Wall
5.11d Still Crazy After All These Years

Blunt arete, sharp edges

5.11c/d Demonic Possession

Pro crack, second crack right of 'Still Crazy After All These Years', behind big juniper

5.11a/b Delirious

Next crack right, needs pro

5.12b/c Seizure

Using arete only, 5.11c if you use the right crack

5.10a Nut Case

Retrobolted aka 'Slippin' Post', long route

5.11d/12a Serial Driller

Long, several cruxes

5.10b Crack Baby

Long retro bolted line

5.9/10a Nurse Ratchet

Up weird, eroded plates

5.11c/d Doctor Feelgood

Continuation of 'Nurse Ratchet'

5.10d Ted's & Marty's Wonderful Adventure

Long pro crack, left of obvious large face

5.11c Sketch-O-Frantic

Bolt line up right side of face, kind of loose rock at start, gets better, kinky moves! steep finish

5.10c Daddy Needs His Medicine

Retro bolted long line

5.11a Yo Riley Crack

Pro crack, starts on left side of short pillar

5.11d No Mo Natural Pro

Crack with bolts, might want to stick-clip first bolt

5.12b Split Personality

Starts on short pillar, then right, great climb, stemming start to crack, crux face finish

5.11c Airhead

Up hand-jam crack to great, steep finish

5.11c/d Pain Thriller

Starts in thin, tough finger crack, then up and left for steep face finish

5.10d Loco

Massacre Rocks is part of the much larger “American Falls Archaeological District” (AFAD). There are multiple land jurisdictions in both the AFAD and where climbing takes place (see BLM Map). Extensive and well documented studies of the AFAD near and around the Snake River show many cultural resources and evidence of human habitation for at least the last 13,000 years. This area is considered sacred to the local Shoshone- Bannock tribes. Be respectful and minimize your footprint and impact in the area. Keep your staging area small and contained. Pick up and pack out your trash including tape, orange or banana peels, cigarette butts, etc. Prevent your dog from digging. Don’t start or make any fires, especially near the base of cliffs.

Also, please, only park in one of the designated parking areas and respect all road closures. Sandy soils in the AFAD are prone to wind erosion. Motorized vehicles and even foot traffic can damage the fragile ecology and could destroy rare, irreplaceable evidence of 13,000 years of human habitation. When hiking to the crags use established trails and don’t short cut or braid existing trails. Use the following graphic from the BLM to understand which areas are closed to motorized travel.

5.10b No Name

Crack or 'Tr'

5.11a Everybody and Their Dog

Up wild, detached pillar

5.10c/d Lunatic

Start on first 2 bolts of 'Delirium Tremens', then left for 4 bolts, finishes on same anchors as 'Delirium Tremens', some of Massacre's best stemming

5.11a Delirium Tremens

Face right of pillar

5.10d Wild Virus

Good moves

5.11b Special Olympics

Up crack to blunt, brown arete, crux is thin finish

5.10c Dead Man Walking

Pull through a crack to a ledge below a double dihedral. This is an approach pitch to the Jail House Wall

Owl Cove
Jail House Wall

Great looking wall above the right end of the Lower Tier of 'Asylum Wall'. Huge ledge runs from 'Asylum Wall' to 'Rubble Wall'. Use 'Dead Man Walking' or 'Red Shank' as an approach pitch. You can also find anchors at the top and rap in.

Owl Cove Jail House Wall
5.10c Jail Break

Left most route on the upper wall

5.10c Back on the Chain Gang

Straight up the center of the wall

5.11a Stonebreaker

Right trending moves to a stance, move left to a steep finish. Perfect chocolate brown rock

Owl Cove
Rubble Wall

Broken-looking area just right of the 'Owl Cove Area', the wall faces east and the river and is significantly left of the 'Main Wall Area'. Best approached by traversing in from the 'Owl Cove Area' or it is directly across the Snake River from the boat put in for either the 'Owl Cove Area' or the 'Main Wall Area'.

Owl Cove Rubble Wall
5.9 Barn Stormer

Left most route, start in a nice corner past 2 bolts to a ledge. Continue up a dihedral to a broken face on fine brown rock, stem a wide corner to the anchors

5.10a Lone Ranger

Bolt line up a pillar formation left of a large bush, climb into the left dihedral between the 3rd and 4th bolts, then hand traverse right at the 6th bolt to the right side dihedral and follow the corner/bolts to the anchor. Original route is 5.11b by avoiding both corners and cracks (with difficulty) and staying on the pillar only. Excellent climb if you follow the holds

5.9 Red Shank

Follow the line of bolts just right of the large bush about 1/3 the way up the cliff. This is the easiest approach pitch to Jail House Wall. Pull onto the large ledge and walk/scramble to the base of the routes on Jail House Wall

5.10a Puppy Chow

Right of Red Shank climb past 1 bolt to the ledge, climb up the face of the column to a corner system, finish at the anchors in a large roof

5.11c/d Double-Dog-Dare

Clip the first 3 bolts on 'Puppy Chow', then move right and up over the hard bulge, 4 more bolts

5.10b Watchtower

Starts on gritty section to broken face, and finishes on prow

5.11a Cryday the 13th

Short approach pitch then belay at anchors. The rock quality and climb improves after first few bolts

5.11c/d The Whinery

Clip the first 3 bolts on 'Cryday', then move right, up hard finger crack and over bulges

Main Wall

This wall faces southeast, just above the river. Traditional access is by boat, canoe, or kayak. Canoe put in is just past the fee station at the 'Massacre Rocks State Park' Entrance. Park your vehicle behind the fee station and portage the canoe across a trail directly to the river. Once across the river continue up river about 300 yards past the 'Owl Cove Area' to the start of the good looking rock. Walk up hill to the leftmost route, 'Arch Enemy'. It is also possible to hike from P1 or P2 or P3 parking. Hike to All American and continue east skirting right around 'Royalty Point' and head towards 'Camptown Towers' and 'Owl Cove Area'. From 'Owl Cove Area' walk up river to the Main Wall Area area. 30 mins. There are slightly more direct routes walking up and over the mesa's

Main Wall
Left Wing Wall

Left-most crag defining the start of the 'Main Wall Area'

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