
攀登 in Sugarloaf as Tick by Brandon Workman

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Showing all 6 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 路线质量
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Sugarloaf
5.11b Thriller off the Void 混合传统攀岩 20m, 3
5.11b Thriller off the Void 混合传统攀岩 20m, 3
lean left, crux comes around the 2nd and third bolt, I had a nice foothold with one foot and a little smear with the other and up to a nice jug.

5.10c Hot Wire 传统攀登 18m
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
5.10c Hot Wire 传统攀登 18m
5.10c Hot Wire 传统攀登 18m
Great warmup. After the roof which is pretty straight forward, feel around on face holds for the good ones. Make sure you double up the pro where you can get it because through the face moves your a bit above your piece

5.11b Block and Tackle 传统攀登 18m
Funky burly roof, very first hand jam is tricky to move off of, a little polished and slippery. Then undercling and step over and make a long reach for the horn like thingy which is good, rest, place a piece and thump through the last bit then easy slab to the top. Packs a punch for such a short climb


Showing all 6 攀登.

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