
Ascensiones en Sangre de Cristo Mountains como Red point o First free ascent

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  • EPP
  • Viaje
  • Protección
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Mostrando los 6 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Mié 3.º Oct 2012 - Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Pecos River Area The Bleachers
5.8 Toss No Moss Deportiva 14m, 5 Buena
Jim Olsen
Dom 28.º Ag 2011 - Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Pecos River Area Cathedral Rock
5.8 Easy Air Deportiva 14m, 6 Buena
Jim Olsen
Liked it, but the first part was a bit ledgy.

Mié 15.º Jul 2009 - Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Santa Fe Ski Basin Sunset Crag
5.9 Knight Moves Clásica 12m Buena
Jim Olsen
Climb really like Knight Moves; up over, up back and over up. Need another climb on this crag for a checkmate. Nice well protected route using up to number 2 Camalots.

Mié 24.º Oct 2007 - Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Sierra Pelado
5.8 Luna de Cazadores Clásica 23m Buena
Jim Olsen
The crux was exposed, with balance, and the way I did it, a muscley dynamic move. Pro at the crux is a little sketchy. Hesitant about leading it. We were first up(Fun afternoon)

Mar 21.º Sep 2004 - Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Porvenir Canyon
5.7 Maze Clásica 67m Muy buena
Jim Olsen
FFA. Craig by 11th stream crossing. Both pitches are ramps. Second turns into face. Some offbalance moves, last of which turns into muscle moves on face. Flip-flops for crossing stream come in handy.

Mié 6.º Ag 1997 - Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Sierra Pelado
5.5 Dos Tipos Viejos Clásica 26m Ni te molestes
Jim Olsen
Chimney, a bit brushy and a bit dirty.


Mostrando los 6 ascensiones.

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