
Ascensiones en Redacted 1

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Mostrando los 92 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Mar 15.º Mar 2016 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.6 Imprisoned Behind LIes Deportiva Medio
Setting a top rope.

Jue 4.º Dic 2014 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.10b Ambassadors of Funk Deportiva 45m
Mié 14.º Nov 2012 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.7 High Seas Deportiva 16m Muy buena
Mike Dixon
5.6 Clip Jr Deportiva 18m Muy buena
Mike Dixon
Lun 23.º Mar 2009 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.10a Fear of a Black Planet Deportiva 25m Medio
Jeremy Kupferman
Super polished stone...good thing the jugs are HUGE

Mar 17.º Mar 2009 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.10a Humbly Mumbly Jumbly Deportiva 18m Medio
Jeremy Kupferman
Eh...maybe 4 stars shortly after the FA, but it's pretty polished now

Vie 7.º Jul 2006 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.6 Imprisoned Behind LIes Deportiva Buena
Jeff Mekolites
Sáb 1.º Abr 2006 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m
Mark Ingram
5.8 Babushka Deportiva 20m
Mark Ingram
5.8 Crowd Pleaser Deportiva 16m
Mark Ingram
5.7 High Seas Deportiva 16m
Mark Ingram
5.6 Imprisoned Behind LIes Deportiva
Mark Ingram
Mar 1.º Feb 2005 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.6 Clip Jr Deportiva 18m
Doug Pulleyblank
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m
Doug Pulleyblank
5.10a Fear of a Black Planet Deportiva 25m
Doug Pulleyblank
Dom 26.º Oct 2003 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.6 Clip Jr Deportiva 18m Buena
Jonathan duSaint
5.7 High Seas Deportiva 16m Muy buena
Jonathan duSaint
Vie 1.º Dic 2000 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.8 Babushka Deportiva 20m
Kyle Crassini
5.8 Crowd Pleaser Deportiva 16m
Kyle Crassini
Lun 12.º Jun 2000 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.7 High Seas Deportiva 16m Buena
steve gale
5.10a Fear of a Black Planet Deportiva 25m Buena
steve gale
5.8 Babushka Deportiva 20m Buena
steve gale
5.10a Humbly Mumbly Jumbly Deportiva 18m Buena
steve gale
5.8 Crowd Pleaser Deportiva 16m Buena
steve gale
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m Buena
steve gale
5.10b Ambassadors of Funk Deportiva 45m Buena
steve gale
Sáb 6.º Mayo 2000 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.7 High Seas Deportiva 16m
Gareth Llewellin
5.8 Babushka Deportiva 20m
Gareth Llewellin
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m
Gareth Llewellin
Mar 5.º Oct 1999 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.10a Fear of a Black Planet Deportiva 25m
David Taylor
Dom 3.º Oct 1999 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.8 Crowd Pleaser Deportiva 16m
David Taylor
5.6 Clip Jr Deportiva 18m
David Taylor
5.8 Babushka Deportiva 20m
David Taylor
5.7 High Seas Deportiva 16m
David Taylor
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m
David Taylor
Jue 10.º Jun 1999 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.10b Ambassadors of Funk Deportiva 45m Buena
steve gale
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m Buena
steve gale
5.10a Humbly Mumbly Jumbly Deportiva 18m Buena
steve gale
Mié 9.º Jun 1999 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.10a Fear of a Black Planet Deportiva 25m Buena
steve gale
5.8 Crowd Pleaser Deportiva 16m Muy buena
steve gale
Mié 2.º Jun 1999 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.10b Ambassadors of Funk Deportiva 45m Buena
Stephen Gale
5.10a Fear of a Black Planet Deportiva 25m Medio
Stephen Gale
5.8 Babushka Deportiva 20m Medio
Stephen Gale
5.8 Crowd Pleaser Deportiva 16m Medio
Stephen Gale
5.10a Humbly Mumbly Jumbly Deportiva 18m Buena
Stephen Gale
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m Buena
Stephen Gale
Sáb 22.º Mayo 1999 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.10a Fear of a Black Planet Deportiva 25m Clásico
Eric Foltz
Dom 1.º Nov 1998 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.7 High Seas Deportiva 16m
Kyle Crassini
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m
Kyle Crassini
5.10a Humbly Mumbly Jumbly Deportiva 18m
Kyle Crassini
Sáb 23.º Mayo 1998 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.7 High Seas Deportiva 16m
Eric Foltz
5.6 Clip Jr Deportiva 18m Buena
Eric Foltz
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m Muy buena
Eric Foltz
5.10b Ambassadors of Funk Deportiva 45m Muy buena
Eric Foltz
Vie 22.º Mayo 1998 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.8 Babushka Deportiva 20m Muy buena
Eric Foltz
5.10a Humbly Mumbly Jumbly Deportiva 18m Muy buena
Eric Foltz
5.8 Crowd Pleaser Deportiva 16m Muy buena
Eric Foltz
Mar 13.º Abr 2010 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Redacted 1
5.8 Crowd Pleaser Deportiva 16m
Marcus Adam
5.10a Humbly Mumbly Jumbly Deportiva 18m Medio
shannon normington
5.11a James Brown Deportiva 20m Buena
Brandon Workman
5.10a Fear of a Black Planet Deportiva 25m Medio
shannon normington
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m
Marcus Adam
5.10a Humbly Mumbly Jumbly Deportiva 18m
Ben Johnson
5.11a James Brown Deportiva 20m
David Goldstein
5.8 Crowd Pleaser Deportiva 16m Medio
shannon normington
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m Muy buena
chris stone
5.8 Crowd Pleaser Deportiva 16m Medio
Brandon Workman
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m Buena
Brandon Workman
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m Medio
shannon normington
5.7 High Seas Deportiva 16m
David Goldstein
5.8 Crowd Pleaser Deportiva 16m
Ben Johnson
5.10a Fear of a Black Planet Deportiva 25m Buena
Brandon Workman
5.8 Babushka Deportiva 20m
David Goldstein
5.6 Clip Jr Deportiva 18m Muy buena
chris stone
5.8 Babushka Deportiva 20m Buena
Brandon Workman
5.10b Ambassadors of Funk Deportiva 45m
David Goldstein
5.10a Humbly Mumbly Jumbly Deportiva 18m
Marcus Adam
5.10a Humbly Mumbly Jumbly Deportiva 18m Buena
Brandon Workman
awkward fun crux low down on the climb

5.10a Fear of a Black Planet Deportiva 25m
Ben Johnson
5.10a Fear of a Black Planet Deportiva 25m
David Goldstein
5.10a Fear of a Black Planet Deportiva 25m Muy buena
chris stone
5.8 Crowd Pleaser Deportiva 16m
David Goldstein
5.6 Clip Jr Deportiva 18m Medio
Brandon Workman
5.7 High Seas Deportiva 16m
Ben Johnson
5.6 Clip Jr Deportiva 18m
Ben Johnson
5.10b Ambassadors of Funk Deportiva 45m Muy buena
chris stone
5.10b Ambassadors of Funk Deportiva 45m
Marcus Adam
5.9 Welcome to the Gorge Deportiva 18m
David Goldstein
5.10a Humbly Mumbly Jumbly Deportiva 18m
David Goldstein
5.7 High Seas Deportiva 16m Medio
Brandon Workman
5.10b Ambassadors of Funk Deportiva 45m Buena
Brandon Workman
5.8 Babushka Deportiva 20m
Marcus Adam

Mostrando los 92 ascensiones.

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