
Ascensiones en World por Matt Schimke

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 2,189 ascensiones.

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Dom 10.º Sep 2023 - Queanbeyan area
Black Range bouldering The Hill
V5 I Done Tussled With A Whale Búlder 3m Muy buena
Really enjoyed this one. Did it from the proper low start. Hard pulls.

V7 Muy Forte Left Búlder 4m Clásico
Took a few shots to do the first move again, bunched for tall people. First go once I stuck the left side pull. Lovely movement.

Dom 20.º Ag 2023 - Gibraltar and Corin Road
Corin Road Bouldering Strawberry Fields
V4 Fácil Spring Edition 2019 Búlder 3m Buena
Not bad!

V2 Vertical Life Magazine Búlder 4m Buena
Second ascent after Danny. Quite nice.

V7 Hot Sake Búlder 3m Muy buena
Tougher than it looks, with a spooky slab at the top.

Mié 16.º Ag 2023 - Gibraltar and Corin Road
Corin Road Bouldering Strawberry Fields
V7 Duro Talos Búlder 4m Clásico
Found this really hard. Took three sessions, skin being the limiting factor. Nice to finally get it.

Sáb 22.º Jul 2023 - Gibraltar and Corin Road
Corin Road Bouldering Strawberry Fields
V6 Achilles heel Búlder 3m Muy buena
Watch your head on the wall to the right. Powerful.

Mié 19.º Jul 2023 - Gibraltar and Corin Road
Corin Road Bouldering Strawberry Fields
V1 Traverse Búlder Muy buena
Most likely has been climbed many times, very obvious feature

V1 ~V1 Give it a crack Búlder 3m
Did it as a sit start from the loose block

V4 Call Me Right Búlder 4m
Vie 16.º Jun 2023 - Pierce's Creek
Laurel Camp Rd Tumblers
V5 Ristretto Búlder 3m Buena
Third try. Quite fun.

V8 Funk Star Deluxe Búlder 5m Megaclásica
What a climb! Figured out some good beta last session and managed to do it first try today. Stoked! Three sessions.

Sáb 3.º Jun 2023 - Pierce's Creek
Laurel Camp Rd Tumblers
V4 ~V5 Verre Búlder 3m Muy buena
Shame the boulder at the base makes the first move awkward otherwise it would be classic. Unlikely movement which stumped me on a previous session but went first go today.

V1 Crystaline Búlder 3m Buena
V0 Beker RHV Búlder 3m Buena
V2 Taza (#13) Búlder 3m Muy buena
Pretty good!

V6 Funk Star Búlder 5m Clásico
Did it first try although had tried the direct many times. Really fun.

Mar 30.º Mayo 2023 - Pierce's Creek
Laurel Camp Rd Tumblers
V5 Brown Trousers Arete — 2 intentos Búlder 5m Clásico
Flashed up to the lip but chickened out without a spotter. Took the plunge. Went okay the next shot with some more mental grit.

Lun 24.º Abr 2023 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline The Grotto Proper
19 Alien Space Monsters Deportiva 25m, 9 Muy buena
Interesting position on the arete. There are a couple of no fall zones on this.

17 L'Arch Deportiva 16m, 5 Muy buena
Interesting movement and features

24 Belgian Tourists — 2 intentos Deportiva 21m Clásico
Had a great flash attempt and fell slapping for the jug at the end of the crux. This is a superb wall with consistently great movement. (2)

22 Amazon Queens Right Hand (flake) Variant Deportiva 20m Clásico
After falling off the left version I opted for this version for the send. Nice flake feature and still pumpy

23 Amazon Queens In the Avocado Jungles Of Death Deportiva 20m Clásico
Had the option of going out right to the flake or going left into the slightly contrived crux and I decided on the crux. Fell off at the end of the crux just before jug. Balancy. Didn't try this version again but I will come back in the future for the send.

Mar 18.º Abr 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Boronia Point Main Wall (Ferris Cave)
27 Veteran's Affair Deportiva 20m Muy buena
Cool climb but my skin was not ready for the razor blades. Way too sharp for my baby skin.

Lun 17.º Abr 2023 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Junket Pumper Area
27 Wrong Movements Deportiva 20m, 7 Clásico
Did the crux move a few times and re worked the top moves. Felt like I stood a chance of sending this but my skin just wasn't up to it.

Lun 13.º Mar 2023 - Mt Coree area
26 Right Here Right Now Deportiva 10m, 6 Muy buena
Worked out some new beta for the crux move, avoiding some of the small crimpers. It’s on!

26 Weazels Ripped My Flesh Deportiva 8m, 4 Clásico
Such a great climb. Boulder problem on rope with a fun little outro. (4)

Dom 12.º Mar 2023 - Mt Coree area
Mount Coree Wind Wall
19 Jerusalem Deportiva 25m, 8 Megaclásica
One of the best 19's I have ever climbed. Perfect movement the whole way with a bit of spice at times.

18 ~19 Catabolic Deportiva 18m, 7
This is hard. There is a loose rock above first bolt that will fall off soon, and this will definitely need an upgrade at that time.

13 Duro Dance Macabre Deportiva 10m Buena
Great position, average climbing.

Vie 10.º Mar 2023 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Tianjara Falls Indian Head (north) Impressionist Wall
18 Duro Working Woes of a Worried Wombat Deportiva 28m Clásico
Tricky climb, the top corner is amazing rock and hard to read. Really had to think about the movement whilst climbing.

Vie 10.º Mar 2023 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Tianjara Falls Bill James Testimonial Gully
18 Mustard Deportiva 30m, 11 Muy buena
Great position and interesting climbing.

21 Chicken Lips Deportiva 18m, 7 Clásico
What a climb! Diverse movement and great features

17 ~19 Occasional Dream Deportiva 30m, 9
This gets 19 in the guide, I agree. This again is strangely bolted. Starts just right of gilead on an awkward corner feature. Hot in the sun.

18 Gilead Deportiva 30m, 10 Clásico
Great climbing. Far left climb. Strange bolting in this area, hard to follow where the lines go because the bolts dont always follow the obvious climbing. This was probably the best climb on this wall.

Mié 1.º Mar 2023 - Mt Coree area
26 Weazels Ripped My Flesh — 2 intentos Deportiva 8m, 4 Clásico
Amazing climbing. Feeling drained today, but managed to 1 hang it from the crimps at the first bolt all the way to the top.

20 Chilled Left Eyeball Deportiva 10m Buena
Pumpy as a warm up, the sequence isn’t obvious.

Mié 22.º Feb 2023 - Mt Coree area
27 Head on a Stick — 2 intentos - con Dave Cook, Sausage Deportiva 8m Muy buena
Stoked to climb this today, worked out some better beta for the top and then had a great time on the send, feeling in a good zone. Tried hard and came away with the tick! First hard(ish) sport climb in a long while. Climbs way better than it looks (3)

Mié 15.º Feb 2023 - Mt Coree area
21 Duro Flat Head - con william Boult Deportiva 9m Buena
Great movement down low. Stick clipped the second bolt from the ground, I recommend you do the same. Pumped out first try at the top searching for holds. Easily second go

17 ~18 Chilled Right Eyeball - con william Boult Deportiva 10m Medio
I got pumped

27 Head on a Stick Deportiva 8m Buena
Great movement: the jug at the crux is a little wobbly and looks at risk of falling off.

Jue 1.º Dic 2022 - Queanbeyan area
Black Range bouldering Dog Rock
V4 Nuthin But a G Thang Búlder 3m Muy buena
Excellent climb for a short lowball. Crux was the mantle.

V1 ~V2 Soilwork Búlder 2m
Quite fun and tough for a V1

V5 Vato Rat — 2 intentos Búlder 4m Megaclásica
Foot slipped pulling onto the wall. 'Flashed' it after the foot slip. One of the best boulders I have climbed, pure fun with some amazing features.

Jue 24.º Nov 2022 - Pierce's Creek
Laurel Camp Rd Playboy
V4 Ronaldo direct — 2 intentos Búlder 4m
Hard pulling on great, although, manufactured holds.

V6 Fácil #17 Ronaldo Búlder 3m Muy buena
Found the last move to be the hardest. Cramped start for my height.

V4 #16 Búlder 3m Buena
V0 #14 Búlder 3m Medio
V0 #13 Búlder 4m Medio
Mar 30.º Ag 2022 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Betty Blue Area
21 A Day at the Beach Deportiva 15m, 6 Clásico
21 Vague Flake Deportiva 15m Buena
Undecided if I like this or not

23 Black Beddy Deportiva 8m, 3 Muy buena
Hard crux! Took some whips

23 Still Life Deportiva 10m, 4 Megaclásica
onsight to second last move, went wrong way and fell. Went smoothly second go. What a climb!

26 Still Life With Chalk Bag Deportiva 20m Clásico
Had a play on this after sending Still Life. Got all the moves okay, linking them would be another story. Might come back!

Mar 30.º Ag 2022 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Vine Wall
22 Donkey Dong Deportiva 20m, 10 Muy buena
Great steep pulling. Bit much for a warm up but managed to find the right sequence.

Mar 23.º Ag 2022 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Cheesedale Cheesemonster Wall
24 Wham Bam Thankyou Maam Deportiva 8m, 4 Clásico
Tried again at the end of the day. Could barely pull the moves.

Mar 23.º Ag 2022 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek South Central
26 Red Baron Deportiva 10m, 4 Clásico
For a short route it packs a punch! Thought I was in for a chance on the second go but managed to give myself a terrible calf cramp at the third bolt. Looking forward to trying this again.

23 Art Is Fucked Deportiva 8m Medio
Hard! Not inspiring

Mar 9.º Ag 2022 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V6 V5 Kickin' like a Boss Stand Búlder 5m Clásico
First try today. Tried the sit start as well but kept on falling off the last move. Its surprisingly far harder as a sit.

Dom 24.º Jul 2022 - Gibraltar and Corin Road
Corin Road Bouldering George's Boulder
V6 The Tower Búlder 4m Clásico
Second go. Top out was damp and a bit scary but we had plenty of pads. Nice arete climbing!

Mar 19.º Jul 2022 - Pierce's Creek
Laurel Camp Rd Sushi Row Roe
V0 Herring Búlder 3m Medio

V3 Pickled Herring Búlder 4m Ni te molestes
Sharp and awkward

V7 V5 Salmon Búlder 5m Clásico
Apparently a hold has ripped off in the middle. I think it is about V7 now. Sent in about 15 minutes, second shot from the ground. Great moves and solid rock compared to the rest of the area.

V5 Shark's Arete Búlder 3m Medio
Moved left once my hands were on top of the boulder, couldn't find any holds straight above.

V4 V5 Hake Búlder 2m
Not a dyno if you are over 6 foot.

V6 Elephunk Búlder 4m Buena
Great feature but sharp and crumbly rock. Second shot. Grunty and awkward at times.

Sáb 25.º Jun 2022 - Queanbeyan area
Black Range bouldering Main Area
V3 Alien Craft Búlder 5m Buena
Took a couple of goes to get the bunched and powerful start.

V1 UFO ridge Búlder 3m Medio
V8 Zac's Arete Búlder 5m Megaclásica
Does not get much better than this! Had every intention of flashing it but had to settle for a third shot send. Took about 10 minutes to work out. Quality moves on quality rock in a quality location!

Mié 15.º Jun 2022 - Pierce's Creek
Eastern Area Grand Royale
V8 V8/9 Madame Lash Búlder 7m Megaclásica
Perfect crimping on great rock in a beautiful location, what more can you ask for? This one went down in under an hour. I tried the different moves for a warm up and then managed to climb it third shot from the ground. V8 for me

Vie 10.º Jun 2022 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area Cohiba Fundamental Sector
V10 Fundamental Búlder 3m Megaclásica
Amazing line with perfect power moves. Such a pleasure to climb. 4 sessions. Love the cool winter weather m.

Jue 9.º Jun 2022 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area Cohiba Animal Train Sector
V0 Chicken Run Búlder 2m Buena
Loose rock.

Jue 9.º Jun 2022 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area Cohiba Chicken Fingers Sector
V0 2. Búlder 3m Buena
Nice feature.

V3 Apogee Búlder 6m Buena
Sharp traverse on slopers and then high top out.

V2 Jiffy Park Búlder 5m Muy buena
Tricky mantle and than sketchy friction slab.

Jue 9.º Jun 2022 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area Cohiba Fundamental Sector
V2 Sea Jerky Búlder 4m Buena
Hard move to pull on with no feet.

V2 George of the Jungle Búlder 2m Medio
Some bad rock. No feet.

Mar 3.º Mayo 2022 - Gibraltar and Corin Road
White Horse Rocks
27 The Abel project (Closed Project) Clásica 20m Clásico
Had a play on top rope with ryans permission. This will be committing and hard! Did all the moves but I don’t think I will ever have the courage to try it on lead haha.

24 Blue Velvet - con Ryan Macpherson Clásica mixta 20m, 4 Clásico
First time placing gear in about 10 years, felt great to re learn the skill. Had a decent onsight attempt but muddled up the top crux sequence. Found a flow moment second shot and climbed it smoothly. Incredible movement with some technical movement. Thanks for the day out Ryan.

Jue 14.º Abr 2022 - Queanbeyan area
Black Range bouldering The Hill
V7 Roof Raider Left Búlder 2m Muy buena
Took me a few shots to figure out the beta; ended up using a toe hook out left to grab the arete. Grunty and powerful on good holds.

Jue 14.º Abr 2022 - Queanbeyan area
Black Range bouldering Upper Main Area
V5 Thumb Meat Búlder 3m Muy buena
Climbs pretty well! I used different beta for the crux. I think V5 is fair. Sharp!

V8 The Mojo Connection Búlder 3m Clásico
Classic Boulder. Tried it last week at night and got rained out. Today I figured out the beta and then sent it first try from the start, just… bit of a fight and quite messy and was surprised to find myself at the top. One of my favourite Canberra boulders.

Mar 5.º Abr 2022 - Queanbeyan area
Black Range bouldering Upper Main Area
V5 Mr Mojo Búlder 3m Clásico
Excellent movement. Flashed as a warm up.

Sáb 19.º Mar 2022 - Mt Coree area
Lost Vegas Main walls
23 Spliff Odyssey Deportiva 32m Muy buena
Some hard to read sections. No chalk which made it an interesting onsight.

19 Cupola Deportiva 25m, 12 Clásico
One of the more interesting 19's I have ever climbed. Scary and adventurous,

21 Sugar Rhyme Deportiva 32m Muy buena
Awesome movement, shame about all the ledges.

21 Loosen Up Children Deportiva 25m, 10 Muy buena
Some great moves on this!

22 21 Madame Shelley Deportiva 12m Buena
Fell off the start first go, lowered and then sent. 22 in my opinion. Tough crimping

Mar 15.º Feb 2022 - Canberra
Mount Mugga Mugga The Irish Block
V8 Factor B Búlder 3m Muy buena
Climbed this by starting with both hands on the downwards 'fang' starting hold. Definitely a lot easier using the new beta rather than how the FA completed it. I might even be inclined to call this V7 but don't feel experienced enough to make that call. Climbed this in about 15 minutes on a hot, humid morning. Very fun movement.

V3 Pet Rock Búlder 7m Muy buena
Second go. Foot slip first shot

V1 Lock Stock Búlder 3m Medio
V3 Pet Rock Direct Búlder 3m Muy buena
Very close to the start of Factor B, but climbs nicely.

V6 Training Wheels Búlder 3m Muy buena
Took a little while to figure out first move. once I got the heal hook sorted it was ok. Took about 15 minutes to sort out.

V1 Razor Girl Búlder 2m Medio
Vie 11.º Feb 2022 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks The Practice Boulder
28 Liquidation Deportiva 11m, 4 Clásico
Amazing movement. Tough crux move from a strange slot. Completed all the moves.

Mié 12.º En 2022 - Cozy Corner
The Northern Beauty's
12 Equanimity Clásica 12m Muy buena
Great crack climbing. Solo

V1 The Illusory Self Búlder 3m Muy buena
8 The Bridge to Compassion Clásica 12m Muy buena
Amazing rock! Solo

V0 The Stoic Path Búlder 5m Muy buena
Mié 12.º En 2022 - Cozy Corner
Heart Beat blocks
14 Transforming Negative Emotions Clásica 12m Muy buena
Solo first ascent, looks like there would be some good gear. So much fun! Great rock.


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 2,189 ascensiones.

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